Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

THEATTORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS Aun~l~~~.T~xae PRICE DANIEL ATTORNEYGENERAL Swtsrber3, 1949 Isea. Bebert 8. Celrert opla1en lo. r-895 Ccmptr6Ll* efpr)lir, hesoount8 Capitol Station Bes Cautructia of ILB. AU8t4.a, TexafJ lo. 103s A8tn 51rt bg18latum. braP Stir lieforonce ir uade to pow rque8t for 88 epin- low, the urterlrl m of’Miloh reulr ae f’ollques %eetim !5 oft t!ke abme-m8mthned bill b8 pau by the applf- Pwite8 ln part ar bQ pat4 to the BoaPd ho flaor ,448 appiio+- ‘Doe8 the above quoted Pan$oage o@mtl- tuto an approprlatfew fop the we and berm- tit of the Bmrd ror a two eaP pepled fmm the effwtlvo dato of tha b 3 11, uad %8 the C~tX'Ollel' 8tlthOrirOd to ifMU UaPlPUt agaiast Tim &X8%0 Science &ulnatlon had rlthout 16~~ 8p8Oifie 8ppPopPiatfti?* - . Hoa. Hobdrt S.’ Cairo*, page 2 (V-895) Eewe Bill Ilo. 103, Acts Fifty-Sirat Legisla- ture, became effective Ap~ll 28, 1949. It creates a State Board of Examiners in the Basic Sciences, conslst- 11% of six members; preecribee their power8 and duties, laoludlag that of conducting exaalnatlons of appU.e8ate Sor a cePtiSlcate’ bf profloien~~ ,in the,~scienaee named In Section 1 thereof; and it preclcrlbe8 the issuance OS rueh certificates t6 those applicants Sound by the Board to be entitled thereto. Section 4 of the Act in port provide8: @Each menbell of the Board shall be paid .%n Dollara ($10) per day for each day active- ly engaged.in~the dischsrge of his duties, and the time spent fn going to and returning Srom meetings of the Board shall be Included in wlptlag such time. In addition to this peg diem, each membeP-of the Baard shall receive expenses incurred while actually e-aged in the performance OS the duties of the Board. The Secretary and Treasurer shall each be requlPed to execute a bond in the 8148 OS Ten Thouoand Dollar8 ($lO,OOO). f’Or the fialt&fUl perfcwmamee of his dutle8, payable to the State of Texar. The premix of 8uch bonds 8ball be paid out of fee8 Pecefved, The of- floe of the Board shall be fn the State Capl- tol, and quarters for that OSSice shall be assigned by the State Board of Control In the Capitol building, OE macothec bulldIn@ ocoopled by the State 0overnment,, where Its permanent record8 clhall be kept*- In Attorney QenePaf Oplafo~ Ho. V-887, dakd Aug. 17, 1949, addres8ed to Eon, J0 B. &Donald, Car- missioner of Agriculture, a eop~ OS which is eaelorcbd herewith, this office expPer~re4 the opinion tlkat the I..: gpHF gh8 lart p”“f”““” of So&Ion 6(f) 20, Acts 518 beglalature, coa8tl- tuted a valid appropriation of the money eolleatod ua- der the provlalons of the Aot by the ConfsrloaeP of Agrloultare for the purpose8 rtated therein fer 8 per- iod of two yeara, beginning June 23, 1949, the effective date of the Act, and ending June 22, 1951. “~1~ _, ‘a.‘F Yhe provisiotis of Section 5 of Houre Bill moo. 103, quoted In youP Pequemt, ape In 110 taterial respect different Srom the pPoii8ioar of the la8t paPwaph of . - Hon. Robert 3. Calvert, page 3 (V-895) Section 6(r) of Eouae Bill Ilo. 420, Rach clearly evi- dences the intention of the Leglelature to make an ap- propriation of all the moneys collected under the re- spective Aote for a period .of two yeara. The authorl- ties cited in Attotiey General Opinion fo. N-887 are also applicable to your question. . There&e, It 16 the opinion of this office that Section 5 of House Bill 80. 103, Acte 51et Legle- lature, constltuterr a val%d apprgprlation OS the See.9 which~ the State Board of ExamInera i&l the l3a8lc Sclen- ces are authorleed to collect ander the Act, for the pU?pO8es therein stated, for a period of two rear8 be- glaaWg April 28, 1949, and eadlng April 27, 1951. S-Y Hou8e Rfll lib. 103, Acts 51st Legilr- lature, made a lee8 ,co&l*ibi@ 2’: Board oi E&miners in the Basio Selencea Lh.J+a@l h-$&4 BwBrmra BY Brwe W. Bwaat Aertatant