Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Hon.aeo. w. cox, M.D. 0plnlon Ro. v-891. State Health Officer Departman+.of Raalth Ren The necessity for a oount~ Austin, Texas and city health offlaer t(~ take a new oath of 0rfio6 and file COIPJof hi8 ap- polntrdnt and oath with the State Health Department up- Bear sir: 033reappolnixmast. Rafmaaoa is aade te hour roqnest for an opin- ion relating to city and ooumtj health officers' filing new oaths of offioe and csplas of appolntmnt with the State board of Health every two years, wherein JQU prs- 8ent the fO11QWtig qUe8tiO.W~ "(1) Is It mandatory that the county health officer, if re-appointed,file a nm? oath of offlea and oopy of appointmentwith the State Board of Health every two yeam, or would the filing of the orlglnal oath of of- fice and oopy of appointmentcomply with this Article.' "(2) Ir it mandatory that the city health lfflcar, if rs-appointed,file a new uth sr ofrice md copy of appointmentwith the State Board of Health every two ~eara, or wwla the rlllng of the ortglnal oath of of- flee and aopy of appointmentcomply with this Alelcle." Article 4423, V.C.S., is a8 follovns "The comaIselona8 court bi a magorlty vete ln oath opganlzed county shall biumlal- X7 appoint a proper per8an for the office of oeunty health offloor for his oounty, who riall held office for two years. Said can- tj hralth officer 8hall take and subscribe to the efflclal oath, and ahall file a CQ~J of -oh oath amd a copy of his appolntmontwith the Tmaa State Board of Health; end, until ruoh copier are 80 filed, said offloer shall Hon. ho. W. Cox, MI.D.,page 2 (V-891) not be deemed legally qm?Ufied. Compensa- tion of said county health officer shall be fired by the conmdssloners court; provided, that no compensationor salary shall br al- lowed except for services actually rendered." Article 4425, V.C.S., Is as follovsn "The governing body of peachlncorpopat- ed city and town within this State shall elect a qualified person for the o?fice of city health officer by a majority of the votes of the governing body9 except In cities which aa;r be operated under a chapter providing for a differentwthod of selecting city physfolans, in which event the office of cltr health offl- cer shall be filled as is nox.filled by the city physician,but in no lnstanco shall the office of city health officer be abolished. The city health officer, after appointment, shall take and subscribe to the offlolal oath, and shall file a copy of such oat&and a copy of his appointmentwith the Texas Stat. Do-d of Health, and shall net be deemed to Lo legal- ly qualified until said cop108 shall have been so f11e& The Aaotlolesin question con%mmplatethat a county health offices shall hold office for two years and a city health ofSleeP shall be elected fop a term of two gears. Inaannmh as the tenure of offioe Is for two years, the constmactlonplaced upon said Articles by this offloe la that the oouu%y and ofty health offl- cer must take and 8ubsePlbe to the offfclal oath ev@g two years and shall fflo the same tog&hap tith a copy of their appointmentswl%h the Texas Stats Boapd of Bealth. Ssctlo~ 179 Article XVI of the Comtitutlon of Texas provides: "All officemJwithin this State shall continue to perform the duties of thel~ of- fices until thhei~successorsshall bo duly qualiflod," This seotfon has besn held applloable te a city health offleek and that such offlcw Is lntltlod to continue fe office and pePfoFnthe duties thereof Hon. Qeo. W. Cox, H.D., PICT.3 (v-891) after hl.8sucoessor has been elected, legally a olnt-' ed and quaXlfied. Black v. Lambbrt, 235 S.W. 7it (Tu. Clv. App. 1921, error ref.). The 8ame tie is appll- cable to county health officers. However, Articles 4423 and 4425 contemplatethat when a oounty health officor or a city health officer Is reappointedat the explratlen of his term of office that he shall "take and subsarlbe to the offlclal aath of effieo and shall Silo a copy of suah oath and a copy OS hla appeiatmt with the Texas State Board of Health." The Le lslaturo made tho'fillng of these ooplea with the !8 tate Board of Ifealtha conditionpre- cedent to the qualificationsof county and city health officers, evidentlyfor the purpose of enabling the Board and Its executivehead, the State Health Officer, to~know at all times the names of all the county and city health officers within the State. Other statutes disclose the Importance of such informationto the Board and State Health Officer. In answer to your questions you are advised that the statutes oontemplatethat a county or city health officer will take the prescribed official oath eM forward a subsoribed copy thereof, togother with a copy of the order of appointment,to the Texas State Board of Health. Such health officers are reputable physicians and interested In the public health of the people ef this State, and they vi11 undoubtedlycooper- ate with you ln this matter when they are advised that such proaedure is to be followed. SUMWARY The county health OfflaeP aad the oity health offioer who are reappointed should take and aubsorl@eto the offioial oath ov- cry two years and file copies thereof, to- gethor with oopies of their orders of appoint- ment, with the Texas State Board Of Health. Yours wry truly, ATTORHBY @tlNERALOF TEW3 BWmurbh