~~%~A~oRNEY GENERAL, OFTEXAS July 28, 1949. . Hon. Roy fi. Bill Opinion lo. V-866. County Attorney Runnels County Ren Propriety of calling ooneollda- Ballingor, Texae tion election upon petition filed under Art. 2806 by rest- dents of a “dormant” di#triot a8 dofined in Art, VIII, S. 1). Dear Sir a 116, Aots Slat Legislature, We refer to your r,eoent inquiry a8 to the au- thority of a "dormant" rohool distrlot (aa def'#.ned in Artlole VIII, 5. B, 116, Aot8 of the slat Legislature, 1949, and a8 oonetrudQ in 'opinion V-856 a copy of which is enoloeed) to petition for consolidation with a oon- ti oua mhool distriot,oprrstlng itr mohoolr and the auEt orlty OS a ooumty judge to call ruch lleotien under Article 2806, V.C.S. The Pourth paragraph of Article VIII, S.B. 116, read8 as followst "The provlsiens herein for the aenaoli- datlon of school dlatrlots by order of the county Board of Truetees 8halL be applloable only in the lnrtanors and olraumtances hrro- Article XII, the repealing olause of S,B, ll.6, repeals only those law8 which are Sn confliat with thle newly enaoted rtxltute. Th\sa, by virtue of the prov$.- rlone 81 Artlole VIII quoted and Artiole XII, Article 2806 and other applioable rtatuter en eleotions for ema- solidation and statutes on annexation have not been re- pealed; they me in Pull force and effeat unless Article VIII ot S.B. 116 oonf'llcts therewith. We have already stated in our Opinion Ro. V-855 that we believe the primary purpose of Article VIIr, when Hon. Roy L. Hill, page 2 (V-866) considered along with all provisions OS S.B. 116, 5s to provide a more expeditious method of abollshlng dor- mant’ sohool districts (as therein defined) and to re- qulre their consolidation “with an adjoining district or districts .” Further, it is to provide a better arrange- ment of applicable situations for the revenue purposes of S.B,, 116 and to simplify the law governing the rais- ing and dlsposltlon of school funds to finance this new Foundation School Program. That the Legislature ha8 the powur to ao provide for the abollshlng of dormant sohool districts 5n the manner set out in Article VIII 5s sup- But we do not construe Article VIII as provld- lng the exclusive manner by which dormant districts shall be oonsolidated with an adJoInIn& dfstrfct or dis- tricts, We have held that such dormant” districts must be oonsolldated, Sqr rticle VIII expressly so “author- izes md requires. OpYn5on V-855) . However, the above quoted paragraph of Article VIII further sxpresaly prov54es that the dormant district consolidation proc,e- dure therein prescribed “shall not be construed to . . . limit any existing statute pro$idlng e methods of school district consolidation, Article 2806 Is an existing statute providing one other method of school district consolidation. Shoum advise herein that Article VII3 provides the only and exclusive method whereby dormant sohool dla- trlats, as therein defined, may be consolidated, we would, in effect, hold that the authority granted to schaol distrIcta and the county judge in Article 2806 ia 15m5trd by and subdect to ;4he provls5ons of Article VIII 5naoSar as such dormant school districts may be involved o Suoh a construction would do violence to the underscored provisions of Article VIIIi OS course, where a county school board oonroll- dates a “dormant” district as provided in Artlale VIII& that 58, passes its order to that effect, the “dormant dlstrlot has been abolished by such action. Kermit 1.9. z!&i&&$~ supra, at page 722. Such arm s ed y consol54ation no longer exists to act under Artlole 2806. .,- Bon, Roy L, Hill, Page 3 %V-866% But IS, prfop to pasea e of a OoiWj board oon- solldation order as provided In f rtlole VIII, such a dormant district acting under Article 2806 SlleB the re- quired proper petlt5on wfth the aouiity judge, the rules applicable to co-ordinate jI.u?58d5ot5~ attaoh, lnvest- 5ng the couuty judge with exoluslve jurlsd5otPon and the m5nlstsrfal duty to call the oonaol54atfon eleotlon re- quired In Artlcl Baker, 120 Tex, 307, ?3z=7D5st0 Ho: 11 X” lY3y-(Tex cric qipa 1 CommonSchool Diet,, , error GTZi7r”r.i f’rom and dur the tfme p~lofo consol54at5on pPooeo45ngs under Artlole“2 806 are Sfrst fnitfated and enbing, the County school board would have no jur584iot Pon to Wt sx matters affecting the status of a aehool 45strlat so La- volvrd 0 However, sheuld tho slectlon called puvsuamt to Article 2806 rail to oarry, then the county bear4 would be at liberty to consol5date safd dormant” dls- trlct with an a4jofnlhg dfstpfct OF distvfcta under Ar- tfcle VIII, S,B, 116, A “dwm8nt’ sohool 42st~Oot a0 d@Siosd in Art5010 VIII, S,B, 116, Acts 51re Logisla- turo, may bu aoasel54a&r4 wfth an adgolm3.q dlstmlct or d5stP5ots by osnpl5amo wfth PPO- visions OS Artlole 2806, V,C,S, Snoh Art,lolo VIII 4oes not prescribe,,the excfuslve method f%~~~snsol5datlon of a donant sohosl dls- c Where oensolf4at5on preaee45.48 em fn- itfated by SW5ug a propor petitlen wfth the county ju4ge as required 5n Article 2806, prior to oonsol54at5on OS the “dormant” distrlot by the oounty sohool bard undsr HOG, ROY L. ~1, page 4 (V-866) ArticleVIII, S,B, 116, the oowty ju@e must call the electionfor consolOclatfon rmplred by Artiole2806* Yours very truly, ATTORNEY CU!BERAL OF TEXAS
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion