Your requort is an opinion ir a8 iolZsrrr
“Aovvrdi8g to ieforaationreceived br
thlr office, San&e Bill 92 has beon prarsd bl
t&o Sonat. and House by txo-thiMr PL o8iti.8
d by the Bovermm Juan 6 1949, at
%% ,sn the Aot bocau ~rfw&i~~.
“Thir Bill authorirer the ComQmlona~@
wt al each eountJ, when Fa their ju@mmt
the iinaacial aoaditicm 01 the 5ornrQ red tk
SW48 Of th0 oif106l'8 urd tBII@lO~O~8 jU8tq
tbu laOroa8e, to lnorrse the cmapenaatieaof
O~URty,~&i8tdat axid pZWOinot Offi5Or8 f.D aU
t Rot to exceed twentpfire per cant
ef the man allowed for the fisoal J-
and to lnoroase the aompeosatloyof Maa
1*8, aSSiStantS,ad eUp107888 Of 8aib%
am in an amount not to exorsd thlrtp
fivefl4Br cant (35s). The hot does not, how-
@OF, 9,qwbeidly authorize an amendrent of tkie :
l?~et~La #raer to put into dfeot the salary
"We rerpe5ttullyrequest BP opinfoa *en
$8UF Vff%O~ OXIthe fOliOWing @68tiOR, to-Wits
&XL Wllllam f. Hon8loy, page 2 (M57)
~Blll92 provldra:
"Section 1. The Commla8lonerrs CotWt tr
each county of this State 18 heraby authvelw4,
when in their judgment the financial oaditlu
or the county and the needs of thr offlaw
justify the lnoreaao, to entor an order in-
creasing the oompensatlonof the pealnot,
county and district offlcsrr, or either of
them, in an additional amount not to exoeed
twenty-five (25%) per cent of the 8um allowed
under the law for the flf5calyear o? 1948,
whether paid on fee or salary basis; provided,
however, the members of the CommIssIonerr
Court may not raise the salaries of a& of
suuh Comlsslone~e Court under the terns of
this Act without raising the salary o? the re-
maining county offlclals ln like proportion.
"Sec. 2. The Commlrtsloners Court In eaoh
county of this State la hereby authorized,
when In their judgment the financial condition
of the county and the needs of the deputies,
assistant.8and clerks of any district, county
or preclnot officer justify the Increase, to
enter an order Increasingthe compenaatlonof
any such deputy, aaaletant or clerk ln an ad-
ditional amount not to exceed thirty-five (35s)
per cent of the sum allowed under the law for
the fiscal year oi'1948.
"Sea. 3. All of such officers who were
paid on a fee baa16 during the fiscal yeas of
1948, and who are now to be paid on a salary
basl8, shall be pald en annual salary in twelvr
(12) equal Installmentsof not lea8 than the
total 8um earned 88 oompensatlonby hir in his
official aapaoity for the fiscal year of 1935,
and not more than the maxlmrUnsum allowed maoh
officer under the lawslexisting on August 24,
1948, together with the twenty-five (25%) per
oent increase allowed by this Act within the
discretion of the CommlesionersCourt.
"Sem. 4. Before the Commls8iomerrCourt
shall be authorizedto ahange the salaxy of
the pubala o?fiolalr povided for in th%8 Aot,
raid Comt shall publi.shat least onoe a rook
EO8.Willlam A. m.Isloy, pago 3 wlwr)
rw three (3) oohsocutlvowooks In a i¶bV8~~
In the rospoctlve oounty, notloo 6f their in-
tonticn to uko oho8gos of salarZo8 0r tho80
"sco..5. The ~ovi8lon8 of this Act 8hL1
be oumlatlvo of all other law8 portalning to
8~6WfO8 Of OOURtJ Sad prO5inCt OfffdSPS snd
their? dOpUti~8 and aS8iStSntS.
l . .
‘985. 7. The fact that the 508t of llv-
lng Is rising and the purchasing power of the
dollar Is docroaslng,and that wages md sal-
aries in private lndustrj have increased to s
an extent that public Of?iCOr8 and Ollt@OjOS8
continue In their offices at a sacrlflco In
6banyinstances;and tho further rS0t that an
amendment to the Texas Constitutionadopted
In 1948 provided that all rhorlffs and tholr
doputlorrshall be paid an annual salary; snd
the fact cf the crowded ccnditicm of the oal-
emdar, create an emergency end en Imperative
pub115 nOOOS8itJ that the CcnstltutlonalBulb
roqulrlng bills to be read op three several
da78 In oaoh Hou8e be 8wpond.d; and s&Id
Rule IS haobj 8US~Ol3dOb, UIII thf8 Aot 8hs11
take bir00t and be In for00 fror end after it8
p88Sag0, aud it 18 SO mRtbt6d.*
It was held in Attoraoj t3enma1'8 Opinion8 lo8.
v+ti8+v-&03 ip5998+Ui?43 +l’tiOlO 1666, v,c.s., 58
amoadod by lioosoIS111240, Acts of the 49th L8
et 8&&S hudng tiii year to a brd-
I;otof %?&naban 3 fund but mo 8USh transfer shall la-
orba the total OS the b&got.*
The abovo qw+tod pcrtion of the budg8t Statuto
18 rratappll~blq to fcur lnqulq, and la vlow o?.eur
ho%&.Bl#8in the above 0pln10n8 the rbmeiEu QUO8tlOlb
ior QurdrtmmlIlatlonis whether Sbnatb "35g28mOaaS
b$ ~liSrtlon tho p~'~~l8101~8of AFtlola 1666 io 80 iar
Ron. w1111am W. RbmlOY, page 4 (v-857)
a8 It concerns salary lncrea806 la aooorilamcb vith the
p~ovlslons of Senate Bill 92 for the remaMbr of the
year, 1949.
The grant of an express power by the LeglsU-
tire alves with It bs neceasam lmlloatlon OvbrY othor
power-necessaryand iroper to ixeciztion of the p-over
expressly granted. Terre11 V. Sparks, 104 Tax. 191, 135
S.W. 519 (1911); Moon v. Allred, 277 S.W. 787 (Tax. Clv.
App. 1925, writ dv
In view of the clear and unamblgnouslanguage
of Senate Bill 92 it Is our opinion that It was the in-
tention of the Legislature to grant to the Comisslon-
eP8' Court of every county the express powsr to allow
the salary increases provided therein on the effective
date of said Act. Since the Comt~Lsslone~s~ Court of
Bexar County haa the express power to raise the salary
of Its county officialsvlthln the limitationspre-
sclrlbedtherein, It Is our opinion that the Comlsslon-
era' Court has the implied power to do those things neo-
essary and proper to effectuate such salary lncrbasesr
to-wit, amending its 199 budget to the extent of pro-
viding for such increases as it smy determine to be nec-
essary In accordancewith the provisions of Senate Bill
92, Acts of the 51st Legislature.
The Commiaslone~s~Court of Bexar County
under the provlslona of Senate Bill 92, Acts
of the slat Legislature,has the implied au-
thority to amend Its budget,,f& 1949 ~tothe
extent to effectuatesalary lncrbases it is
allowed to make under the express prOVi8iOM
of Senate Bill 92.
Yours very truly,