Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

THEA~TORNEYGENERAL OFTEXAS AUWTINH.%-EXAE PRICE DANIEL ATTORNEYGENERAL April 28, 1,949 Mr. S. C. MoIntosh, Director Gas Utilities Divlsi~ Railroad Commission of Texas Austin, 'l!sxas Opinion No. V-817 Be: The authority of the,Rall-, road Commlssion'to requlrb that installers of butane squipmont carry product8 liability insurance. Dear Mr. McIntosh: Your letter requesting the opinion of the At- torney General on the above question reads as follows: AI would like to call .OW$rttentlon to the second paragraph of,,Sect ion 11, Article 6053, as amended, V.A.C’iS., which prescribes the'Lnsurance.that the'lloefisee, ynder the Kct, muat obtain. It ha6 bbep. tile policy 0r this Division in the paet'to~requlrb the li- censei3 to carry tlprse separate polioles; namely: llbrkmefi~s Compensatlon,,Manufactur- errs land Ccmt+actorts Publla Liability Andy Automobile Bodily Injury and Property Damage.' We felt that these-three types of .policies qere necessary in order to protect the am- ployees of the licensee and the public et large under the ab6ve, mentioned SsQtion of the above mentioned Article. "It will be.grsatly appreolated by me iS yffur office would rsndor 8n opinion as to whether or not we a+e in a position to flurther require Products Liability Insurance under the above mentioned Section and.Artlcle., Products Liability Insurance would insure the licensee for any acoident that might occur due to iaul- ty installation of butane equipment fram the time the equipment is installed through the life of the policy." Mr. S. C. McIntosh, Page 2 (V-817) Seotion 11, Article 6053, V.C.3: reads, ln part, as follows2 “In addition to the ,bond her&n required, such licensee shall be obligated to procure frcm some reliable insurance or surety cqupany qualified to do business in the State of Texas, end keep same in forae 80 long as they shall continue in business, a policy of lnsuranoe or surety bond which shall guarantee the payment of all damages which proximately result from any act of negligence, while engaglng,in any of the activities as herein provided, on the part of said licensee, their agents and em- ployees, to both the employees of said licensee and also to the publio generally ,said policy or bond to be in the. s= of not less than Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars for perscoal ln- jury for any one acoident, and not less than Five Thousand ($5,000&O) Dollars for property damage for any one accident. Provided that this seotion shall not be applloablo unless and until suoh bonds or pofloiesr of iaauranoe are available for purohase end further pro- vided that such bonds or policies of insurance shall be approved by the Railroad Conanlssion of Texas.” Section 6 of Article 6053 provides that the Railroad Commission shall have “full power and authority to adopt and promulgate such rules and regulations as shall be reasonably necessary to carry out the purpose of this Act and for the proteotion, help, welfare and safe $ of the public and persons using such materials. . . . It is noted that all lioensees under the pro- visions of.,Artiole 6053 are obligated to procure and maintaln a polioy of lnsuranoe or a surety b,ond which shall guarantee the payment of all damagrs to both the employees of the licensee and also to the pub110 gen- erally which proximately result from any aot of negli- gence on the part of said licensee, their agents and employees, while engaging in any of the aativlties pro- vided in the 8tatute. You state that the Products Ma- bility Insurance would insure the lloense for any ac- cident that might oacur due to faulty ins e allation of butane equipment frapa the ttie the equipment is in- stalled through the life of the policy. Mr. S. C. McIntosh, Page 3 (V-817) It Is evident that damages to the public generally could occur after the completion of Instal- lation of butane equipment, which proximately result from an act of negligence ccmmitted by the licensee, Its agents or employees, while Installing the equip- ment. As you have the authority to promulgate such rules and regulations as shall be reasonably neoes- sary for the protection and safety of the public, It is our opinion that you have the authority to require licensees under the provisions of Article 6053 to pro- cure and maintain Products Liability Insurance. It Is to be expressly understood that we are assuming that the.coverage provided by the Prod- ucts Liability Insurance policy Is not presently pro- vided in any of the three Insurance policies now re- quired. Under the provisions of the statute you could not require dual coverage, as such regulation would not be reasonably necessary. The Railroad Commission of Texas may require licensees under the provisions of Article 6053, V.C.S., to procure and main- tain an Insurance policy or surety bond which would Insure the licensee for any damages occurring after Installation of bu- tane equipment; which proximately resulted from an act of negligence committed by the licensee, its agents or employees, while Installing such equipment. Yours very truly, ATT0QJRYGRNRRALOFTl%XAS DMGrlg