. - . . OlF'~EX:AS AUSTIN,TEXAS JalauaPy 29, 1949 &me JobnC, Bluneh% OpinionRo. V-764. CountyAuditor VictoriaCounty Ret Uaxl.mm compensationof Vietorirs, Texas ComityAuditorwho Is al- so actingas Purchasing Agent for the County. Y00r r0qtmt r0r b110pm0n it3 in part 88 follow%1 "PlemW give me M opinioncov#!mlag the maximumsalary of tha Apditor of Vlc- toria County,who is also sating and pe$- formlngthe dutlm of Put'chaSing Agent, ViotoriaCountyhad a populationof 23,741 lnbabitants saoordlngto the 1940 bederalCensusaml an aseessed valuationoi $33,693,750.00socording to the last approvedtax rolls. 1646 V. C. S. Is themfore applioa- Artlola, blo to Vi&or16 Oountr. It providesa8 followe1 "When the Conmrissioners~ Court OS a oounty . . . shall astsrmfnethat an Audi- tor ir a publicneeesalty. .,. and shell ;nM&e&an order upon the mlnuteeOf said and shall eata suoh order to be ~&&;a to the Dietriot Jwe or Die trir;!Judge@ . . . rrZ4 JuUge or Judges , appointa County Audltor . , . who a&i qualifyand pe~f0x-m all the du- tier requiredof OouutyAuditorsby the lam of this state, and who sball reoelve as compeneatlon for his services as Ooun- County-Itor under the GeneralLaw pro- . . . Eon. John C. BUnchi, page 2 (V-764) vided ln Article 1645a Revised Civil Stat- utes, as said Aptlcle existed on January 1, 1940, such s8lary of the County Auditor to be deter&nod an& fixed by the District Judge OF District Judgea having ju~isdic- Won in the county, a majority thereof rul- ing, said annual salary to be paid monthly out of the genepal fund of the county. In view of the plsln pPoYlsions of AHlcle 1646 the County Auditor canuot be paid a salary in ex- cess OS the +ount "f compe&eatiQn - :+lowed or pa+? the Assessor-Collectorof Taxes." The salary of the Assessop-Collectorof Taxes of Victoria County Is gov- e~ned by Section 13 of Article 39126 V. C. S,, which reads in part as ?ollo~S~ *Bach of said officers shall be paid In money au annual salaryin twelve (12) equal installmentsof not less than the to- tal sum espned as compensationby Nm in his official capacity for the fiscal yeap 1935, and not more then the mexlmum amount allowed such officer under laws existing on August 24, 1935; provided that in counties having population of twenty thousand (20 0007 and less than t ty-seven thou- sad five huntied (3Ts500 accordingto the last preceding Federal Census, and hav- ing an assasad valuation in excess of Fif- teen Million ?$15,000,000,00)Dollars, ao- cording to the last applsovedpreceding tax poll of such county the mexlmum amount al- lowed such officers as salaries may be In- creased one (l$) per cent for eaoh One Million ($1,000,000.00)Dollars valuation OF fractional part thereof, In exaess of saia Fifteen Million ($15,000,000,00)Dol- lars valuation OYQP ana above the maximum allowed such officers undgr laws existing on August 24, 1935; . o , The maximum amount of compensationthat may be allowed the Assessor-Collectorin Victoria IS $4,- 372.50. We arrlva at this fIgWe as follows: The maximum amount allowed u.nde~ArU.clss 3883 and 3891, V. C. S., as they existed.on August 24, 1935, was $3,000.00. Sinoe Victoria County has an -: Bon, John C, Biemhi, page 3 (V-764) assessed valuation of $33,693r750-O0,th County offl- cb 8 may receive an IncreaseOtt$570000 9l* of $3,000,- T 00 l Under the provisions of subdivisiok (a) of Section 13'of Article 3912s the Commissioners?Co t may allow an additional imreass.nst to lreeed 25r of the sum allowed u+dsr the law id* the fiscal year 194bo Since Viotoria County had cuilsseesed valuation in 1943 sf $21,180,340,00,the sum allowed uudsr the law for the county officers in 1944 was $3 210,OO ($3,000#- 00 plus $210,00 OF 7% o? $g,OOO,,oO),irnaersubdivislon (0) of section 13 of Artio1e 3912e the Colmissloners' Court may allow the ceuuty officers en additioual iu- crease of $802.50 (that being 25s of $3 210.00)-, There; fore, the maximum in 1949 is $4,372,50 (base salery of $3,000,00 plus 70.00 increase based on 1948 assessed valuation plus ii02,50 inorease based on 25s of maximum allowed in 1944f We are not luformed whetherthe Tax h~s0~80r- Collectoris actually allowed or paid the maximum Of $4,372.50. If the Assessor-Collectoris paid this amouut, the maximm that may be paid the Count Auditor under the provisions of Avtiele 1646 Would be 34,372.50. If the Assessor-Collectoris paid e sslavy less than $4,372,50, the County Auditor could not be paid $4,372,& but only the amount allowed or paid the Assesaor-Colleot- ore Your question relative to Whether the County Auditoris entltled to additional compensationwhen he a&e as PurchasingAgent for the oouuty is answered by Miggy General@sOpinion lo. O-1338 whevein It le vhe powers snd duties of a County Au- ditor are variously derinsd in Articles 1651 V through 167&a. o ,-'eVowhere is the Auditor authorited to sot as Purohasing Ageat US@P the Texas statute, tl baare is no methcw!l under the statut&*w&eby extra zompensatlon aould be protided for the County Auditor lipon his acting in such additional crapaoityas the PuFchaslqgAgent, . . :- Hon. Johu C. Biauchi, page 4 (V-764) "Therefore,the duty of matingas Pur- chasfng ent, not being preamibed by law, incldeut3 o the office of CountyAuditor,and no additions1 compensationbeing allowable th4refor,you are respectfully adviaed.that it la the opiuloh of this department that a County Auditor, appointed under Articles 1646 and 1647, could not be direoted to aot 8140 in the Ifapaaityof Puruhaslng Agent for the oouuty. SUMMARY The maximum salary which may be paid the County Auditor or Victoria County is that sum which is allowed or paid the Assessor-Colleot- or of Taxes In his oouuty. If the Aasessor- Collector is paid the mamsuin allowedmd4r Article 39120, Section 13, V. C. S., the max- imum salarywhioh may be paid the County Au- ditor would be $4,372.50per annum. Article 1646 V. C.~ S. The County Auditor Is not en- titled to additIona compensationfor acting as PurchasingAgent for the County. Attorney General's Opinion Ro. o-1338. Yours very truly, ATTORRRY GRRERAL OF TEXAS JR:bh h??ROVRD ATTORRRY GRRRRAL