Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

AUcrrrN 11. -ncxAs PRICEDANIEL ATTORWEY GENERAL hue 17* 194s Ron. Roy A. Jon@8 opiulon Ho. V-608 county AtiLttornoy Cnttlo County Re: Proper fund out of Psdueah , Texas whioh the oounty rsp pey fop the hospital ;2"; of It8 indigent 0 Our 81~8 YOU r0pu08t HOP, 8n 0pini0n rr0m this 0tfi00 on:the abwe subjeot matter 18, in pIPts a8 follows% "'Can the Commissioner8Court OS Cottle County, Texas send its indigent 'slokto a pub110 hospital in.the arid aounty ad pay rm their upkeep out or the JuPy Pund w&n thoP8 is no money in the Oener81 fund witi whioh to pay the said hoapitrl billr'? "About two years ago the Comlsslon- OPS Court or this county took over the Rlaha~d'a Blao~lrl Bospltrl\.locatadin the oounty aM limxJthattlmathoy have prld the billr fog all lndlg8nt pbtlents out of OUT GonePal rund. In thin a8nn8~ 8emrrl hundred dollaP8 par month 18 trans- reproa rr0m the t30~0r01run6 to the R08pz- tal fund wlth the romft that the QonePal rund is rlmort gone. *If It ir not lega to pay them bills out of the Ju~y~fund will you rdvirrru8 ii thoro is my ,otherQnd from wbl.ohthey . ny be le#Uly paid? &tiOle 4438, v. 0. 8., pPOViti88 "If thbre is a POLYP ertabllahed publio horpltal in the oounty, the oom- ri88i~~~8 00t8e 8h0ii pr0~id8 r0P 80nd- iry tho indi8ont slek ai tho wxnty to ruoh horplkl. Ii more th4u 0118suoh .- - ._ . 'xon..RoyA. Jon&, PI60 2 (v-m) hOSpita1 CxiStS in ilie COUQtJI thC indi- gent pbti8nt Shall hbVe the right t0 SC- 't$ which one of them he shall be sent . held in &mar Co*ty r. Hana, 157 8.W; all oouuty arptN%lltuml,1bWfUlly math- OPiSod to be *do by a county rrurtbo pria out of th. CCU&J'S gSl¶OFb1 fUXl8 9088 thOPe 18 SOS@ &aW ‘-oh : . B&OS thati b ChbFgS bgbid8t b 85lCOi~ fllB& It l*:noted th8t A+cle 4438, V.C., b ., lp th - out 0r Wh4t ilona thg CrpBnditrrrC is tb p0 ntu. ?.I&00th$S OXpOIMutUPO iS rOP& CoMtJ~pCpO8O UIain ViOW Or the &OidiIig iI BSn cOUDty Ve m, 8U0h OXpUt- ditUP0 8USt be mhde Out Or thCi gOIiOPu iand Or'thO bOUIb tY. . : VIII; s0,&ti+,g~or m stbta c0nrts- ~. tUtiOn, 8 the m rbte Or &LxOS iQP thb VU'iOUS OOlXltitUtiOl3bl fWid8 blld it iS,WOu SOttlOd t&t&t. t$O cO&SSiOWPS' COUPt 08kOt tPqS$OP ISO!iOyrPOr O&W rUS@ t0 tU&OthOP:OP &0nb rOP 6IW @XPpOSO ta*'~dUBf'P&iS- Od orth8ibly. i@'anCtlh".':-AottY. Hill coyiiity, 116 s. W.~35;gOrrr0tl V* Wlw, ~292 f&Ye 504, birirrlng 182“ . . e WO QuOtQ the rOibWiII8 Fiat CaPPOll V. WtilimS8 %Oing tO’th0 P&bf g&St Of th0 Yin iSilK bOrOP6 U8 :SOOtiOS2 9 Ok bPt- iOlC 8 of QzIF?tate ~On8titutlo& SUpb, inhibita m and bll tP4J&IlStOPS Or tU .. money from olu to'anbtheti oi the several Cla&ror 0t run&8 th&vin &rtthOrltSd, bnd, l8 ~~S~QUOnOO, the SX+I$tlt~C, iOP OIIC) .' p\trpOSS.th~Pgin.;der~d~ Or tt3X BOney Pail& ortendlblJf rOP mother atiohPUPPOSS. ThO bre&hti P~POSC in d0 pro8OPlbillg a SOpPh6 ratid tbr Pate fol? ObCh Or th0 Ota8pSi bf &XIi$OSOS thOPe OIUhOPi?4tOd 18, no dqubt, tQ ilmlt, &WUd Of tat'38which rSy the pCOp18, bf taxation, thO8q SeVePbl pIlPp08CSg~ f1480Ss PeS~OtiVOly. 0 uqtinm e snd practical *nd ObVfOU8 dCSl&I and p\lFgOSC t&a legb$. efr8Ct 18 t0 inhibit SXCO88iVC OXPS~ditUPeS rOP Hon. Roy A. Jones, psge 3 (v-608) 8IW SUCh PUPpOCC OP Cl888 6f PUPPOSQS~ By neCesi~ i~tiCbti0l-I Sb1d ~OViSiOU8 of section 9 of art1cl.e8 WOPO designed, not merely to llmlt the tax rate for cep- taln therein designated purpoaea~ but to requfre that any and all money Palsed by tI3X&OII rCC? any SUCh pUPpOE Shall be applied; raithfully, to that particular pUPpOSe, an needed thepefor and not io bliy OthCP pUPpO80 OP USC WhbtSOCVCPa In view or the,r0pCg0ing, it is OUP oplnlon that money expended r0r the )UP,OSC of &vi4 hospital bid to the'indigontSick Of th0 OOUUtJ must be paid out . * or the general fund and no othepF HOSpitb1 aid to the indigent sick of the county =St' be mid ‘out of the ~CnC~bl rund and nb other. SOUPS VorY tPtiy# ATTORNEY QERBRAL OF TEXAS JRrmw APPROVRDs