June 1, 1948
Hon. George Ii. Sheppard
Comptroller of Public Accounts
Austin, Texas
0p1a10a lo. v-592
Re: The legality of expead-
lag State funds to pay
thb Federal Oov&rnmeat
for loss of or damage
to Federal property
assigned to the Texas
Dear Sir: Rational Guard.
Your recent request for an opinion on the
above queetion reads as follows:
“The Fiftieth Legislature made the
follolilllg Approprlatlon:
“‘109. Replacement of, payment for,
repair and rendvatlon of lost and unservlce-
able property, including transportation on
property purchased and transportation on
property turned la by the Texas Rational
Guard units . . . i
“I am now being pre~sented with an ac-
count drawn la favor of the Federal Qovern-
meat to pay for stolen or missing property,
damaged and wrecked truck.
“Please advise if the enclosed accounts,
ln’who$e or part, are a legal charge against .: I !,;.,!i
State funds. U .~.;,
,I. _ j,-. ( ‘,
To your letter of request you at,taB