AUliillN ;a. - PRICE DANIEL ATTOlwEY GEXERAI. March ll’, 1948 Hon. Jamss C. ‘Martin Opinion No. V-518 County Attorney County. of Nueces ‘Re: Auth6rlty to purchase Corpus Christi, Texas and operate a County Tubercular, Hospital from current fUnas. Attention: Hon. Faire8 P. Wade Dear s*r: Your request for an opinion of’thla Depart- ment.relatlng to the establishment of a County Tubarcu- lar Hospital la aubsttintlally aa foll~wgf “I have baea ,eqursfsd by the County Judge of l’iuecea county, Texas, for an opln- ion with regard to the authority of the Com- misaloner.9~ Court to purchase and operate a County Tubercular Hospital ant2 pay all costs out or. current fundd. I “First, ‘is it necesfiry that an elec- tion be held to authorize the eritabliabnient’ of~such a hoapltal where it Is not ‘necessary to Issue. b6+ds -for financing the operation? Second, can the Court appoint a Board of Managers for stia$ hospital? Arti& 4478, V. C. S.; reads, ih park, .a8 fol- 1oVs: “The commissioner8 court of any county shall have power to eatabllah a county hos- pital an& to enlarge any existing hospitals for the c&re an&treatment of persons suffer- ing Prom any lllneps, disease or injury, sub- ject to the provisions of.thls chapter. . . This DepartmenLln codatruing the foregoing statute held that unqualified general power is conferred upon the Commiaslonerst Court to eatabliah asd to en- large hospitals for,county purposee,.although bonds are Hon. James C. Martin, page 2 (v-518) not Issued or contemplated as provided under other Arti- cles of the Title. Opinions Nos. O-4569 and O-6433. Article 4493, V. C. S., is as follows: “Where no county hospital Is now pro- vided for the purpose aforasald, or where such provision: Is inadequate, the commis- slonera dourt of each aounty which may have a. city with a population of more than, ten thousand persons, withln alx months frog the time when such citg:shall have attazlsed such population, such population to be akertaln- ed by such court in anoh manuer as may be de- termined upon resolution thereof, shall pro- vide for the erection of such county hoapl- tal or hoapltals as may be necessary for that purpose, and provide therein a room or rooms, OF wsrd or wards for the care of confinement ci8e8, and a room or rooms or ward or wards for tha temporary care of persons suffering Board of Health for good cause shown. & jees rde’auate funds for the buildinn of said hoen&tal derived from current funds Of the county available for such DLW- a,~ issuance of county warrants and script, the cbmmiasionera court shall submit, either at a special election called for the purpose, or at a regulars election, the ‘proposition of the issuance of county bonds for the purpose of bulldipg such hoapltal. If the proposl- tLon shall fail to receive-a *joPity vote at such election said ~court may be reqtir- ed thereafter at intervals of not lees than twelve months, upon petition of te’n per cent of the qualified voters of said coiinty, to submit said proposition until same shall re- ceive the requisite vote,,authoMting the ls- suance of the bonds. Id. (Emphasis ours) In the case of 03lmpse v. Bexar County, 160 9. W. (26) 996, the cou& cited with approval Artlole Hon. James C. Martin, page 3 (V-518) “‘, 4493, stating: “The order for the band election was passe& by :the E+mmW Count; CommissIonera Court under tiuthoritg of 1 rt~lcle 4493, a $aM ot,Chepeor 5, T&tile 71, Vernoriss Ann. iv, Stats., vhlch is set .out ,in. the mar- &l. “th28 ordeFis necesearlly baaed up- on a iin4ing that the then existing hos- pital faciXitiea ~f?F the treakqnt of tubezWSlos%a patZen,ta we=, ~Qaad~uate. ” AXthough dertaln portions of the Act (Acts 1913 3 rd Leg., Chapter 39, p. 71) which is now Arti- cle 447ifi et aeq. appear vague, nevertheless the same baa been’approvsb &ad followed in Glimpse v. Dexar County, anpra, It ir the opi+kn of thla Department that the provisiona oq the Act are sufficiently broad In bcope to furnlrh authority for Nuecea County to es- tablish a Tbberbuhr &a ltal, pr@?lded the saw is In compliance with &tiole 1 493. Xnaaauch aa rour opinion request refleqts f&e establishment of such a ,hospltal from current funda, the costs far the purohaae would nec- essarily come from the Permanent Improvement Fund, and kh&coa& of the operation and maintenance from the Oen- . Your first question Is answered In the nega- tive inasmuch as Article 4493, V. C. S., authorizes the establishment of a Tubercular Hospital provided adequate funds’ may be derived from aurrent funds and such a flnd- ing la left to the sole discretion of the Commissioners Court as to the adequacy of buoh funds. Article 4479, V. C. S., provides, in part, as f ollowat *When the aommlaaloners~ court shall have: acquired a i&te for such hospital and .&a&l have aw$Med ctentraata for the net* amtry btildlngs .arxl IWproyements t&W?een, it. shall .appMnt 8% neaPdent propeMg t&S- gaylag citizens of Chre county who ahall aon- atltutr a boaF8 of manager8 of oald horpitalr The termof offlae of each *e&er of said board !.shall be two pears, eXeept tbat in maklng the fimt appoiritmente after thls Act Hon. James C. Martin, page 4 (V-518) . takes, effectthree members shall be appolnt- ed for one year and three members for two years ao that thereafter three members of said’ioard will be appointed every two years . . . Under the above statute your second quest$on la ansvered In the affirmative. The appointment of a Board of Managers should be In oompliance with the pro- vision8 of Article 4479, V. C. 9. SUMMARY If the conditions of Article 4493, V. 0. S;, are met, Rueoes County ie auth- orised to purchase and operate a County ‘ihberoular Hospital from ourrens funds, the necessity for the eatabllahment there- of and the adequacy of funds to be Ueter- mined by the Commisslonera~~ Court. Pur- sqant to Artlo&e 4479, V. C. S., a, Roar8 of Managers for such hos’pital mtly be ap- poInted. Articles 4478 and 4493, V.. C. S.; Oll&ae v. Bexar County,160 Si W. ,(Rd) 996. Yours 6*er$truly, A%9!ORIWX’dElyERALOF’TRiCAS Bwmr BS Assistant APPROV&: ziIk&%s& ATTCRREYI3ERRRAL : . . . .’
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion