Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

R-950 Honorable Ceo. H. Sheppard Comptroller of Public Accounts Austin, Texas Opinion MO. V-459 Re: Applicability of occupation tax levied by Art. 7047, Sec. 46, V.C.S. to carbon black manufactured from crude oil. Dear Hr. Sheppard z You state that carbon black is now being pro- duced by “a aethod where there Is used (a) part natural gas and part crude oil, (b) all crude oil, (c) reflner- ies ’ residue.’ Your question Is whether carbon black manufactured by the use of substances other than gas is subject to the carbon black occupation tax levied bg Section 46 of Article 7047, V. C. 5. The mauufaaturing or occu ation tax on carbon black was initiated by Acts 19 6 4$ th Leg., 3rd C. 3., p. 2040, being Article 7047 ( 5 ; but this was repealed and superseded by Article '70479 ( 61, (V.C.S.), being Acts, 1941, 47th Leg., p. 269, Ch. 184. Article XI read- ing in part as follows: “There is hereby levied an occupation tax on every person, agent, receiver, trustee, firm, association, or co-partnership mamfac- turing or producing carbon black in this State, such tax to be as follows: “1. On ‘Class A’ carbon black said tax to be one hundred twent -two twelve hundredths (122/1200) of one (17 cent per pound on all such carbon black produced or manufactured where the market value Is four (4) cents per pound or less, and shall be four and one tenth (4.1) per cent of the value of all such carbon black produced or manufactured where the market value Is in ex- cess of four (4) cents per pound. Honorable Gee. Ii.Sheppard, Page 2 (V-459) OR 'Class B’ oarban black aaid tut t0 be%irtpio~e two hundred fortieths (3l/2&) of one (1) cent per pound on 811 such carbon blrck produced oP n8nuf8ctured where the m8r- ket v8lue i6 four (4) cents per pound or leea, end eh8ll'be five 8nd two tenth6 (5.2) per cent of the vrlue of all rush crrbon black produced or nmpf8ctured where the market value Is In excess~o? four (4) cents per pound. "'Cl886 A' carbon blrck 86 wed In thin Article me8ns carbon bl8ck mum?8ctured or pro- duced by the use o? less than two hundred (200) cubic feet of grs per pound of c8rbonbl8ck. , "'Cl866 B' crrbon black a6 ured In thlr Article aours carbon black manufactured or produced by the use of more th8n two hundred if::! cubic feet of gas per pound of carbon . "Should one (1) or more b? the cl866lfl- cation8 herein be declared for 8ny realon to be discrWln8tory or uncon6tltutloMl or for 8ny re8uon lnv8lld, then there Is hereby levied on all crrbon black nmufoctured or produced In thlr State 8 tu of one hundred twenty-two twelve hundredth6 (122/1200) of one,(l) cent per pound on all crrbon blrck produced or m8nuf8ctured where the rrmrket vrlue Is four (4) cent8 per pound or loso, and 8 t8x of four 8nd one tenth (4.1) per cent of the v8lue of 811 crrbon bl8ck produced or aunuf8ctured wheFc the market value% Is in excem of four (4) cent6 per pound. "(?) The tew 'crrbon bl8ck' 86 herein used Includes all bl8ck pigment produoed In whole or in port from natur@l gas, C88i4- herd gar or residue 086 by the Impinging of a flame upon a ch8nnel dirk or pl8te, 8nd the tax herein tipO8ed shall rerch all products produoed in such m8nner.n @mph8816 OUrS) 'Itwill be noted thrt SubdivIsiOn (S) Just quoted definer carbon black 86 Including "811 blrck pig- ment produced. . . by the impln~ing of 8 fl8me upon 8 cherle81 rh8nnel disk or plate. In the c88e o? Peer- lo66 C8rbon Black Co. v. SheppaM, 113 S. W. (2) 996 SC. C . A., err. ret .), the tucp8yer employed the cylinder method" and contended that It did not f811 Honorable Gee. R. Sheppard, Page 3 (V-459) within the statutory derlnltlon. The Court held that the use of the wo+d~ "includ&s" in the statute was not intended by the,Legislature '$0 exclude carbon black manufactured bitmethods other than the,uae of "a channel disk or plate. -The Court in the course of its ,oplnlon ueed the following language: 11. . . Obviously, the language, "the term "oarbon blaok" as herein used Includes all black pigment produced in whole or In part from natural gas, casing-head gas or residue gas by the lmplngtig of a flame upon a channel disk or plate,' was not ~lntendedto llmitthe language of paragraph (a) which imposed the tax upon 'every person . . . manufacturing or producing carbon black’; but the word 1inc1ude6f was used ln Its generally acoepted sense, and a6 also including thornemanufacturing or pro- duclng carbon blaok by the methods named. Thle construction is further made manifest by the language of paragraph (f) providing, that 'the tax . . . imposed shall reach all products pro- duced In such manner.' It will be noted that this language did not limit the tax to 'all product6 produced in such manner,’ but pro- vlded that the tax 'ahall reach all products produced in such manner,' thus clearly lndl- eating that the tax wa6 also imposed on pro- ducts produced in other manners or by other methods. And when the entire act Is read it shows that the tax was not impoeed upon a method or menner used In manufacturing or producing carbon black, but upon the business or occupation of manufacturing or producing carbon black In its entirety, and that the methods of production referred to were ll- lustratlve of the carbon black industry and in aid of the officials chtrged with the duty of collecting the tax. . . #. The occupation tax levied by this Article Is upon the occupation of msnufacturlng or producing carbon black In this State, and it Is levied by Subdivision (a) quoted above. Evidently the Legislature was aware of the fact that carbon black could be manufactured by the use of materials other than natural gas, ln that It used the expression 'Includes all black pigment produced in whole or ln art from natural gas" In Subdivision (f) quoted 2iEziKs t seems clear to us that had the Legislature ln- tended to tax only the occupation of manufacturing carbon ,, Honorable Oeo. H. SheppRrd, PRge 4 (V-459) ,blacN when n8tUral 68s wa8 ured ln 8Uoh production, it would have employed approprlrte 18nguage to that end. Reading the Act 86 8 whole 8nd giving th8t lnterpretr- tlon to S1Bdlvlelon (f) whloh 106 given by the,Court in the Peerless case, we Rre Of the opinion thrt the,Leglr- lrture not only Intended to but did levy 8 tu upon the business or occupation of mzmf8cturing or producing or&bon bl8ck irrespective of the method employed or the raw m8terlalr used In the PlanUfRCtwe thereof. The Legi6lrtUre rfter levying the tu in Sub- division (a) on the OCCUpRtiOn of IMnufRctUring carbon blrck, without 8ny llmit&tlon upon the method employed or the r8w naterlals UEIed,then proceeded to fir 8 rrte b86ed upon whether more or less than 200 cubic feet of g86 wa8 used In the manufacture of 8 pound of crrbon bl8ck. In the ex6mple given, it is very probrble th8t less than 200 cubic feet of go8 per pound of carbon bl8ok Is being used, if any. Hence the carbon bl8ck would be truble under Class A. To show the legl8l8tlve Intent, it Is pointed out that the Act provide6 that if this rate Cl88sifiCR- tlon be discriminator or unconstltutlonal, the rate will be 122/1200 of one (13 cent per pound "on all carbon black produced or manufactured," and lovie such tax "on marbon black manufactured or produced in thla Ststc" 'mle provision was sdded for the sole purpose of provld- lng a rate to be used in the event the rate Ci868l?lCR- tion as provided In "Cl888 A" and "Cl888~"Wrs InvRlld. Thle provision clearly rhow8 the LegirlRture Intended that the occup8tion of manufacturing carbon blsck WRSto be taxed Irrespective of the method employed or the kind of r8w uteriale used. Su?Q4ARY The occupation of producliigcardon blrck manufactured from (a) prrt natural gas and part crude 011, (b) all cmade oil, and (a) re- fineries' residue is sub hot to the tax levled Under Sec. 46 of Art. 70d7, V.C.S. Peerle66 Clrbon Bl8ck Co: v. Sheppard, 113 S.W. (2) 9%. Your8 very truly ATTORB’EY OHHHRAL OF TEXAS. ATTORNEXQFXXRAL W. V. Oeppert WO/JCP li88i8ta%It