B-825 THE ATTOIKNE-Y ENEECAL OFTEXAS October 1, 1947 Hon. Bayne Satterfield Firemenst Pension Commissioner, Capitol Station, Austin, Texas Opinion No. V-3.93 Re: The ueriod to be covered bv contributionsof cities to- the Firemens' Relief and Re- tirement fund.in accordance with S. B. 84, 50th Leg. Dear Sir: You propound to this Department for an opinion the following question: "Senate Bill No. 84 enacted during the regular session of the _ Fiftieth . Legislature provides that cities having paid firemen who pay into the Firemens' Relief and Retirement Fund, shall donate anequal amount into that fund. The Act is effective on May 13, 1947. "This question arises: Should such cities pay an amount into the Fund at the end of the year 1947 equal to the amount the firemen paid in during the entire year or should it pay into the Fund an amount equal to the amount the firemen paid into the Fund from >1ay13, 1947 to the end of the year. In other words is the Act retroactiveto January 1, 1947, insofar as the city paying into the Fund is concerned, or should it begin as of 13, 1947." IvIay Senate Bill No. 84 merely _ amended House Bill No. 258, chapter 125 of the 45th Legislature,Regular Session (1937) b:cadding a new section designatedSection 10a. This added section is as follows: "All cities having full paid firemen where Firemen's Relief and Retiremen Funds Hon. Bayne Satterfield -, Page 2 (V-393) have been creatbd under the provisions of this Act shall annually contribute and appropriateto such fund an amount equal to ,the annual contributions made by such fully paWfiremen under the provisions of this Act, which such con- tributions shall not exceed the sum of three (3%) ,per ccntum of the Fire De- partment's annual payroll, and such cities shall de oslt the same to the credit of the FEremenfs Relief and Re- tirement Fund to be,used with other mon- eys in said fund for the benefits pro- vided for under the provisions of this Act." Thfs amendment was caused by the holding in American Alliance Insurance Co. v. Eoard of Insurance Com- missioners, 126 S.W. (2d) 741 (writ refused) upsetting for constitutionalreasons the scheme of the original Act for financing~theFiremenst Relief and Retirement System. A~ new method became necessaryeandit wasthe intention of the Legislature that Section 10a should,servethe ljurpose. ., Upon the effective date of Senate Bill Nb. 82; Se&ion 1Oa became an integral part of House Bill No. 25 of the 45th Legislature, This is not only the usual legal effect of*anamcndment adding or subtractinga section or provision,but it is accentuatedby the repeated references in Section 10a to "this Act" meaning of course,HouseBill No. 25S as thus amended. This conclusion is further accen- tuated by the indisputablefact that ,underthe holding in the decision above cited, the purpose of the original bill would have failed for the want of a necessary plan of finan- cing the system. When the amended Act is read and construed as a whole in accordancewith the familiar rules of statutory construction,S<:nateEil~lP!o.84 is not obnoxious to Section 1.6 df Article 1 of the Constitutionforbidding ex~post facto and retroactivelaws. Further, it appears the Legislature contemplatedthat the amended Act should be construed and adminis~tered in every respect as or~iginally contemplated save .only~asto the method of financing;the undertaking.It follows, we think that under,SenateBill No. $4 after its effective date, afl cities coming withi~nthe purview of the statute should annually contribute and appropriateto sudh fund an amount equal to the annual payments made by firemen under the Act, regardless of Tðer such paTymentswere made ‘\ Hon. Bayne Satterfield- Page 3 (V-393) before or after the effective date of Senate Bill No. 84. This is indispensableto a proper result as con- templated by the Legislature. This constructionof Senate Bill No. Sl+ does, of course, permit the amendment to be predicated upon past acts or fact situationsas a basis,for ad- ministering the ,Act. But this is permissibleand in nowise offeridsany constitutionallimitation. ia;q60f Dallas, 6 S-W. (2d) 738. 50 Am. Jur. pr('iG3:' . SUMMARY . House Bill No. 258 of the 45th Legis- lature, Regular Session, as amended by Senate Bill No..81 of the 50th Legislature, Regular Session, requires all cities coming within its purview to appropriatesuch an amount as will equal the annual,payments made during the current year by firemen to the fund created whether such payments were made before or ahter,May 13, 1947, the ef- fective date of Senate Bill 84. .Byrd v. City of Dallas; 6 S. W. (2d) 738. 50 Am. Jur. p. 493, 8 476. , Yours very truly, ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS ~By&& 0S:wb Ocie Spe r Assistant APPROVED:
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion