June 10, 1947
Hon. C. H. Carnese Opinion Ho. V-241
State Aad.itor
Austin, Texas Re: Payment~to psmokm
dfsohrr64d or parohd
rrom oortafn Strte
tfons ;,Arttfole 514Sb)
section 1; V.C.Sd
Dear Sir:
We refer to your letter of recent date acknowl-
&ged by the Attorney General on May 16, 1947, which9 in
rabatance, reads as follows:
seOtiOn 1 Or &Ots 1445 s 49th hub, k$. 9
Ch, 106, H. BU 105, recorded as Article 5143b,
Sec. 1, VsC.SO, prorfdes:
“Seation 1, Upon the discharge or par-
ole of any persoa committed to the Oatesville
State School for Boys or the @afnesrflle State
School for Girls, the Superintendent of ,the
Instftutfon from whfeh such person fs dfs-
charged or paroled shall prosfde them with a
complete suit of suftab.lecloth-, and Five
Dollars (I)s)fn ra04e~~'
and prooure trenapox%+
tfon for them to their hbmes, if residen% al?
to the oounty in which they
this State, cir: III&$
have been collvfotcdo~;to~auch other plaou fn
tlw State.at which twfd dfschsrged’or paroled
person may have procured employment or to a
place where a suitable home has been found for
such personA"
The question has arfs.@n (at the Gatesvflle
State School for Boys) :gs to whether the )5,00
in money and transportation cost oap,be pai‘&
.more than owe to or for.the same boy who
has been paroled and tfldnsubsequently re-
admitted as a parole Violator, or possfbl,y
taken fn again under a new eohrfe%?&qO
Hon. Co El.Cavness, Page 2
The provisions of Seetfon 1 of Article 5143b
are clear and unambiguous. Said statute requires that
the superintendent at the institutions named therein
shall provide any person upon his or her discharge or
parole therefrom with a complete suit of suitable cloth-
ing and $5,OQ, and shall secure transportation for said
'person to some place,wPthfn the State as generally des-
lgnated in the,Act,
Where a statute, civil or criminal, is express-
ed in plain and.unambiguous language, and its meanfq is
clear and abvious, there is no room for construction.
Gaddg v. First Watfonal Bank of Beaumont, 283 S,W, 472;
,Spa.rksv0 State, 174 SoWo‘~51,
We think that the'provisions of this Aot are
susceptible of but.one fnterpretation;,that whenever and
as often as any person is discharged or paroled from one
of these Institutions,'he or she is entitled to the ben-
efits afforded by the specific provisions of this law.
Persons discharged'or paroled from the
State borrectional institutions designated in
Article 5143b, Section 1, V,C.S., are entitled
to the benefits afforded in said Act whenever
and as often as they are discharged or paroled
Very trul$ yours
,By UT-
Chester E, Ollfson
z.L ah?&