. my 6, 1947 Eon. A. C. Winborn Dlstrlct Attorney Houston 2, Texas attention: Honorable James Anderson, Jr. Assistant Mstriot Attorney opinion lo. r-189 Re: The neoessLty for alias olta- tlon where service has not been had ten days before ap- pearance day in Justice Court, under Supreme Court Rules 533 to 537. Dear Sir: Your request for an opinion upon the above sub- ject mmtter Is as follows: "A greet deal of confusion has resulted in the local justloe of the peace courts from an interpretationof Rule8 533, 534, 535 and 537, contrlned in Volume X,, Ilo.3, page 109, of the Texas Bar Jourarl. This art1018 seems to imply that if oitatlon is not served at least ten dars before appearauce day, it will be necessary to ,get out a second citation in order to get the defendant Into court. "By Article 2036, In such a situation the defendant would have to plead at the next ten of court, and mother oltstion would not be necessary. In the justice court where thlr question has arisen, call da7 is the seoond Hon- d8j of each Month. While ArtLole 2036 hws been. repealed by Rule 107, the case of Mu v. II.A. James, Inc., 175 S. W. (2d) 74, holds th8t Rule 107 does not apply to justloe courts. Therefore, nothwithrtrndlugRules 535 and 537, Is Article 2036 still in effect for procedure in the jwtioe of the peace courts?" Bon. A. C . Wlaborn - rege 2, Ho. V-l& The ldr lr oorpglr lo r efer a to r ed b yy c is m es follas I *emsmoB z In the Jurtiao Court uac30~ Rule8 533, 534, 535 end 537, ii a personal oltetion is aemved on lppoannoe day, or on the day aubsequant, of the term to which it ia retwble, would it be good aenioa fan a subsequent tom? “AHSWER: No. The abae ruler worn taksn from Artlolea 2400, 2401, 2404 and 2009 of the Revised Statute8., The only chenge wlth~mferenoe to pan-1 oitatiolr wea that the oltatlons should be dlrwted to the rty mthor thea to an effiesr of a Mmad counry. “The ebova stetutsa relating to the Jua- tioe Court pro8odum did not require ten d8ya service of oftation, but Artiole 2381 provided that the ruk8 gaTernl8g MatriOt Cot&a 8hould apply in the Juatloe Caurt in the iaaawe aad return of oltetion. “The Supreme C~ourttn adopting thm,mata;a .took8 part a? Article 2009, spplyi l trict and County Courts aad In RuleP 35 pplLd it to Justice CouPta, requll@l~ to8 Oaya oer- vloe 0Ztatlona0 “Article 2036 provided that oititloma shsll be served before the Petum day thereof. The defendsnt shall not be required to pleed at the return term of the Court unleaa the altetion be served et leeat ten days befora the first day of such term, exclusive of the days oi senioe end ratmn, but when 8 oltstlon is served before the return day thereo? and leas than ten days be- fore the fLmt dsy o? atwh tern, exoluslte of semLce.and returns, auah service shall oompel the defendant to plead at the naxt auooeedlng tena. “Art1018 2036 was mpealsd by the rules and was not osrried into the new rules. Ron. A. C . Winborn - Page 3, NO. v-189 “In view of the above It Is the opinion of the ccismltteethat to be effective at all, the citation must be semed at least ten dogs before the sppearance day stated therein, and unless this is done the defendant is not re- quired to en8wer et any time before 6 new cl- tatlon la served on him.” We think the comoittee*a opinion snnounoes the true construotionof the Rulea. It follows, as you fear, that this construction will lead to conslderebledelay end expense. This would seem to be 8 fitting opportunityto request the Supreme Coupt to emend the rulea InvolvedI This partloular problem was smong those dlacua- aed at a meeting of the Rules Committee of the State l!br sittlng with the Supreme Court et Austin on April 25, 1947. As a result OS suck diaouaalon, it has been recom- mended by that group that the following changes be msde in the rules: “Rule 534.’ Cltetioa. -- Require CltstlOn in justice court to direct the defendant to an- swer on the first Monday after the expiration of 10 daya sfter the se@ce of citstlon. . “Rule 537. Appearanoe Day. -- Chenge Sp- pearance day In justice court to hsraonlze with the ebove ,Amendmentto rule 534. See Rule 237.” SUHUARP Under Court Rules 533, 534, 535 and 537, a oitetion issued out of a Juatloe Court must be served et least ten d@ys be- fore the appearance day stated therein, end unless this Is done the .defendent18 not mqulred to answer et any time before a new citstion is served on him. . Pours very truly