Hon. Run L. IutchlaroIl *Inlen II.,V-164
Calmty Attorney
Belile coupty ‘R6a Authority lS the O-r-
Jhton, TMas slrnera ’ Court to pa
hospital aad 8ecter 91118
ri a special Rlghoay ?a-
trdmaa iajurod in the
(., ; Bear Slr~: c o tIres
h is
lmp 1 o y.
m snt
Wa mr0r t*, yaw Utter of 4*:1 loth, 1947,
whleh~%,a8 falfowas ‘~ ;. : ’
%ri lkrdlov lfortbm van erployeti by
tiii QOalsslaners ’ 00nrR of this wwnty a8
. a JpmlrlLIl,gh~y Patc*Uun dariag~i ,porlod
.: l$ etir 6eL’.&nd rhl&#.,&II
thd botitie~br~‘hls
.muma*t %. . Hwthem reboclv~d deri’oud bod-
112 Ujar48a; rh&ah has required the erpdad-
itu r le
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o fmo nebyy wa y
o fh o sp %ta
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ldo c te)
b illa lo
, wHr . R e t-
thu hag requU$t$d.th&lkurt tilhelp dofrar
these ex)cInsou, wadithe Qa*rlsslouerel
Is’ Wslra,u OX bal hit& him la the ameunP ,“i”
.th’,aetua$ bmb@itel8 ‘and d@62or bills, Ii
thbrcl $9 WAy rrathetiiQ~ZW they d?lag 60.
’“Pl&3 rdyiae aa t* Whi9i ‘or not the
Comiaaloaera~lCourt of ~thiscounty has the
authority.to pay suoh kills.*
We assuw.that the hospital and do&or bills
‘~meutloaeh in &I* inquiry are in addition to the compen-
satioa which Is provided in Ur. I&rtham*s contract of
Comalssloners~Courts have only such powers
a8 are expressly or by necessary implication,g;;;;tby
the Constitutionand statutes of this State,
art. V, sec. 18; Mills vs. hmpasas County, 40 9. WI
4039 90 Tex. 606; Q. H. aud S. A. Rj. Co. ~8. Uvalde
County, 167 5. W. 26. 305.
_. .r,
, *. ‘c. . ...:‘,!
- -
Hon. Buu L. Butchlnson, Page 2, V-164
After a careful study of your question, we
have fotmd no authority, express or implied, vhlch auth-
1 Court to expend county funds~
orizes the Convnlssloners
to pay hospital and doctor bills of a speclalhlghvay
patrolman Injured while in the course of his employnmt.
Therefore, your question Is answered In the negative.
We are encloslug copies of our Oplalons Has.
O-1967 and O-2951, which hold that a Commlssloners'Court
has no authority to pay the hospital and doctor bills of
a deputy sher~lffand of a constablewho were injured vhlle
in line of duty.
The Comfnlssloners~Court 0r Bowl0 County
does not have authority to pay hospital and
doctor bills o? a speolal highway patrolma
who was injured while In the course of his em-
Con&. Art. III, Sects. 52 and 53;
~?~~)50;. By. Co. v. Uvalde Oounty, 167
. . .
Yours very truly;
W. T. Wllllams