R-148 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL AUSTIN, TEXAS pRICE DANIEL March 6, 1347 *TTTORNEY CEXEHAL Hon. Ernest 0. Thompson, Chairman Railroad Commission of Texas Austin, Texas Opinion No. V-74 Re: Application of Attorney General's Opinion No. 0-318i dated March 24, 1941, to facts of pend- ing Rule 37 case in Haw- Dear Sir: kins Townsite. This Is in response to the request contained in your letter of February 10, 1947, for an opinion of this office whether the general rule set forth In answer to question "9" of Attorney General's Opinion No. 0-3181, dated March 24, 1941, applies to the facts of a pending Rule 37 (well spacing) case Involving lands in the Raw- kins Townslte. In answer to question "g", this office held in Attcrney General's OpFnion No. 3131 that as a general where an individual owns lands on each side of a c street or road "dedicated as such (for) many yeaw", ol;nershlpextends to the minerals under the street or To quote from the opinion: "A conveyance of a lot bordering on a streer,or alley ordinarily passes title to the center of the street or alley, subject + unless a contrary to the public's easemen,, intention is expressed in plain and unequivo- cal terms. * * * Since the two iots and the street together constitute one continuous tract, so far as the ownership of the minerals iu concerned, the street acd the two lots must be considered together in determining whether "A" Is entitled to a permit to drill a well to precrnt ,tkeconfiscation cf his property." You hsve underscored thet por%ion of the opln- ion pointing cut that: .--._l--l_l-.--., --. .._ ._.____..... ~.~~~-~~ -,-- Hon. Ernest 0. Thompson - Page 2, V-74 "'Itxceptional cases my &rise where the grantor did net own any interest in the land covered by the road or street, and in such cases, of CGurse, the purct4ser of the lot would not by such conveyance acquire any title in the land covered by 'theroad or street." The rule of the Atts~neg Genfr:~l'3 CY~~E?~::Y~ Of ME!Xk 2&, 1941, 6ss1.lrne3 i.mport&xe I..il thn f;?..?ta?<, case in determining whether the Commis-lcn's rule agai.nst3ubdivFsloti3 cf May 29, 1934, zpplLesA The Commission's spec,lngrrllefor the Hawkins Field, 8~3 the rule against subdislsfons provide: "No well shall be drl.114 hereafter for oil and gas c,reither of them nearer than nine hundred thirty-three (933) feet to any other completed or drilling well on the same or adjoi.ningtract or farm, and no well shall be drilled nearer than four hundred sixty-six (466) feet to any pro- perty line, lease line or subdivision line; provided that, subject to the fur- ther provisTons hereof, the Commission, 'fnorder to prevent waste or to prevent the confiscation of property, will grant bxce ons to ermL drilling within ~~~~~~~~s4"~~~1~~a~~~~~ that such exceptIons are necessary either ,O prevent waste or to prevent th, e con- ??i.scatlonompropsrtv. * * *"(Emphe.5is xupplled) "IT IS ORDERED by the Railroad Commlscion of TexE3, that IG applying Rule -17 ',Srac- lng Rule) of State-wide applicatfon an% in applying every rule wLt'nrelatl.octo spacgng In every field in this State, no subdivision of property made subsequent to the ;?doptionof the original spacing rule wrll be cona13e:redIn determl,nl.ng whefhe.ror no?,eny property is being con-, Pis'cs?.ed withlr: t;li~ terms of such~spaein~; ruie, a ~6 r.,o ~u':);ii~~~~l,s:on of praperty Fi,ll be regarded i!?~ epplying such spacing rule 0.~1-nrt~.te:rmPn~.~m r.hematter of"cc~nfi~sc6-~ .~/ tion L:'such sn'bdfvisiontook pl&ce subse,'.. Hon. Ernest 0. Thompson, Page 3, V-74 quent to the promulgation and adoption of the original spacing rule.” In the case pending before you, applicant's lessor owns Lots 9 and 10 in Block 7 of the Hawkins Townsite, the land upon which a well permit is applied for under the confiscation exception to the spacing rule, and also owns one and a fraction acres of land directly north of appiicant's tract, but separated from applicant's tract by a public street or road of the Town of Hawkins, known as Forest Avenue. The two tracts of land north and south of Forest Avenue were leased sep- aretely by applicant's lessor to different lessees. Lots 9 and 10 combined are too small to permit drilling with- in the distances from lease lines set forth in the spacing rule. Applicant and his lessor claim !-Lotto own the land underlying Forest Avenue, and therefore claim to be en- titled, under the confiscation exception to the spacing rule, to at least one well permit on combined lots 9 and 10 under the well established rule of Dailey v. Rail- i-cadCommission, 133 S.W. (2d) 219, writ refused, and numerous other cases, so holding. Those protesting the granting of the well per- mit contend, on the other hand, that since the applicant's 1s -,e-sorowns land on each side of Forest Avenue, the gen- eral rule announced by the Attorney General's Opinion No. G-.XlSl,question 9, applies so that when the applicant's lessor leased tinetracts north and south of Forest Avenue separately to different lessees, the Commission's rule of May 29, 1934, against subdivisions was infringed. As YOU know. it is well settled that no subdivision lessee is entitled as a matter of right to a well permit under the confiscation exception (Railroad Commission v, Miller, 165 S W. (21) 504). In such cases it is the Commission's duty to ente&iln.sn application upon the entire land area as it existed prior to subdivision, and to locate the well u~ponthat portion of the entire tract as tnag best comport with conservation practices. See Attorney Gen- eral's Opinion No. o-7046-~, dated March ?, 1946. The general rule set forth in Attorney General's Opinion No. C.,31?1,is, as stated by the court in Gold- ---- smith v. Humble 011 & Refining Company (Texas'Supreme Court, Februarvm>T4'/, unreported as yecI-.): 11** f based upon the weil established general rule applied in Rio Bravo Oil Company -U. Weed, 121 Texas h27, 50 S.W. Hon. Ernest 0. Thompson - Page 4, V-74 2d 1030, which was f'ollowedin later declIsions,that when a conveyance i3 made of a lot or a tract cf land a- butting upon a street or highway, the fee to which belongs tc the owner of the abutting land, a presumption Is indulged that the grantor intended ro convey the fee to the cen~terof the street or highway, or all of it de- pending .u~onthe circumstances unless a controrv intentlou is shown., cox v ~~ampje11,v135 Texas 423, 143 S.W. 2d 361; Cantleg v, Gulf Production Co., 135 Texas 339, 143 S.W. 2d 912." ,~ The rule,has been termed "a rule cf con- striction, and not an absolute rule of law", 11 C.J.S. 5S2, B 35, to determine the intention of the parties to conveyances. There are many qualifications to the rule, one of which, as pointed out by the writer of Opinion No. O-3181, is that the grantor to the deed must have owned the land covere.3by the road or street at the time of his ccnveyance, or else title tc such area could not pass to the grantee. Day v. Chambers, 62 Tex. 190, Roberts v. Shell Pipeline Corporation, 175 S.W. (2d) 106. From the recent opinion of the Supreme Court in the Goldsmith case, it is apparent~ ' that there are other qualifications. In order to raise the presumption, the deed or conveyance must make reference to a road, passageway, or alley (or pos- sibly to a map or plat shoving a road, passageway, or alley); and, as stated by ths Count: m easaent at the time when-&e deed-.Ls_. made. We have-& no case aon&j-ng-&.e- presumption when the conveyence make3 no reference to a highway, street cr pa3sage- way and when, at the time the deed is exe- c utcd, tie '---i-- w an not bounded2 3 t-A~;hw~a~, streat or passageway in which sz easement has been created or acquired.' .-.- T,E~?i s sup~iied ) l'%eCourt then proceeded to holedthat since no street, reed, or alley was shown to have existed in l?& Hon. Ernest 0. Thompson, Page 5, V-74 when the land in question was conveyed, there was no occasion to indulge the presumption merely because a streetor alley was shown to have existed at a later date. In reaching this result the court relied upon the authority of Raleigh-Hayward Co. v. Hull, 167 Wash. 39, 8 Pac. mL' ,Li). that case although the land was conveyed by lot and bnlocknumber by refer- ence to a plat showing the street area in question, it waa held that since the street was not I.nexistence at the time of the conveyance, no title to the street area nassed to the grantee. This rule is alao stated in ll*Corpus Juris Secundum, g 35 at page 5:34;and see Perr v. Ball, Tex. Civ. App hx Brothers, 65 S:~.ii~d~'~~7~3;?~,"tn~,~~,- e . From the foregoing we gather that to support the presumption of title stated as the general rule In Opinion No. O-31,%, the following must appear: (1)That the grantor owned the land beneath the road, street,or alley at the time of the conveyance; (2) that the deed refer to a road, street, or alley, or to a plat show- ing an abutting road, street, or alley; (3) that the road, street, or alle be in existence at the time of the conveyance; and .($ ) that it is the first conveyance by a ~grantor of his land bordering on a road, street, or alley; the fee to which is also owned by him, that controls, and not subsequent conveyances. With these rules in mind we shall review the facts which are be- fore you a3 we have athered them from your letter and from your files 31,5fi4, 31,6&2, 32,180, 32,747 and 32,747-A. , In lo;70J. P. Blackburn and wife conveyed 320 acrea of land in the Brewer Survey, Wood County, Texas, to A. A. Bleckburn and wife. Of this 320 acre8 A. A. Blackburn and wife thereafter conveyed 90 apres to the Texas 8;Pacific Railway Company in 1873~ Some- time after that date, the exact date not being shown, the Texas & Pacific Railway Company platted, or en- deavored to plat, the 90 acres into lots, blocks, and streets as the Townslte of Hawkins. The reason that the exact date of the platting of the Hawkins Townsite is not in evidence, it appears, is that the Courthouse at Wood County burned in December, 197?, and all records were deatroyedL The oniy presently recorded plat of the Townaite IS one fiie3 for record by the Texas & Pacific Railway Company in the year 1909. The reason It is stated thst :he Texas & Pacific Railway Company 'Ien- deavored to plat the ninety acres" Is that it appears Hon. zrn.e3t0. Thomp3xi -'Pagt.5, V-7Q The 90 acres conveyed to the railway In l?sj cane out of the Southeast quarter of the Brewer Swveg , the north bcundsrjrline of which quarter was toe north boundary line of A-A. Blackburn's 326acre tract. The conveyance to the Reilway Companv by Slackburn of the 9O-ar:retract did not follcw this north boundary line, however, but ran to the south thereof,~leaving in Blackburn a triangular tract of approximately 5 acres bounded by the north-west line of the Texas and Pacific Railway Company go-acre tmct, by the eastern boundary line of the Eleckburn tract, and by the northern boundary line of the ori- ginal 320-acre Blackburn tract. Within this triengu- lar 5-ec,retract lies the applicant's tract and For- est Avenue, separating his other lends to the north. It 1,scontended by the protestant that 3om9- tlrne the criginal.dedication p&t of the Texas & after Pacific Railway Company wes filed (the date of which la net shown in evidence), the Rsilwey Company sold Lots 3 and 10 of Block 7, oppl.i.eantVa tract to aoaecn?. To quote from proteatantPs moticn for rehe%rio~g,your file NO+ 31,642: 'Petitioner d oe3 not k-ncvtileex‘5ctdeite cf this conveyance nor to whcm it wan made, since the deed records of Wood Coi:nQ, Taxes containing the record of the deed were deatrcy- Cd b:?I"iI?t?.This deed under the lwcrsof Tsxtis opertitedto convey the fee title to that port:ion of Forest Street abutting (Lots I!and lo), to the grantee subject to the easement in fever of the public *" Applicant, on the other hand, proved that L&s 9 and l@ came to his lessor in e chain of title.,fromC. A. Rsrgett and his wife, B. L. Hargett, under a deed, of. fared in evidence, dsted February 21, 1896. It we3 un- contradicted that "B.L. Rergett" was Beuleh L. Bargett, the daughter of A.A. Blackburn and wife, Jane E. Black- &-n. Applicant therefore contended that since there wk.1 nothing in the record to show that the Kargetts acquired title to Lots 9 and 10, Block 7, from the T. & P., it ?!yetbe assumed that title was acquired by Ers. ISrg'tr Hon. Ernest 0. Thompson - Page 7, V-74 by descent or by will from her father, A.A. Blackburn. Parenthetically, It is the writer's opinion that it would be more logical to assume that Beulah Blackburn Rargett acquired the property either by descent or de- vise from her father than it would be to assume that her father sold the property to the T. & P. Railway Company who then in turn sold to his daughter. The date of A. A. Blackburn's death was not shown; nor was the existence of a road, street, or al- ley shown at such time or at any time between the year 1873 (when Blackburn conveyed the go-acre tract,to the T. & P. Ry. Co.) and 1896 (when Mrs. Hargett conveyed the property to a grantee in applicant's lessor's chain of title). The first date proved of the existence of Forest Avetiue,or any street, read, or alley in Its place is the year 1909 when the Railway Company filed Its plat oftthe Hawkins Townslte showing Forest Avenue. In this connection we quote from your letter: "No evidence Is found in the record that ' Forest Avenue was in fact a street in 1896 or at any time previous thereto." Based upon the record made in the case, we have concluded that the facts necessary to g1.verise to the presumption of law stated as a general rule in At- torney General's Opinion No. o-3181, are not in evidence before you. Under the protestant's theory this presump- tion could only arise In connectIon with the alleged mlss- ing deed of Lots 9 and 10, Block 7, from the T. & P. Railway Company to a grantee or grantees unknown and given at an unknown date, but presumably between the years 1873 when the T. & P. Railway Company acquired the go-acre tract from Biackburn and the year 1895 when Mrs. Hargett and her husband conveyed the property. Protestant cannot produce this deed, It is alleged, by reason of'%he Wood County deed records being destroyed in a fire in 1878. In the absence of this deed we cannot determine whether the grantor did or did not intend to convey the land area under the alleged street. Protestant's theory of the case, In order to prevail, and fa11 within the general rule of Opinion No. o-3181, should be supported by: (1) 3~urveylngevidence that the deed from A.A. Blackburn to the Railway Cornany did in fact cover the road area of Forest Avenue; (27 Some character of evidence of the existence and date of the alleged missing deed from the Texas & Pacific Railway Hon. Ernest 0. Thompson - Page 8, V-74 Compeny to grantors in the Hergett chsin of title; (3) and, 8s required by the most recent expression of the Supreme Court in the Goldsmith case, evidence of the existence in fact of a public road, street, or alley on the dateofe alleged missing conveyance. Applicant's theory of the case, In order to be complete, should be supplemented by some character of evidence of the means whereby the Hargetts ac ulr- ed the applicant's property from the Blackburns 9 ei- ther by descent, will, or deed); and if by descent or Will, the date of Blackburn's death, and the non-ex- istence of a public road, street, or alley along the area now known as Forest Avenue on such date. The Goldsmith case was decided by the Su- preme Court on-??&ruary 19, 1947, and it is evident that the case before you was not developed under the rule handed down in that decision. In view of this, the undevelooed facts, end the recent decisions of the Supreme Court in !?bomas v. Stanollnd Oil & Gas 198 3.W. (2d 198 S.W, (2d of the Commission un?.essclearly unreason- able, arbitrary, or capricious, It may be that you will conclude that.It would impose an unfair burden on either the protestant or the appiicant to send either to court on the basis of the record as it now stands with the wei,ghtof your resumed fact findfnys E--y---- On these undeveloped issues ageins the party '., -osing before the Commission. Should you so conclude, it Is respectfully suggested that you receive additional evidence from the perties as outlined in this opinion. SUMMARY (1) The general rule stated in Opln- ion No. o-3181 to the effect that where an individual owns land on each side of a pub- lic street, road, or elley, he Is ordinar- ily presumed to own the fee to the street, appiy subjectunles3 to theclpub~icfs easement, does not et tne time of the convey- ance the grantor of the deed owned the lbnd beneath the road, street, or alley; (2) the grantor's deed referred to the road, street, or alley or to a pl6t showing an . Hon. Ernest 0. Thompson - Page 9, V-74 abutting road, street, or alley; and (3) the road, street, or alley was in exis- tence at the time of the conveyance. (2) Under the record made in a pend-. ing Rule 37 case, the Railroad Commission 4 may conclude to receive additionel evidence from the parties under the rule of Goldsmith vs. Humble Oil & Refining Company recently decided by the Supreme Court, as io the ex- istence in fact of a publFc road, street or alley atment dates, since the case be- fore the Commisslon was not develoned as re- BY quired by the Goldsmith decision. - Yours very truly ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS James D. Zmullen &# Assistant JDS/ft/lh APPROVED: March 6, 1947 2iiLcL?4LJ ATTORNEY GENERAL APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE Bx, Chariman
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion