PRICE DANIEL ,,TrORNCYGrDIERAl February 27, 1947 Hon. William 19.Hensley opinion NO. q-se Criminal District Attorney. Bexar County Be: validity or property ev-r San Antonio, Texas aluatlon contract between Bexar County Commission- ers Court and i?$onerAp- praisal Company. Dear Mr. Hensley: We acknowledgereoeipt or your letter of Feb. 7, 1947, with whioh you submit the draft of a proposed contract between Bexar County, acting by and through the Commissioners.court 0r said county, and The Stoner Ap- praisal Company. The basic phrpose of this contract as therein stated is: "That the party of the secona part oontracts and agrees to furnish to the party or the rirst part the necessary technical.valuationdata and informationon assessed land, buildings and per- sonal property ior use or the Board of Equaliza- tion in reviewing and equalizing the assessment sheets or books as submitted by assessing depart- ment for their approval, as provided by Articles 7145, 7206, 7212, 7215, 7216 of the Revised Stat- utes of the State or Texas." You request the opinion df this departmentas r0110ws: "1. Is the contract a valid oontract into which the Commissioners'Court of Bexar CoFty would legally be authorized to enter? "2. Is the contract one 'in connectionwith the collection OP delinquent taxes' such as would require the approval of the Comptmller ena Attor- ney General?" We think your rirst questi,onhas.heretofore been answered by the opinion of this department in ogin- ion Ncr.O-7325, approved Sept. 23, 1946, a c,opyof which is herewith enclosed r0r your iniometion. Hon. William N. Rensley, Page 2, V-56 The CommissionersCourt in our view ,hasthe implied authority to enter into the proposed contract within the limits of the foregoing opinion. We do not deem it necessary here to enlarge upon what is said in the prior opinion OS this departmentherewith enclosed; In thus conSinningthe validity of the contract and the power of the CommissionersCourt to make it, we expressly refrain from any opinion, and express none, as to the merits of the contract or the policy of the CommissionersCourt in making it. These are matters exclusivelywithin the discretionand judgment of the CommissionersCourt. We answer your second question in the negative. We do not construe the contract as one Sor the collection of delinquenttaxes requiringthe approval of the Attor- ney General and the Comptroller. Although we hold that the Commissioners'Court has the implied power to make the,contract,a serious question is presented in the Sact that adequate provis- ions were not made in the oxiginal budget of Bexar Coun- ty, as adopted, to provide for the expenditureof the amount involved in this contract, pursuant to Art. 1666, as amended, V. A. C. S. The records of the office of the State Auditor refleot that the Bexar County buaget,Sor 1947, on page ZS'thereoS,appropriatedthe sum of $47,851.7 for this contract,with an amendment allowing the expen- diture OS the.Surthersum of $3,000. This budget was oSSiciallyadopted on the 22nd day of January, 1947. Sub- sequently,on the 29th day of January, 1947, after the original budget had been adopted, the Commissioners'Court amended,theoriginal budget by reallocatingthe sum of $14,148.24 aaaitipnal,making an aggregate total of $65,000 The budget law applicable to your County (H.B. 240, Ch. 65, p. 93, Acts of the 49th Legislature,R.S. 1945; Art. 1666,.V. A. C. S., provides in part as follows: n . . . Upon final approval of the budget by the CommissionersCourt, a copy OS such budget as approved shall be filed with the county auditor, the clerks of the Court, and the State Auaitor, and no expendituresOS the Sunds of the County shall thereaSterbe made except in strict compliancewith said budget. saia Court may upon proper application transSer an existing budget surplus during the year to a budget OS likeskind and fund, but no~such , Hon. William N. Hensley, Page 3, V-56 transfer ~shallincrease the total of the budget. ". . . n . . . Requisitions issued or contra&s en- tered into conformablyto the laws .oSthe State of Texas by proper authority for work, labor, ser- vices, or materials and supplies shall nevertheless not beoome eSSective and binding unless and until there has been issued in connectionwith such item the certiiicateof said County Auditor that ample budget provision has been made in the budget there- for and funds are, or will be, on hand to pay the 'obligationof the county or orrioer when due. . .* Since the original budget aoes not provide for the expenditureof the sum of $14,148.25, the same may' not be legally expended on this contract. -In other words, it is not believed the Commissioners'Court OS Bexar County could amend the budget for 1947 by reallocating $14,148.24 to this contract fund. While it is reoog- nixed under the budget law applicable to Bexar County that the Court may transfer an existing budget surplus "to a budget of like kind ana Suna,n it is not believed that the transfer of the Countyts farm fund to this oon- tract Suna is of “like kind and runav within the meaning 0s the Aot. As stated in the case of Aldridge v. Ellis County, 167 S. W. (2d) 560: vHowevgr,,if it be conoeaea that the oontract of employmentwas regular, within the powers of the Commissioners~Court, and that plaintiff per- formed servioes as alleged, yet a sine qua non to its eSSectiveness,binding quality and enforoeabil- ity was laoking, in that the County Auditor haa not issuea e certffiaate in oonneotion with said proj- ect, stating that ample budget provisions had pre- viously been made and that funds were on hana, or would be, to pay, when due, all obligations incurred thereunder, as required by A&. 1666, amended in 1939, see Vernon's AM. Civ. St. Art. 1666 note." Under the holding of this oase, assuming that it is within the power of the Commissioners1Court to make the contraot in question, as we do, its effective- ness and enSoroeabilityis laoking in that the require- ments of Art. 1666 as amended in 1939, the budget law under whioh Bexar County operates, has not been complied with, and the transfer of funds from the County Farm Fund . r.,J Hon. William N. Hensley, Page 4, V-56 to this Conf,ractFund is not such a transfer as contem- plated under the budget law applicable to Bexar County. This in our view presents a present barrier to the en- forceabilityof the contract, regardlessof the power of the Commissioners1Court in the first instance to make it. In other words the contract cannot be carried out without strictly complyingwith the provisions of H. B. 240, Ch. 65, p. 93, Aota of the 49th Legislature, Regular Session, 1945, the applicable to Bexar County, ana this has not been done. SUMMARY l..The CommissionersrCourt has implied au- thority to make and enter into a contract with ex- pert appraisers to furnish informationto the Court as to valuations of property set by the Tax Assessor and by him~submittedto the Court as a board of equalization,and such a contract is val- id within the limits aovered by opinion No. O-7325, and does not require the approval of the Attorney General and Comptroller,because the same is.not a contract Sor'the collectionof delinquent taxes. 2. Pursuant to H. B. 240, Ch. 65, p. 93,Acts 49th Legislature, Regular Session, 1945, upon ap- proval of the budget by the Commissioners1Court of Bexar County, no expenditures,0r the funds 0s the County shall thereafter be made except id strict compl.iance with said budget, and a transfer of funds from the County Farm the Revalua- tion Contract Fund is not such a transfer as is contemplatedunder the budget law applicable to Bexar County. Yours very truly ATTORI'EXGERERALOFTEXAS LPL:AMEjrb By L~sk?;$y--- This Opinion Considered and Appro,vedin Limited ConSerence APPROVED FE2. 27, 1947 AjiZii%d*s
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion