Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

IEATTORNEYGENERAI. PRICE DANIEL ATTORNEYGENERAL : i ,,, . . ,, ., BowrubLe Williun II. Henslsy - Pa&a 2 whoever fires the grass outside o? any lnolomre with the intent to destre the grass therein by the comnuhioat I on of said fire to the grass, shall be oon- rined in the penitentiary not lees than two nor more thah five years* ktiole 1328b-1 provides, insofar as pexti- nent to your ~questlon: *seotion 1. ALV person who.wlll- ruliy’ bets fire to woods, forests, re11008, &r&se or rubbish of any kind, on lands or whloh he is hot in poaseeslon or oontrol at the time of setting out suoh fire, or who willfully causes fires to be comsumi- oeted to suoh woods, forests, fences, gram or rubbish, or who w’lllfullg and mal;~olously seta on fire or,,causee to be set on fire any tiDh0r, w0ede., or uahee, 80 a8 to cause loss or Injury to.ahother, still be guilty of a miedemeamr, and on oonviotion must be Yined not Lees t~han Ten ‘, (#lO.OO) Dollare, nor rots tbn ‘hro plu- d$ed (#P30,00) Dollati~. a,) . ‘s00. 4. Sv0lr.iiuliaiui~l al! 06rp- oration who rriimily or neg3ig0ntly~aets or owmunloatee firs to tuber leads, woods, brush, .graer,, or etubble, on lamls not their own, shall be guUty of a ds- demanor.m The elements or the two of%&?Ws defined are hot identiaal, Artiole 1327 contemplates the fir- ing of grass wIthin any inclosure, while Article 1386b- 1 does hot limit the offense there Dresolibed to the firI= of gram wlthin ah inclosure: &tic10 1927 only prohibits the firing of grass not his wn; abile under Seotion’ 1 of Article 136t3b-1, the culprit, though he wns the land, map yet be ohar~able dth the offeaae preaoribed if he be not in poelcosdon ox oentrol at. tha time of, setting of such flxe.. ‘Rati ow~~~rehip at k difttingpished from poriseaslon or control Is indicated in Phillips vs, State, .17 Cr. B0, 169, ~ofi#tru.ing Art. 1227 e Under JW. 1327, one is ‘@ilty who fires .the grass aa therein prohibited, thou& no dam&e my be . ‘+ - . Hen, William H. Hens1.y i &age3 ',~ done, while Art, 1388b-1 @mtemplahs t&i&t loss or ir- jury to another shall hare'beetiQaused b+the fires. In Barker vs, State,,140 CrO,EZ.550, 146~8. W. (26) 761, construing Art,.13g%b~l,.itwas~held nooessary that the indiotaent allegethat datendant set fire to a Sence-Wo as ta caaim less 6r injuzlfto anether" where an indictment under Art. 13&W-1 u&e prebrnted. Article 1388b-1 ders not ccntain a repeal- ing provision0 Since the two Artiales define ofSenwn, the elements of which are clearly disti@gu.$shable,they do not contain provisions a0 repugnant as'%0 justify a oonstruction efreeotinga repeal of thetearlikr law by implication because of~repugnancj. ~A,more troublesome question inraised by the language of gee. 4 of Art? 1388b-1; especially in view of the faot thatthe emergenep clause;~which is 3ec. 5 of the ori~giaalAct, recites tha# the factthat there is no law on%uPstatutes now protroting l&&da and timber against fires creates an emergehcy,W etc. .Tlite fact~that-the::Legislatureproilesssdto ktmw of'no.laIF.$roteQEi,ngla+ds,and timber a rim negative’sany implicatio* &at the intended to repeal~~~.~former law covering the same subject netter, Yet.$ec,~ 4 might be construed to de- olare as a po1ioy.a.t &,h~,~~llfully setting or the aommuhicating of fires to .t&kberlands, woods, brush, grass, or stubbleon thb l&G ei another shall be~gu$ltl af a misdemeanor thereby superseding the older felony statuts8. If Set, 4 is to be 50 construed, it,