omqcE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF ~ AUSTIN Hon. 2. G, Garvcy County Xuditor Sexar County I San Antcnio, Tcra Dear Sir: Opinion X0. O-7539 Re: stay the comlissioners’ court of Bexar County establish a county law library under the-provisions- af Articles ~697-1702, ~%nclusive, without talcti4into account the provisions of Article l'732a-11 And related questions. Your letter of recent date requastinz ‘anopinion of this department Is in part .a5 follo;m: -*l. Kay the CosnisSio~nerst Court of Bexar County establish a county law library under the provisions of Articles 1697-1702 inclusive, without taking into accou& the~grovioidns of Art. 1702 a-l? .If 80 -"ranwhat source are the holds apwo- pri&~*to be pkvidod? rf3; Is the method set forth in Art. 1'?02 a-l the exclusive nothod under the la:+whereby the Gom&sSonerst Court of ?3emr County ;;myestablish and naint,a.Ina county la;;fi>rwy? tl :';I, county law library nay be established at the county seat by the comissioncrs court of any county con- tdning a city of over 160,000 po,pulationaccoriiir.$to the preceding Federal.census." Article 169s provides: "The ~omissimers court of any such county say establish end provide for thQ rzaintename of such law lj.bruy on its-o:m initiative and appropriate therefor the sur;l of $2O,OOO.GG or such part tnereof as it deem iion . 2. G. Garvey - h=,e 2 "Tho Provisions of this Act ma be ado?tcd by my county in this state h~viw: five (51 or ROE District Courts) by t110pnssa~o of a Recolution to that effect by the Co;r~i~c~onsrsCourt of such co*mty at a ropl,?r cession thereof IAth all nwbers of such Court prcsc;~.~~ According to the 1940 Federal census? Son +onio had a po?u- lc..tion of 253,854 ink~abitants.Therefore, Artwlos lc97-l7rJ2,ixluaive, are appliccble to Eexar county, Since Demr County has five District Courts, to-v,cit:j'j'th, &5th, p.h, 73rd and GCY~ County Crinlnal District Court thy Cormis- eioners' Court nay adopt the provision3 or'Article 1702a-i es provided by %ection 2 of said f.ct. Therefore, in answer to your first and third qmstions, it is the opinloa of this depark~ent that the Cozzmissionerst Court ol" i?o,xsr County nay sstnbllsh a county lm library under the provisions of .'mticles1697-1702, inclusive. Article 1702a-1 is notan rx~clusivc method to establish a county law library for 3exar County, but my ol;lyho used u-on a proper otiderof the CozmissionerstCourt ado:M.!z:; the povisions of said Act. In anmer to your seconi question, you z!rcodvisod that the establishsentand mizintonanceof the cour.ty1~; librwynuqtbe paid out of mnies appropriatedby the Com%iasionorst t:ourtoiltof the Seneral fund a3 -xovfdad by Xrticlo 1693.
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion