. 1) i;, . -f. i”. OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS &rro”Nl.” GCNCRAL Bonorable IO H. Barton County Attorney Runk cotmt~ Bendereon, Texas Dear bfr.Barton: Qplnlon Ko. O-7433 Rer The Kepotim Sta ector48aesmor of is A. T. Boren's brother oren is T. A+ Boren'e son David Boren'm rife seeka to become Deputy Tax Assessor-Collector in the office of Oeo. E. Wood. Thus DWidBoren'a rite 1s by nwrirge the rife of Ike. Oeo. E. Wood's nephew. David Boren being the nephew of Mrm- Wood'm former husband.' i. I,> :. : Lrtlole 43fiof the Penal Code, defining wlfepotimmw, ,.. 5.:10 OS folloTsl !$ : i, 'la offloer of this State or any officer of $,, 88J aistriot# oounty, oity, preolnet, sahool ah- i,, trlot, or other nmniolpal sabdivlsion of Ulia ,,. Skk, or say 0??10or or somber er My stotor ,i dlstriot, oormty, oity, sobsol dlatrfot or other : i ~10ip0i boora, or me 0f UT 00urt, ar0a~1 m or under authori* of oar gutera or apeoiol ;:. low of this Note, or on17ubor of the Ls&olo- 7~ tan, droll lppolat, or tote for, or cmilrn the appointmat to amy e??lee, position, clerkship, -10-t or duty, et any person related wltb- Ia the oeooad dogwo br affinity or within UIO Shirt! dogroo by omm~galaity to the parson se 8ppointlng or 00 toting, or to amy other member of amy ash board, tbo I,ogiilotPW, or aanrt O? wh ic h a e hp o w08 se lppolntlng or toting ay be a rubore whsa tho m810~, foes, or oonpsamtlm o? aoh lppointoe is to bo paid for, direotly or lndlreotlyr out of or from publie f'mds or fees a? offloe o? my kind or ahar8otor whotaeetor.’ Tenr question should be onsrered'ln the lfflrmatite. Beorgo B. Toad and David Borm are not related by aanmn~riait~ at all. I? there 1s amy poss.%blerelation, it mast be by a??in- 1ty. The molyais of your sitaotlm shomm that Dorld Beren Is not in anywise relotod to George P. Veoa, the Tax Assossor- Colleotor by offinlty, rlthln two degrees, but 0x1the OOntrrrlr his rolotlon by offlnit~, if It eximto at all, Is for beyond two degrees, and larolrea 8 tooking of wparote o??lnltJ relatiOna, thus breaking the affinlt~ kinship whloh Is not permiufble in tho 6oeqmtatiom. There Is no statute defining the relationship #ii& ;p ,; w The OOxmon 108 Is the rule of deoision by adoptioWin l The aommon-law rule is thus st8ted in 2 Corpus Jurls *oetl&ml, at p* 991: 'M. At oomwn lam, the tera hoa been var- io usly do finedlm the OOnneotlOn existing in Obn- sequeaoo of aorrlago between ooeh of the q orrled persons and the Lindrsd Of the other; tbe O~XP neotion formed by merrioge which plooes the hms- I 107 buad in the some degree to tbo blood rolotlons a? the We OS that In vhlah she herself stands to- words them sad gltes the wife the mom canneotlon i with the blood reletiOn Of the husband; the rela- i’ tion oontrrotsdby mwrloge bot%een o husband oad his WISO~S kindred and botveea 8 wife and her hue- band's kindred, In oontrodistinet~mrfrom amm- city, or relation by blood; the relotionobip whleb arises b7 morrioge betwoea one of the por- tie* and tho blood relations of tho othert the tie which orloee fram the urrioge botweemthe husband sad the blood relations of the fife, and between tho rife and tho blood reletiOns a? the hu~bond-s EM tbot, Mrs. David Beron is no blood relotlon of Mrs. Oeorgs B. Too& and is tberefareno relotlre by lfflnit~ o f0eorgo 1 .Toad. Tory truly yours AtMltRET QEREML OF TEX OB-Mll
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion