1 OFFlCE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Paul Grogan County Attorney Montgomery County Conroe, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion No. O-7401 Re: Ye have your recent this department on the above s your letter as follows: expended by the county will be Services of various individuals tary without compensation. "1 would appreciate au opinion from you at your convenience with reference to the above." 'de observe that you state in your letter that you find no statutory aut2orit.y prohibiting the proposed expenditures of Hon. Paul Grogan - Page 2 county- funds. (Underscoring ours). May we respectfully point out tnat tne courts naverepeatedly held that county Commissioners .Courts ma exercise only such authority as is conferred, expressly cir by imp 1 lcation, by the Constltution and Statutes of this State and, therefore, no expenditures of aounty funds may be made for any purposes unless authorized by the Conetltution and/or Statutes. (underscoring ours) We have carefully considered the above question and fail to find any Statute or other authority authorizing the expenditure of county moxuL6sfor the purposes stated. Therefore, we respectfully answer your question in the negative. Xe ‘s~-e encloaiq copies of our Opinions Nos. O-591, O- 5733 O-2419, O-4.483 and O-5003 which elaborate fully the reasons for kibiting expenditures of oounty funds in this Instance and similar cases. Yours very truly JNc : d jm Enclosure6
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion