OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS AITORNEY GENERAL Eonorablc:C. B.'Cavness State Aud$tor Auatln 11, Texas . oplnlon no. o-7397 D4fr J6r. Oavness: Bet Liability of the Prison for payment 0 expenses. We hav4 your rbqrreat for an op captioned subjeot matter, aa follows: ,“l. al -** .* be paid Quiz OS orwageabepaidfrom 03-44S'in such prison livestook or farmIw - sltat4a, of oours4, a oollstruation at appropriation for th4 mmbs lng a.8 f ollcwa t the purpoas of sffioien4g and 400noti4ti1y sing sUpplies and materIala necesssrg ier .m4~ O~rattOtl oad maintensaa4 Of th4,~iSOn~ f3pSt4=*8 shoe shop, print chop, garment faotorg, textile n&XL, ~., sugar mill., canning pla% agrlcultW?al and lly48tO4k pro&Pam, lic4n44 plate plant, brick plant, tannery, and any other industrg of th4 Prison System, and for Eon. 0. HI. Oavnees, page 2 the prooeaalng, paokaglng sad distributing the gooda prodwed by the Prison Industries there ie hereby reapproprlsted for saah ar of the biennium b6glnnlng Septeniber 1, 19 E , the Prison Indu8trlal Rsvolving Fund of Fifty Thousand($50,000.00) Dollars areated by Chapter 40 (H. B. 781, Aats of the Firat Oalled Session of the 42 th Legislature and de- posited in eq'U& amounts In th4 Firat Bat$oIW%l Bank and th4 Huntsville ICatlonal Bank In Hunt8vllle, !Cexae, subjeot to 8nd with the benefits contemplafed in fihe provisions of aaid Aat. The Prison Industrial Be- volvlng Rrnd in the S&ate Trea8ury and ill deposlt8' thereto during the bi6nnium beginning September 1, 3.9&, F appropriated for eaoh year of the biennium and all withdrawale from the Pri8on Induatrldl - 'RsvolvLng +u!i In the State Treasury made in carrg- ing out said Ohapter 403, aha3.lbe mad4 on eouahers of the PrBop System signed by th4 tinera Manag4r knd @di,toWof i&s Prilson blyst4m and apbroved by the Bfsts Boa&l of Control and th4~Staeai~Uompt3oll6r. khe.NnQ~o~&Mi&~ ~eeue.hirJ~wa3rants~I.npayment of-sa$d wnaaher8, whsn properly slgiwd and approved, aut 0r .sng monsy ,ia sa$d eedswy wx5unti;~~ :.y -.< ,’ 3ion.0. H. Cavnese- page 3 w4 tru8t that what wo ha-m asid ytuYi6Iently \ amwers your InqulrLee. BY hwd) Ooie Spear Asaiatallt OStMRwt APFRovgDSEPT. 27, 1946 (ss.guea) Oar108c. AEhley First A88iEttUlt AttQi'My WlIOl’ti 5?h%8oplaiOnOooS~&dsnb appoved¶hlimitedoonf&rurO