Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Honorabl*Claude Isbell Socrotuy of State Austin, Tcur D.u Mr. Isb.11: OpinionNo. O-7383 Rot Authorityof l foreign aorpora- tion as t*stam*ntnrytrust00 of prop- arty in Tens to oarry out th* term of th* trustwithout l permit to do burin.ss in Texas. You requestour opinionupon th* lboTo atatmd subj*ctmtt*r in the followingl*tt*r: We hand you herewitha photostatiooopy of * lottar r*oeiv*din this offio* on August 22nd from th* law firm indioatodon suoh letter, tog*th- *r with a photostatiooopy of l till, the sanr king reforrodto in such letter. "You will note fromth. hot. outlinedin such letterand from th. will that such till lrtablirbr atrurt, prrt of whioh *uoh trust oonstint.of ma1 properbylooatod in Houaton,TOXM. 'l%*trurt**appointedby suoh will is th. Am.riom Trust Company,a Cliforniaaorporation,which do.. not have a powitto do businessin T*xa* from this affioo or from any other Tout authority. "W. ar. of th. opinionthat it i. not n.o.sraryfor thlr Californiaoor- porationto qualifywith thir offioo or with •~ oth*r Ton8 authority in ardor to administ*rth* trust 80% up in suoh will. Will you, hh.r.for.,pl.a~o ldvis. us a8 to wh*th*r or not under the hot. .trt.din auoh 1.tt.r .nd under UN provirion.of auoh till, it ir neo.souy for thi. Californiacorporationto qualifyunder th. Ton. rtatuter,and if so, uudorwhioh suoh statute?" A lottar fromM*s.rs. Uya.r, LiddolldcAu&in, which aooompani.. your r*qu*st,is *o follows: "In aaoordanoowith our t.l.phoneconversation of today rolativ.to th. ~o...ity of a foreignoorporation'.qualimng un8.r Tms law. to do businessin thir stat* kforo rating a* truste*under a will, rnd your desir. to suhait the quertionto %h* AttorneyGeneralkforo mawaring, w* ar* herewithsuhnittinga oopy of the will in questionwhioh contains th. .ntir.trust inntrum.nt. - ,__ HonorrbloCl4uds Isbell- p4g4 2 (O-7383) 'The frets 4re 48 follows: The AmorioanTrust Company,the Trust404pint.d by the will, is 4 C4liforni4oorpor4tionh4ving no permit to do businessin Texrs. The Test4trix,Theophil Uppat, it do4d, mnd th4 oonditionoxprossed in the will upon which the trust IS to beoomo l ffeotiv4,the death of Ign4ts Lippet Menst4g without livinghair or hairs of his body, h4s been met, Disnst4gh4ving survivedthe Tost4trixand l4t.r h4vingdied under the condi- tions indio4tod,4nd the Amerio4nTNSt Companyis now seekingto obtrin possession4nd controlof the Trust Propertyin ardor to 4of 4s Trust..under the terms of the mill. The Trust pro rty consistsof a 50' x lOO* traot of 14nd locatedin the downtown4ro4 of E uston on which is situ4ted4 three story building. The propew is under 4 99 ye4r leas.,exeoutodin 1910, providing4n 4nnu41 ront41 of #4e000.00por year. "We should like to know whether tis AmorioanTrust Comp4nymust qu4lifyunder Toxrs 14ws boforo 4cting 48 Trust..,4nd, if so, under what statuteor 8t4tut.8." The provisionof the will om4ting the trust is 46 follows, eThird: I give, deviso4nd bequeathto my klovod son, IgnataLippotDionstag, th4t certainre41 propertyowned by me 4nd situ4tionin the City of Houston, St4to of Tu4s, 4nd b4ing dosign4t.d4s the North h4lf of lots 9 4nd 10 blook 55. 8.8.R.B.4ttho oorner of San J4ointoStroot 4nd PrairaeAvonuo, in said City of Houston,during the tow of his natur41life 4ud upon his do4th to 4ny hair or heirs of his body in equ41 portions,share and sh4ro 4liko. W!, upon the do4ty of q 84id son, thoro shall k no hair or heirs of his body living,thereuponurd in th4t went 4nd in memory of ng~belovedbrothor )&4xDienstrg,I horoby givu, devise 4nd kquo4th the said 14st montiorndprop- erty, 4nd tb who10 theroof,to the horiom Trust Compqg of S4n Fr4noiso0, 4 oorpor4tion,in trust, howovor,for the followingpurposes,to-wit: 'To rooeiv~ the rents, issu44,prefits4nd inoom4 of the s4id Trust Est4t4 4nd porpetu4llyto distribuk suoh rants, issues,profits&d in&o twloo a you and ip l qu41 portionst0 I. I$ Nation41J&ish Hospit for Consumptives,D&or, :c Color4do. II. The P4bifioHobrew OrphanAsylum 4nd Home Societyof 84n Frunoisco,C4liforni4. III. $4 H4dasslhand the ZionirtOrg4ni44tionof Sm Fr4noiso0, C4liforni4, respeotivoly4nd by the s4id rospotive oh4ritiosand l4oh of thomto b used for oh4irtrbl4purposes. And I haroby give unto the s4id Tru4t.8,tbo Amoriorn Trust ~omp4ny of S4n Fzmncisoo,C4liforni4;full power 4nd authorityto m4n4go, oontrol4nd dial in 4nd withthe iiid Tru& property,in its disorotion,for th4 plrpos.of the s4id Trust, subjootonly to suoh roetriotion8a8 w k im- posed upon the s4id TNrteo by 14~. And I direot that the s4id Post shall BgnormblsCludo Isbell,pago 3 (O-7383) llmys bs lmoxn mnd dosignmtod48 'The Menstag Trust.'" No foreign >orpomtion m4y omrry on its corporatsb usinsssthir in Stmto without 4 permitto do so. Homo of the opinionthmt the lxooutionof thiatrust would ho the omrryingon of businosawithin this Stmto. It noooss4rilyoonoornsrem1 *I- t&o within th* Stmto, lnd, moroowr, the nmturo of tho trust is such that tha mats of the trust04in lug0 me8suromust n*oOSS8rilybe performedin Toxrs. We have strtutesauthorizingour St&e banks mnd trust oomprniesto mot 4s trustees,4nd likewiseauthorlAng other oorpormtionsto met 4s trusteo in any duly ostrblishodtrust,notrbly subdivision49 of Article1302 of the Revised Civil Watutos authorizingoorpormtions.Furthornore,the legislature hrs recentlyonactod4 oomprohensivo Mll.rogulating trusts. (Article7425b, R.C.S.,Vernon's Codificrtion). The things to be done by the testlmentmrytrusteoin executingthe trust would be preoisolythe things thmt 4 Tous trustoowould be roquirodor luthorieedto do, mnd nooossarily,w think,would be the doing or tmnsmoting of the trust businessin Toxms,requiring4 permit. Corpus Juris Socundumthus st4tssthe ~1. in compendiumform: "The genaml rul* is th4t,when 4 foreignoorpormtiontnnsmots somo substmn- timl p4rt of its ordinuy businessin the Strto, continuousin character,it is doing, trmsroting, carryingon, or lngmging in businesstherein within the mo4ning of the stmtutesunder considormtion."Vol. 20, p. 46, 1 1829. The PM* authorityfurthersmysc "A foreigntrust oompanyis dsingbusinomrwithin the rtmtowhere it seeks to oxoroisomotive powerrunder the trurt dood o rother instrument,unless its mot* mro moro inoidontmlor isolatedtranamotiona. . . .' - Vol. 20, p. 62, p 1842. Ws think the 04.84of Midiohig4n "-:st Carmprny St 41~. Turney,36 S.W. (2) 787, olemrlymomoswithin the generalrule 4boa quotedfrom Corpus Juris Sooundum,making the rule n pmrt of tho jurisprudenceof this state. In the course of the opinionJuatiooHigginsamid: WI* MiohiganTrurt Compmnyis 4 foreigncorporationwithout4 permitto do businessin Tox48. In the dischargeof its dutios 4s exeoutormd in orrry- ing out the terms of the trust 48 providedin the will, it must necossmrily, for 4 term of yomrn, h4ve as~sumodmotivemenmgemonturd controlof tho'bus- iness propetios in El P480. Clearly,it would hmvo been necessaryfor it to tmnsmot businessin this rtato oy*r 4 term of yo8r8 *ioh it couldnot 14wfullydo oxoapt by filingwith the ssoretrryof stat* 4 duly oortifiod Hon. Clmudo Isbell,page 4 (0-738s) copy of its mrticlcs of insorpx3tlon, etc., as r~squir0d by article 1529, R. S.; PennsylvanirCo., Oto., v. Bauerie,143 Ill. 459, 33 Be E. 1663 Michigan Trust Co. vs Bronson,192 Cal. 505, 221 p. 626e" W& think, thor0for0,t"hatthe Ame~lcrlw. Tmast Cmnp0nywill bs required to have 4 permit to do businorsin this State Iwfcw0it nny 14wfulIytrmsaot its corporrtsbusinessin this Stat0 by exwuting tha trust committedto it. We we not rdviring4s to the terms of such p0mit, md, of courso# 0xprossno opinion48 to tho ,validity or oomrkuotion of the tru8.tinvolved. Very truly yours AT'IORNSY GENERAL. OFTEXAS Ey /a/ Ocdo Spear 0~10 Spaor Assists& APPROVEDSBP 14, 1946 /s/ Carlo8Ashley FIRSTASSISTANT 'Approved ATTORIIEY GEKa OpinionCmiuitteo ByBWB OS-MR:egw Chairman