Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE A’ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 8tler~r,,ohlrr DeDutr 8tati8tlom op.lnlonx0. o-7333 522 . So& 0, &. Stlofer, page 3 or this tha pdtioular raot situation~~Aowl by 709 in your lottar. 1. now oantxolled by 'Art. 51% or thm 2~1~6 c1yl.lstat- Utah The lt8tutq, ln our opinion, mean8 jurb what.It lyrj the8 18, alat M UDploy.0 unbw oIroumatMoer mant1cin.d ahouu b0 pid.in ru3.l wltaL0.rlx fhn* utor domnd ror pqaont 8nd the ~rallure0r th.’ WD&OyOX to make ruoh paywnt within tha time l pOOiii$d br th 4lt8tuto mabjootm the raploprr to tha pmml8y prqtltld ioo +n et. 5157. .- Wm trumt t&&tko hare anrrwab rour qu*stLOa gatIUrotorIly. Tourr vorr truly,. .