E OF TEXAS A~JSTIN ~1. TEXAS Honorable Geo. H. Sheppard Comptroller of Public Accounts Austin, Texas Dear Sirr Opinion No. O-7327 Re: Authority of the Comptroller of Public Accounts to issue warrants in payment of the certlflcates described herein. Your request for an opinl.onupon the above question has been received and considered by this department. The facts from the attached witness certificates, letters end affid~avitsare as follows: The Assistant Criminal District Attorney of Tarrant County, Texas, wrote a letter to claim- ants, J. C. Riley and Harvey Riley of Clarendon, Texris, asking them to appear before the grand jury o:fTnrrnnt Coufity to testify concerning an alleged felony. The claimants ap- peared and testified and the Assistant Criminal Dlstrlct Attorney made an affidavit to such facts and further stated that such testimony was material snd that no subpoena was issued to either claimant. The claimants seek to recover their statutory fees. The authority of the Comptroller of Public Accounts to approve the above mentioned clslms for payment must be found in Article 1036, Code of CrlmInal Procedure, as amend- ed In 1941. The pertinent provis,ionsof said Article 2re as follows: "Witnesses shall receive from the State, for attendance upon District Courts and grand juries in counties other than that of their residence in obe- dience to subpoenas issued under the provisions of law Three (3) Cents per mile, going to and return- Lng from the Court or grand jury, by the nearest practical conveyance, and Two Dollars ($2) per day for each day they may necessarily be absent from home as a witness to be paid as now provided by law; and the foreman of the grand jury, or the District Clerk, shall issue such witness certifi- cates therefor, after d~eductlngtherefrom the amounts advanced by the officers serving said subpoenas, as shown by the returns on said subpoenas; which cer- Honorable Geo. H. Sheppard, page 2 0 -7327 tificatea shall be approved by the District. Judge, and recorded by the Clerk in a well-bound book kept for that purpose; provided, that when an Indictment can be found from the evidence taken before an inquest or examining trial, no subpoena or attachment shall issue for a witness who re- aides out of the county in which the prosecution la pending to appear before a grand jury. When the grand jury shall certify to the District Judge that sufficient evidence can not be secured upon which to find an Indictment, except upon testl- mony of nonresident witnesses, the District Judge may have subpoenas Issued as provided for by law to other counties for witnesses to testify before the grand jury, not to exceed one witness to any one fact, nor more than three (3) witnesses to any one case pe~ndlngbefore the grand jury." When the foregoing provisions of the statute'are considered together, as they must, it is apparent that the State of Texas, under the facts above stated, does not pay the mlleage and per diem therein prescribed to a witness who attends a grand jury without the county of his residence un- leas he does so In obedience to a subpoena 'Issued under the provisions of law." The statute prescribes the procedure to be followed in obtaining a subpoena for such a witness: "When the grand jury shall certify to the Dia- trict Judge that sufficient evidence cannot be se- cured upon which to find an indictment, except upon the testimony of non resident wltneaaea, the District Judge may have subpoenas issued as prescribed by law to other counties for witnesses to testify before the grand jury . . .' Article 461, Code of CrlmInal Procedure defines a "subpoena." The pertinent part of said Article Is as follows: "A 'subpoena' is a writ issued to the sheriff or other proper officer commanding him to summon one or more persons therein named to appear . . . on a certain day . . . before . . . the grand jury . . . The writ shall be dated and signed officially by the court or clerk Issuing same, but need not be under seal." By the terms of Art. 463, C. C. Pi.the district clerk or his deputy is the officer designated to issue sub- poenas to other countlea. . - Honorable Geo. H. Sheppard, page 3 O-7327 We have foundsno statute empowerlng a county attor- ney, district attorney or criminal district attorney or an assistant of either of said officers to issue a subpoena for a witness to appear before a grand jury. The undisputed facts are that no subpoena of any character was ever issued by the district clerk of Tarrant County for either of said witnesses or that the grand jury of said county ever apnlied to the Judge of *he Criminal District Court of said county for a subpoena for either of them, but that both witnesses appeared before the grand jury upon the written request of an Assistant Criminal District Attorney of said county. In view of the foregoing, we are forced to the in- evitable conclusion that these claFms for witness fees and mileage may not be legally paid by the State of Texas. Any other conclusion would do violence to the plain provisions of the statute and permit payment of such fees and mileage to a witness for attending a grand jury without the county of his residence upon the request of some officer, other than in obedience to a subpoena issued by a district clerk upon the order of the dLstr1ct judge of h1s county, as pro- vided by Article 1036, as amended. We are herewith returning both witness certificates and the affidavits attached thereto. Yours very truly ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS By a/James Anderson, Jr. James Anderson, Jr., Assistant JA:zd:wc Encl. APPROVED SEP 5, 1946 s/Carlos C. Ashley FIRST ASSISTANT ATTORNEY GENERAL Approved Opinion Committee By s/BWB Chairman
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion