&on. Pat R. Bobo
&u&f Attorney
y11ey oounty
mar Sir:
Opinion Ho. 04307
Re: Puroharre of ohe
lr a dlo a tloonf
a ndo th e r obno
we am in reoeipt or your lrttar 0
lng the opinion of thlr dopsrtment on
qde rr0m your httbr a8 r0ii0~rt
“Bailey county dreireo
of poison ohemloalr for the
gram and other obnorlourr wo
the county road
rise me ii the the authority
to purohaae 6 fund or fund8
they nray pure
ir oontmnplated that
r rradloatlag Johnron grae8
ld exolusl~ely wlthln the boun-
to the Sollowing rtatutory primis-
“6. Bxrroire general lontml over all roads,
hlghwayr, fr?rlOr and brldgor in their oOuntloaea
“Art1010 6786. Road and bridge tundr.
“All moneys appropriated by law, or by order
o? the oommlrrlonrrs oourt, ror wo*lng pub110
road8 or building bridges, ohall be expended under
pa. Pat 8. Bob0 - Pago t
the ordsr oi the eonmlsslonws oourt, sxorpt whoa
othalw1ss hsmln prorldsd, a&I said ooart shall
rrsm tim* to tiae. maks the rmoossary orders for
utilis fng suoh money and ror utilizing oonriot
labor ror suoh purposes. (OOnst., art. 16, 180~
*Artlo 6941. POWO~ 0r 00wt.
“The oomaissloaers oourt may make and es-
for08 all rrasonablo and aeorssary hulas and
orders iOr the working and XWpalrln8 oi pub110 roads,
and to utilize ths labor to be used and money sxpsnded
th4rson, not ln oonillot rlth ths laws or this Stat..
SaSd oourt may pumhmb or hlrs all neoessaq road
meohlnerp, tool8 or teamu, and hlrr suoh labor as may
be nseded In addition to ths labor roqulraa of citizens
to bu?ld or repair the roads.*
Under thp rors&ol.ng prorlsions, the oonsnlsslsn0rs oourt is
glrrn broad disoretlou wlth rsspbot to the xannsr of warklng, rs-
pirln5 or Icalntalnl~ pub110 roads. It has bean genarslly held
ihat the oommlssl~nors 00~1% has the implied ?ower to use such moans
0s may be necessary and reasonable to oarry out tho powers delegated
to said oourt by law. (Cottl. County to XoCllntook A Robertson, Clr.
App., 150 9.V. (sd) 134, error dfsalssrd: balreston County v. Orbsham
pW 9.X. 550, wrlt rstused; tidalgo County Impmtement Pistrlot no. s
9. yolok, Tel. al?. Apr., 111 3.X. (nd) 742, writ dlsmlssed~ Charokao
Oounty I. Odom, Tax 0011 ., 118 TOI, 288, 15 .jl?. (Ed) 533; Van ROSM-
bar3 t. loratt, 173 3.X. 808; Roper vr Ball, 280 S.i%. e69; and FadsraT
Royalty co. I. Stat., 48 9.U‘. (26) 670).
In rlsw of the abors and foregoing, it la our oplnlon that
lt la within ths aonnd dlsantlon of the oosmlaslonsrs aourt tc doter
line ths most feasible method for working, repairing or malntalnlng
ssblio roads. If the conmissloners oourt. in Its sound dleoretion.
hutannlncs that it 1s neoessgry for thO s&gsr workluu and malntan&o
to ersdlosta Johnson grass asd them obnoxloue reeds
its and that the use or oheniosl: 18 ths most leaslbls
ar piacsloal &hod or lmdloattig sama, it is our oi~lniontlmt ths
ssmlsslonors 0011x-t Is luthorlsod to purohasr suoh shamtoals oat of
tho road and bridge iundr Of the oounty. YOU are turther advised tha
baforo any r:mds may be expended for tha abots cceutlonsd purposes,
8wh sxpendlturss nurt hers bbsn lsgally luthorlssd in the ooanty bud
yn. Pat R. Bobo - Pago b
WE trust that the lbors and tomgoing will satlstaotorlly
mwer your inquiry.
fours wry truly