oplnloa Ho. O-729 I
Ret llhetheror~ It Chid
of palLo of a olty OS
mm, Tez
titledto eo
-0 coY”““,cA,,0” I. To me CO*.,.Y.rn I.. -..nY.-.. ^_.“..... . --- .----~~-
bspeeifdly 34ation 5, thereof, uhfw4the uork
pbFiarPed b t?rris8 18 WtWlly ~rf%‘rvXl by the
GhIefai 3a3tc8 fsr all cews tiled by Urn in Zho
Just ice sr C-xmty Cwrtr 3f Wa8hiagtoa Cxinty?”
St 18 the 9jdoioa 05 thlr OopLlrtmmt, a& ~9% are ~0
odrlwd that you how qu.f# Popiarly lr&mmd th8 Chkttd
*sS,thb city d i3rbohM f 4 48848
iZladby him tn the Juettcs
Court of Frealtact Jo, 3, lMbhln&onCouiaty, Texa6,h4 uotlld
tb ts collect the he providedurdsr Artlaie 1065,C.?de
af CrLarLtralPraaadurs,eo~oirf3Jppdrr Sectha tbareof,wlm'e
thb vorlc;lerPoraandfor ths Sbb 18 pUrforI66Q by the Ci¶i(~f
sf P3liee.
Artialb1067,of the a&um euble, 33ZWVtd48 that %clR-~~~
atnb&8, &82&M s8eaute pmcera
aml perform w 1 WtbWt8, -1
:ooelve um emas f!oor'rllweu t& &F%#f8 tw 8he SaM uF9lo.s."
It1 0 lVf&tt, thOl'bfOI'0, tb 8t
VhOttOaJ OPtiCOr ipl th18
&&awe tha chief bf Polfso) prriowm the due
& muWed h-by
wtuk, ho Ls eotftkrd to the ecmpbos6tlmt by law; lu¶
:ORVOPWl~, tbr UOWb8 h&V0 said tht %O @&it& OffieeP
00elue fOO8 OP 8oaal88106 . , . . he mast &vs pertoPwd the
orrio* for uhfctb0 cwatlw hnr knu qmolfted.'(9 1pex. Jy'.,
*as w, w* g;zB*
i’hla departnant~hw frequently
held t&at8~ mict3r cttiey
sot lefgllychargefor r33m than cm cceLt.mat 19 allg mi848tau~~3r
S-%5(1,or for ame thm 306 releaw, lo atiy misbemeanorca96, ard
that he carulot charge etther of th?sa fees ‘SaleSIhe atamlly
earam lrald her, a@ required by law. noa, fulemr, that If a con-
stable or other offLcer has a defeadant llr hta cust.&y, a&-! the
ccm3ttabl.e3r otheesr7ifTcar r+tleBg-385
tha defetx2aut fr3fn the form
at-14effect ol 4 ju&gnent r*tsCratnLy[ the rJ(3fetiant, t&in, and In
that event, the coaatahl8 %0.31”
3thf~ 3fficsr vould be entltlea to
a $1.00 relmss fee.
Va nQht ardd that lo a Ceatererace Opfaion of thla depsrt-
rieat rerrdered sow para ago, x0. o-2725, 1t WA3held that 0 063at-
mnt fer vhlch o peace &fleer ia alloved a fee of $1.00 fa for ex-
ecutlcg an order af tb aourt dlreotl~ that 8 harem be placed in
jail, and ao olficer 15 net allmsd to chtwgp mathfee la tha absence
of Bush oPder$ that a capins or ?#arrant iB not a coxnlt3x9nt for which
a foe IB allowd; t&t Use jadgemInt of a court is oat ut~thlo iteelf
a catlmot for vhlch a see iB allcwedI end &hat a re3.eaw for
ohich l m officer iB Olkm?d l fee of $1.00 IS f%’ rel6W~l~
32 dissharglng & defendant fraa the fm?e &ml effect of Q jt.idpeat
restrelsfng Blra.
Oru,Coaf6wtbae OplafoaXe. eC3OfY3follove Cotirencs Opla-
loo Bo. O-2725, aad holde that t&e coastabb i8 eatitZed ta 8 re-
Lsasll r80 if he r4.eases the derew38~t rfwt tha force end effeat of
P jud@eat mstrraie~ him.
b& trUBt thlItth%B aaSWFB YOUr iwtlLrJ S& Z”36BBtlCBe
you la the carreotne8s of y5ur ovn viwt of tha cmtter.