OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN g~orahle P. C. Marquess Comty Auditor Wharton County RhWfml, Texan berr Mr. YBrqUensZ Opinion RO. O-7289 Rer Whether or not th Trumtees of an lndepen dintriot m8y r r an opinion upon wenlenae on of Trustees tees as an ottlolal or is It man- indepemdent group e Board of Trustees retain profee- rte as expert witnesses and to aid alues of property within the sohool e payment for suah seniaes out of 001 dietriot? *a. May the Board of Trustees or a chosen Board of Equalization m8intain a joint hearing with the Boards of Rquall&atlon of a City within It8 limits for valuation purposesO "Perhaps your oplinfon lists contain parallel 0ues to these questions, and fP so, would appreciate your earliest accommodation on the netters." goaor*bl~ P- 1.. Mrquees - page 2 .~ We lwer your queetlons aet4tgorlorl1~, 8s tollors~ 1. Question 1 Is answered In the negative In our opinion Rob 0-37%r oopy of which Is enaloeed herewith. 2. frumteem of independent sahool dlstrlats are publla effiaers, and hate only those power8 conferred upon them by law. 1% ia not neeewary, however , th8t the eonferrlmg of pwer be ex- -- In preel6e word8 -- bat there Ia aIr8je to be irplled, i~~eatian tith en erpreee parer* the f’wtber power to do those thjnge neeeeeery to the proper ueroise of’ the prlmrry power. There is no exprees power oathorlslng the trusteee of ae Independent eehool dletrlot to employ expert witnemses In the matter of eqmli81np taxem. We think, hewever, that power Is aonferred by neoewary irpllortlon o if In the sound offlolel jud.gmmt of the bo8rd of trustees , ma0h employment of expert wit- newes Is ne6ememq to 8 proper dlsoMr(l;o of their dutlem te here a&per and suitable equrlla8tien of propertier Wed l.m the dis- . Wrwl~ieion 2. of Artlele 2227 Berimed Ciril statutes, Vernon's oodSflo8tion, deolweer gLoerl eeheel fuads frem dlmfrfat taxes, tuition fees of pupils not emtitled to free tugtlon, an4 other foeal aourees say be used for the purpomea enumerated for state md Oounty funds, and for purehadnC; rppll- mees end npplles, for the payment of lnsurnnoe prem- .lums, jeaitors end other snplememr for buying sol%001 dten, buying, bullding end repiring and renting who01 houses, a~@ $0~ other pur13oseE geaenaa & aenduat ,of thq publio @1002q to be det the board of trustees* * * l” (%nphrd~ ours) Te th%nlc this lanpage jn rightly to he eonstraerl to authorize the employlag of all neoeeewy meana et hand to obtain a juet and reasonable raluntlon of taxable property in the dlatriot. This department has held that the oonatltutional author- ity vestad 3~n the Commlsslanera ' Court ower 811 sounty business constitutes mftloient basin for the emplovnmt by the Commission- ers of mch a tu expert as n riimemn before the equalisatlom bodr. (see Opinion Row n-l@lz). Court deolaions, by the clearest analogy, YAJm?ort this aomGludorl. Arrin#don 7. donee, 191 3. W. S(Jl, upheld tbc right of an independent aohao1 dlAtriet to employ an attorney to bring su3.t to aanael a teaoher' 8 oontreat. 5e0, al so, Morel eJ we cj,tg Of MlYas, 17 5. WY. (2) 36. I ~onor8ble P. I.0Marquem - page 9 Yew questlon 2, therefore e Is anwered In the rfflrn- tire l 3. The Board of Equallzctl~on for the District, if It ceeo fit to do SO, 1~87 sit jointly elth another board af equrll- ectlon as of a cltY rlthln Its limits, to detedne property rrfuee. The board am suoh, horarer, mrt reach Its own oonolu- &n upon the hewing from lY1 the erl~denoe before them, uoh joint hearings being merely 8 nutter of oocrenletme to the re- rpectlwe boards. See our Opinion No. 0-3176, copy of which cocompenles this opinion. Very truly yours OS-XI4 Ibra osarea