OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ~onomblo Oeorge H. Sheppard Cccptro1l.r of Public Aooountr Austin, Texar -bile\ .” peclfic instance cited by you la of a delinquent tax attorne~lemplo~sd by the County under the provlslons of Artl- cles 7335 ancPa335f1, V. A. C. E. The copy of the contract betvesn tile attorney and the C~lssloners’ Court furnished uz skous t&t the coapensatlon of tke attorney 1s fixed et 15% “OS the amzwnt collecteC of all de1inqcer.t taxe%, pcnolty and :ntex:t of the years covered Lereby, actually collected and pnld to tt-.e Collecto? of Taxes . . ,” Canpensatlon due the maid attorney Is llmlted to Eononbl@ Oaorg, Ii. Shappard, paga 2 that rtatod in raid cootlrot. Commlralona of the County Aaaaraor-Collector ror ool- lootlng tuaa arc fir.6 by titic1.a 3939 md n>l, Ravirad stat- utoa. APtie1. 3939 prorldea: %ora l!mll k paid for the oollootlon of taxer aa ooapenoatlon ror the aanlce~ of tbo oollmotor . . . 5% oa the firat 410,000 aollooted for the State. . .I for oollocting the Count t&XII, 5s m the flnt $5,000 of ruch tax.8 0011lotoa: . , .” Artlcla 7331 prorldrrc . . lor the 00118ction 0r b8ibqua tax.8 OD nal &tit* and for parfomlng all dutlaa relit&j ‘to auoh taxoa for vhlch no campan~atlon la othenlaa pro- vided, the tax oollector ahall rooelv@ ilra par oant of all daliaquent tura oollochd by biw: Anawz%ng the iirat quiatlon, VI wa of the opl.lllon thbt nalther of the pmtlea above mentioned la lntltlod to l oo~alaalon OILthe 810088 rullred at Lb. t-u aala. 8ach lx o ea a la not a tax. Yior 18 It pesalt~ or intereat. Rmthar it la over and above the taxaa, potultt and lntmaat, aa la in a aoaao l profit derived by the State fra tha CAL of real oat-ate vhloh it bar purcharad. ‘A tu collaetor may yroparly Claim oamt8ag only on swm actually oolleotod.aa taxes. . . C. J. 1016. Suck CXCOES belr~ neither taxea, penalty n3r Lnter+st, YB an constralnod to hgld that no cotamlesion 18 due thereor. to tk,e parties above Bentloned. Ee recond quertlon feels vltl: costs. Art:cle 7:>1, i.. - ., ;rw:Lcr ttat certnlx f’crz dzr~ tic ‘illx i3Ilectw s!.ail bc t.ue!: p_r c3itS s