Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

323 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Rawrable R, 9. Wyche . we 8x3 b reoelpt rles are further oxplabed %n ~aar letter of esaed to thle department from MhSch w quote *is I stotod In a previousletter Greg County's population accordi p to the List census exceeds ~iftpeightsthousc&~~8 OOO#) and has e ts* valuation of one hundsed three &lion, one hundred 324 corralariolmra’ hurt. The queslon in t&a Sherlff’a Oas6 i8 if all tmplo 6 m deputySheriffs, and their diulea am t.c w3m0e “P lea let M w h a ve y 0wo p inim a ndltatrthe sa lc r of y th 0 de,p lltis o fthoml s 4 o & ‘ult.,* 326 ::eoall your attentionto Article 3B2, section 9, which provicesthat: m C~mSsaiomrs Court la hereby authorized, then fn their judgtmntthe finanCiciL coi-idition Of the county and the nee;ie,of the deputies, ant3iatEntE and clerks of eny didrict, county or precinctofficer $u3ti$ythe ixacro~e,to enter an or&W tnt3readKIg 327