OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN OROVER SELLSRS . ATIORNLI OpIlmAL~ Hon. Pat Been8 County Attorney Andrew8 County Andrew8, Texas Dear sirr Oplnlon NO. 04272 Ret Whether orndldate ma hare hia name plaoed 0nA b-7 ballot when he wifl hot have bsen an aotaal bo&a iWe re- We are in reosipt of your iog the opinion or this department@ quote rmm your letter as rollowe: aeoure rrom you an a persons name at the prenent in FilPar0 and . ntereeted in the matter hare- appllcat'ionewith the Chairman is about up.* Artiole 2927, Vernon's Annotated Civl.13tatutes. provides: "X0 person shall be eligible to any State, county, >mofnot or munioipal ofiioe in this State unless he shall be ell&ble to hold office under the Constitution of t-his gtate, nnd unless he shall have resided in tillsState for the period of twelve months and SIX months in the oounty, ._
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion