mnorrblo r. 3. Toroman
county Auditor
Jrttorron county
kramont , Texrr
Ovinion Xo. O-7262
mar ?lrr ker Bon6 procd~, Jdrr 8~ county
Cr8lnsgr Mrtrlot
%‘a roknowlrdgr noelpt of your opl5105
ld quote iron your letter a8 r0iiow8t
to invert the prOOezd& frrr:
held on Jan. 26, 1946, rnd
Clorrrnrmt BcnC8?”
by pOiitiOf#i
frnrwdr obllgsbloar
or othtr- oi thr
arlo8; provldra, however, thrt whenever
or rr~ulrtlons eksll permit woh polltlcsl
q&ire the nroerrrrg lsbor end mrtorlal8,
the Unltod Et&tar in whloh raid prooeras
be sold or rsdrrcea em& the prooecan of
8 rhall k usrd for the purpoar fez *hloh
the bondr of any ruoh polltlorl rubdlrirlon ware autcorlzrd.
Aota. 19fJ, 48th Log., p. 211, oh. 131, per.2.”
It will k noted that the rbore Artlolr boome lffeotlre on
Qrll 12, 1943. You will alao notlor thst it 1s limited la roopo
DO thr juoorrdr or bad8 r:.loh &to hrrrtoforo been lmurd but
thr proorrdr OS rhloh oanaot br used to orrry out the purvosor
;z ;;g the bona8 wore lsrurd,beorum of thr look OS mater:al
luth9rlty t9 lnr.88 p~bllo tundr
in tholr rurtody ho. b..a
~proaalt r0ti0rma up08 lortalnpubllo oftirur by the Loglslature
aa mm0 Iwtaaorr by t&o Conttdtotlon ln otbuo.
rna 1~. laoh laatrao*
*so tbir powor lr &vm, tho lr.arcator or the 89ourltlc8 in wbloh
mrb aoMy8 my bo lasr88to4b88 ken rcrotrrll~prooorlb9d. Ia ltory
HBO ~br?~ thr b#lrlot~s ham r~thorirti hvrrrtlluat ti publlr tundr,
g$ her au.4 bmlr et thr UaSt9d EtItrr Oorormubt llooal the ooourritloo
fi whloh ruuh tunar rry k interha, roro~dn(t the obll~otlon.
d the Clitra fitatrsas the 80r8.t Of coourltir8. It tb pamor to
urrrt the mmodo et JOU? boaar lxlrtod, WC l9ula lonaolYo of M
rater lnvootPoat.
bU@tw, we tlnd 00 pro+l8ion Ot the 18~ autloriri~ the C9adr8loa-
oro ot tho Rr8la8&0 Ditirlot to la+ort tfm roooodr from bond8 luth9r-
1~94 St la olootioa he14 ea trnouy 26, 194B 8na r0ia m mnh 18
1946, in 0. 3. gorormaarnt bonda. 3w-4 luth9iity 18 aot t9 k bd8a
tra the power to ma a r tp
th elt?olrr of the diotrlot. (City of Bonhaa:
V. Twlor, 61 T9x. 59; 16 ,O. X. 59).
Yory truly yourc,