Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVERSELLERS &rrORNriY OeNERAL ---------.~..,~ Ronorable Alwln E. Rape county Attorney Oaadalupe County seguln, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion No. o-7246 Re: Effect or tax redu a8 follows: ThhsRlmCresk heretorore reoeired Stats al iug and oollectlng th quired by auah Aot. ional 25# tax was levied ior the extra tranep0rtat10n vlad for the year of Yeduoation has ad- tkatr aid. The ' ta, is whether the Leg- 001 distridt the right to and then to return to its receive Stats aid. so arises as to whether a school ax rate to meet the sxpmueo necss- ar, without jeopardizing its qualiflCatiOn other words, it seems to us that a aorrsct he InCent of (this Act) is that within the coyered by (the Act) there must be u0 lowering that Diatriot that was being crasessed at ths bsginulng or that period." gee. 2, Article I, Ch. 361, Aots 1945 (Se B. 167, 49th Leg.), the psrtinsnt portion of the Act in question, reads as iollows: "no school district shall be eligible to remire any type of aid authorized under the prwieions of this Act udlefis it shall bs prodding ror the annual support y$on. Alwin E. Paape, Page 2 of It8 sohoole by voting, lsrylng and oollecting sor the ourrent aohool year a looal maintenanos Lohool tabt of not ls@s than BlSty Centa (50#) on the &a hundred Dol- lars ($100.00) OS property valuation in the entire die- triot. The property valuations ehall not be less than said property la valued for state and oounty purposea. The inoome from suoh a maintenance tax in exoeas of the required PiSty Cents (SO@) maintenance tax muet Slrst be used to rstfre lndsbfsdnees, I.9 any, in the local and Equalization (Rural Aid) sahool funds. Aster the lndebt- ednrss in these iunda, if any, has been retired, the in- oomm from this maintenanoa tax in exoeas of the required F’iSty Cents (bO$) maintenance tax may be used at the dls- oration of the looal school authorities of the distriat for any lawful aohool purpow except lnoreaalng or eupple- @&nting any teaoher’s or adminietrabive salaries., Any or all malntenanos tax above Fisty Cents (5Ofo may not be lnoludad ln the oaloulation of need SOS aid, but &all bs reported In the budget with an ltemlesd atatsment of it,8 rrpenditaxem. Is the income from the maintenance tax above Fifty O@ts (5Og) la not spent aa preaoribed heroin, it shell be Included a8 reosipbs in the bud&et. In order to comply with the terma of this seatlon, It shall be neo- esmry for cmoh school dietriote applying for any type of al& authorlmd under tha terms of this Aot, to report all v&&uatlons within auoh dietriots, inoluding all oonsolidated dlrtriota and anmxsd dietriote, and failure to report all euoh vdluatlone ehall prevent suoh dlatriot iron moel~- lng eny type OS aid authorized under this aot, w* rt * * * * . ” OT~ddrraaoriug ours) The underactored provision of the above-quoted hot haa been dlscueeed in several previous opinions of this Department in oonneotion width Saot eituatlona similar to the one presented In your, letter. In prevlouti Opinion No. 0-7260, we held that suoh above- quoted provision was oonstitutional. In pretioua Opinion No. o-7017, addrrseed to the PIrat Akslatant State SuptkrintsnrhHt of Publfo Inatruotlon, we held that school dicstrlote whioh had reduood their tax rata du$?lng the aahool year, 19434.4, were Hon. Alwln 3. Pape, Page 3 not sligibls to reaelvs aid under the said provision, even though such school dietriots had no way of knowing that an action whioh thslr boards took nearly two years ago would affeot them adversely in scouring aid udder the current Equalization Act. Vie quote from suah opinion as Sollowa: *The Sorsgolrg rovlsfons of de,. 2 (underscored portion quoted above lp are plain and unambiguous. They must be aomplled with in order for any sohool dietriot to be eligible for any typo of aid . . , . Whether suoh provision is wise or unwise, Is not for this Department to detrrmins. The Legislature is the publlo polioy forming bod of thls state. Its Acts, when not in aoniliot wtth our .!itatr Conatitutlon, or our Bederal Conetltution and the laws of Congress passed thereunder, are not for us to qua&ion, but must be up- held and enforoad. *When bho Intent Is plainly expressed in tha language of a statute, it mat be &van effect without attempt1 to oonrtrur or lntrrgrst the law. * 39 Tax. Jur. p. 17 8.” (Parsnthstloal insertion added). Our pre~louaOpinion, MO. O-6768, held to the same sSSm* aa thr above quotrd opfnion, with the added holdlag that the above undersoond portion of SIo. 2 of the Act would ap ly to pmvsnt a reduction in the tax rats of a distrlot whpoh has oontractsd to send all of its aoholastios to another dietriot. Subssqusnt to the above altrd opinions, this Depart- ment ruled in two reoent Opinions, No. O-7217 and o-7403, as Sollowa : (a) That where, for administrative reasons, a sohool district reduoad its valuations and, at the same time, lnoreased its over-all tax rahi, tharsby retain- ing the same net total tax revenue as b~fors, or slightly incrsasing the ssme, its ellgibllitg for squali%etiOn aid was hot assectsa, slnoe the valuations were held not to have been rsduoed in order to show budgetary need. (b) That where a sohool district rsduoed its mainte- nance tax rate Srom $1.00 to 50$, and then levied a SO# bona tax, the district did not disqualiiy itsslf for 6:ld because n&her the over-all tax rate nor the tdUath¶s had been reduced, and thersfore, ths statutory prohibl- tlon was not applicable, It will be obsarvud that suoh Hon. Alwin E. Pape, Page 4 prohibitory portion contained In the second paragraph of Sao. 2 of the Aot relates to the over-all tax rata and is not confined to the maintenance tax, ~8 is the wording in the first ¶graph of such saotlon. We attaoh oopies of all the above oitad previous opln- ions of this Department for your oonvenienoe. Turning now to the questions you have propounded, we answer your first auestion to the effect that the seoond para- graph of Sec. 2 of the ourrent Equalization Aid Aot (oltad supra) does deny to a school district the right to increase its tax rate for one year and then to decrease its tax rate so aa to return to the original tax rata, and stS.ll(yaliSy for State ald, if suoh deoraase osmrrad within the two year period Ismedlataly praoedfug the, year for whioh aid Is appllad for under the currant +ot, Your saoond Question 1s answered to thr aama effaot, u. ) a sohool distriot may not , under the terms of tha OUC- wnt Aat, Sluatuata Its tax rata S?om year to yesar to aaat changing expense raquirements without jeopardizing Its quallfi- aatlon for State aid, i~f by suoh Sluotuatlons ite ovar-all tax rate is thereby decreased to any extant within the abova-aan- tlouad two year period, evan though suoh decrease does not lower the tax rate whloh was being assessared at the beginning of such two year parlod. In our answer to your quastlons it Is to be noted that wa refer to decreasea in the over-all tax rata as heretofore stated, either the tualntahance or the bond tax rate may be changed with- out jeopardy provided the over-all tax rata is not thereby de- creased, and provided, further, thst the maintenanoa tax is not deoreasad below 5Oa. We bsve careSully ooosldered your ar,guments against the rolihg of the State Department of Xducation relative to the raatrl#A.ona of the current Equalixatlon Aot and our previous opiniona, attached harato, disousa In some detail the pointa ralsed In your brief. We repeat, therefore, that whether the provisions of the currant Equalization Aot are wise, or unwise,it Is not for this department to jud$a. The provision In question is plain and unambiguous and must b+ complied with in order for Hon. Alwin E, Papa, Page 5 any sahool aiatrict to be ali(;ibls r0r any type 03 aid under such Act. Trustiq that ws have rully an8vm-d your questions, wa ramin, Yory truly yourr ATTORNEY Gi%XWIAL CF TKXAS _ --r /g?i+- d& .S W. N. Blanton, Jr Amistant. wNB/JMo