Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROVER SELLERS Al-rol?N~ GmtCU‘ r" HonorableQeorge 8. Butler,Chairman Board of InsuranceComalssfoners Austin 14, Texas Dear Xr. iutler* OpinloaIfo.O-7235 A . Rer Whether oi this Depsrtmentin anmer to the r0 s OS Article7064, RevisedCivil S 925, an as follouar .~~ uraauo caa~ tmnaacrtlngthe . . title . . . or aa.yother klad Of i.BEcCr bU8iIiOB8 Other thsn the lie iasuraaoe,rlthin thir State . . . at the tire of flllng its annual statement,shall report to the Commlssloner, of Insuranoethe gro86 amount of premium receivedin the State upon property, and frm pexmm~ resldlng in the State during the precedingyear, and .eacbof such com- pauier shall spayan anaual tax upon such gross premiumreceipt6as iollovar. . . lrosuch lnsur- aace caspaagshall recelrea permit to do business 131 l$morableGeorge B,'ktler, Chairwan,page 2 in thla State until ruoh taxes am paid. i llooocupatlontax shall be levied cn insu&~e' " coppaalos herein rubjootedto a grow premium.I+ celpt tax by uy ootmtr,olty or tova. . . pk taaer 8ioresald&all oonrtitute all tams and llcenaefees oolleotlbleundo* the lava of,this State againatsay rawh S.a8uraace coopaales. * i The foregoingArtlolovad lateraaendedby House Blll Ho. 8, Aatr 1936, fhird Called Session 2040, obapter 495 Artlale4, Section51 House Bill lo. #%ts 1937, 45th Lsgl:- latpn, page 525, Chapter250, Section1; &use Bill Ilo.556, Aotm 19 9, 46th Leglslatme, page 6381 and House Bill lo. 8, .Aotn 19z1, 57th Legislature,page 269, Chapter184, Artlele 18, Seotloa1. form of theseaaeadnnntsohange6the materialprovi- aions of Artlole 7064 above a&t forth but relatedmalnlf to the uount c4f $he tax, addithaal alassltluatltm8 of rubibjeats, and other matte= not pertbent to this question. /. House Bill 153, A&s 3929, 41st Legirlatwe, page n, ,Chapter40, (oodlf%edas &302a, Veraoaae Annotetbd Civil Statutes) -.providedfor the areationof aoqwratkm for ovnl.ng abstract plants,%nsur%ngtltleu,lendtigraney and dealingin saiouritles aa actlngam trwtee8 satlior llegnlation of ruab oorporations by the Board of fnsumnce Calmloners. Tbo pertinentsections s of this &at are a@ follows(all emphaseshereafteradded)I %eotlon 7. me general law epplicableto paymentof ilUng few and fmnchise taxes of.oor- poratlonsbaviaga capitalstoolt.anherebymade applicableto oorporatiensooalngunder the provl- rloas of thlr Act. Doaneatia aoroortLfion8 o$mmt- lnu under thla lav shall not be mqulred to wx premium taxO8.' : . ..~. .. I. ls4lotlm 8. The aborter of oorporatloa8in- aorporutedhereunder,aad .tbeaaendmnts thebto, ibis11b fil*d lfiththe Boati of xnmlranceCmls- %eotloo 22. Aay oorporatlonorgaairedand lntorponstedunder the lavr of arq Other rtate, ter- for the purposeof transactinga ritory or ootnrt*~ or title guarantybuslners&all be title lnr,uranoe -. 132 HonorableGeorge B. ButloP,chplman, page 3 required to par the ~a80 filing tee8 and occupa- ' .-tl6n tax 8ny foreigncarualtyoompanyir re-.; a8 qufred to pa In order to procure a permit to @ buslnersIn Faxar. Such foreigntitle ccmpanl'es vi11 not be requiredto pay a franchxse~xu,~ or pr~vllege t8x That a fr8nahfre tax 18 aimoctoupstfon under the lava of t&i8 State 1s aaqueatloned.By virtue of tbe above seations,doaestlutitle Irmaranoe~~or title gusrantyoapanier paid a franohlrotax vhile foreigntitle Insuranceor title guamaty cots- panles paid a gaw88 premium moelpts tax under the provI8lm8 of Artlole7064, sappn. It is a w&titeref oaum and gene~lknovledge that ‘afterthe au me Co-t of the UnIted States readend It8 opinion ,inJ-0, l94 ln tha aase of Southeartem Underwriter8 Aa8oalatlaa v. United S&%&r, therebyholding the bu8ine8sof lnmmaas to be latemtate oomonevhen oarriedkyand theborden ofamy of the severalrtataa it ~88 the Lz&entlonof the 49t.bLegirlatwe to ea- rot soab legis~tltm a8 ktght be neoe88aapf to elirl.nate the dimarlm- ination,if any, in tbd taxationof foreigrrInsuranceoompanlerrand daneatlolaamumnaecm11panle8~ The 49th Legtdlatwe themtqma emoted Bouse Bill 23, ,. Acts 1945, 49th kgl8lature, pa@ 442, Chaptelr 279, (erroneously codifiedas Artlole 47&a, .V.A. C. S.), vhlch providedfar the tax- atian of all lasuraaooorgan%urtfoa8traasaatlag the bueIne8sof Ufe, pen-1 aaaldeat,life and aocldent,or health an&aoaldent, lsrumace for profit,or mutual bensiLt o$ prateationFn the State of Tsxar, vhlah 8ptwlflcal4 repealedArtialer7064a and 4769 of the Revlred Olvil Statute8of Texas and also oootaIneda general m Zhe Leglslatawsalso enaotedliorueBill 9, Acts 19~14%hu~~iatme page 574 Chapter341 Section 1 .Vhfch a&endedArtlole 7064 hkeInbefo4 referredto: Each of ibese bills uar~oa~plemeatary to the other, It being the manliest Intentlonof the &gi~l.atum the-by to tax vlthoutdirorlminatioa every foreign Uad doaertielamranoe organizatloadobag evoly olars of inuunuloe buatiees peaultted by the lavr of the State of Texar. Artlale7064, as 80 aaezaddby the Aotr of 1945, pro- oeeded to tax a& oeganlsatioas4olng a title inspranaeborlnessand 133 George 8. Butler,Chrlraaa, Bonom?zble page 4 provided for 6 tax upon the gross predu~ ?eaelp4sIn a,p&axlmately the same manor as ia the orlgirmlaot. ft &an&d 8@4rially the awductlonof the rate of the t6x by investmentln ap#oved T4xas 80- auritle8as defined la the rat. The last paragmpb 'ofthe 8mended artiole~tr set forth verbatim I %O ocoupaticaa b4 levied 051inBIll’- tax Shall. 4~4 kapsuler her8ln rubjeatedto the g?O88 p?4mlum receipttax by any ootmty,olty or tOvu.~All mutual rmemai nov or he?mfter do- b4nevol4nta88o8l.8tlon8 il~&JbU8lXi488h this stat4 tie? th4 b&O SyStast and ?O~X’4802dtLtiVO fOrP Of gOV4l'lSB4Rt, Uh4thO? O?@lbOd undelrthe lavs of this State o?a fon1nn state or ainmtry,an exQapt fmiihe ~i0vI81on8~ofthis Ar- blo1.s.Th4 t4xe8 lfo?48aldshall ocm8tItut6all taxeE aolleatIbl4uut?4rthe lam GTEhl 3bt rcelnatq Wl??:4?8OXOSpt 8UfOt4n8ii:tax68 $4- 8U8h iII$-k'aZi44 olally levlsduuder th4 'Isv8of this 8tate aBd a88e8Bed by thb &wrd Of as-44 CQoPiS81OZl4?8 t0 Su.p&%?tthe : various.aativltle4of the dlvlaiofu 4f the Boarciof Ia- surance~~OLIBSIOMM, aad exaept If say auah carrier " ia vritlng per80nalaocldent o? health and awldent ln- BlllFLIIO4OthOP than VOl%S+4~‘8 kWiVJlW%Mti0li, it shou h0 4 taxad as oth4nls4 prwld6d by lav ma aammt o? suoh bU8iU48S~and except un4mploym4slt oamp4n8atl4rI tax4s ltwisdwader Senat4Bill Bo. 5, pa484d by Third Called Sessi~ of the ?ortr~fmwth Idglrlatum and amendments the?4to. fo other -kaxshall b6 leviedor aolleotedf?om any laauranoeaarrlerby the stateA oounty,alty or say but this b hall t b4 ooautmmd to prohibit tZevy aad eoll~4tloao~stete.'4oua~yand mn%olprl tsr48 ~Uiwnths ?8al and p4?84nal-p?Qp4?ty4f SUOh 4arrler. p\mlj OOO~lUtiV4 O? 8UtUd fillstIASUlUIh44 04Bml48 oarsled on by the members thenof solely for the proteo- tlon oi.their ovn pmpstiy',aad not for profit, shall be ‘exarptfrktha provlsloarr Of thk lav. %%liSlet ahall be omtllatIv4of all other fsV8 md *ha11TF-X-A?t141e $758. RevisedCivil Statutesof 1925, ----f%& as B1po anda ~o~gab.leGoor@ ri.Butler,Chsinaea,pege 5 Rmpmalm8~~9of tvo klndm--express or Irplied. An ex- ptimm repeel 1s one oooompllmhedby positiveenaataeat ealaripg thm Perpose ot the Legislature.'It may be *neral or?-8 pecial. Uheem a MY enactmnt abrogatedany torrner act'on thd mame siubjeet with vhlch it oleetrly and sanIfemt.ly aanflictm,to the extent of'the lnnoonmimteaa~ or repugrtanae beivetin the tvo, muoh kaeotment consti- tutor 8 repealb? necemmaq Lpllaatlaa and ham the *ame effectam an erpwsm repeal. TWquestlon of repeal Is-onm of lmglmlatlreln- tmat.~ i'armhall v. State, 138 S. Y. 759; 39 Texas Jurisprudence, Pp. 13O:and137. *: Xt vi11 be noted tbat.theformgolngprovimionm of Ar- tiole. 7064; 88 ulsnded, ltate‘thatr "The taxeaaforesaidmball oon- mtitute all;-taxes collootibleus&d& the lavm of this State against rnr much lnmwaaoe carriers. . .* and that "go other.- shell be leviedar collectedfrcp au7 lns~ce aarr%eP by the State, . . ." b&i of the forsgoing ~vbionm constitutes r.repeslbr lx~plice- tlen of tlm e69hamlmedportioamof Seotlonm~ 7 and 8 of Article UO2a, -' mupra.- '- Tbo further9rovIml~ of the esmended rrtlale that 'thim . all other lam only inmots~~a8 then le orgemlZiii affeoted by thti.hotqr others -9 80 am providedabove,’ oonstltutesan ax- p-mm generalre9eal of all,thomeprrrts of Artiole1302e vhhich pro- vldi for tbe aelleat@&tr#.or a payment by &memtLa title lnsvmncm 6~ tit16 ysranty em~poniem of fnrnohise taxmm to be oms4~med aal collected tier the pro~lmlonm of Art&ale7084, RevisedC%vIl Stat- utes, 1925, am wended, ~ffeotlvwS~ptamher3, 1945. .- la thereforethe ipInIonof thlm Dmpartmemtthat the It k&d of Inmum.nce Conlmmionen barn DO euthorltyto and shouldnot demendor"rcmiptfranohtietaxes tror any doebstle title ~murance or title gumrinty ooqaay ohrtered inade~ e of thC8tate OS $‘aram, but @at its is ~tbo duty ei muohdcmteatio caa~pmnlem to psy the grosr promlum roaeiptmtax rocordhg to the terns and 9?ovlmionm Of'ktlEld 7064, R#ylmed Civil Statutes,1925, am amwtdedby Aotm 19%. 49th Legimlature,lupra.. .. Yours verg trulJ ATTORl5tY tB%BRAL OF TTah8