OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable John C. Uarburger county Attorney Iayotb county b~Orange, Texas Dear Sir: Opinion Eo. O-7220 Re : Under the given facts vould carefully considered by this de quee, in part, a8 r0ii0vs: nd maintains an hioh has no ll- the f olloviaq 8lclan and phar- praot ice medicine hlr drug store a8 lcensed physician and phar- uch drugs, medicines, etc.? on 8 of Article 45428, Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statutes, reads as follows: “It shall te unlawful f3r any pzrsc~i who 1s not a registered pharmacist under the provlalons of this Act to compound, mix, manufacture, combine, Bonorable John C. Wrrburger - page 2 prepare, label, 8011 or dl8tribute at retail or vhole8al8 any drug8 or wdlolner, except In orlgl- nal packager, Provided that all perron nov regls- tered a8 pharmolrt~ la thin rtate ahall have all the right8 granted to pharmaolrtr undrr thlr Aat. Provided, holmveti, that nothing in thI8 Act 8hall apply to or Interfere vlth any lloenwd practitioner of m8dIcIue, dentlrtrl or chiropody, vho Ir duly reglrtared a8 ruoh by hi8 rerpectlw State Board OS Examiner8 of thla Itate, vho 8hall rupply hi8 or her tlratr, a8 a phyalolan, deatlrt or ohlropodlrt, and r J them employed a8 suoh, vlth ruch remdie a8 he or ahe may derlrs and vho doe8 not lmep a pharmacy, open ahop or drug Itore, ldwrtI8ed OF othervlre, for the retailing OS mdlclner or poI8onr~ and provided, fur- ther, that nothing oontalned In thlr Aot shall be con- rtrued to prswat the peraoual admlnlstratlon of drugs aud 8mdlolnea carrled by anr phyalolan, surgeon, den- tilt, ohlropodlrt or wtrrlnarlau lloenmd by his re8peotIvs Board of Bxamlnorr of thlr State, in order to rupply the Immdlate need8 oi hi8 patIont8; nor to prevent the nalr by per8on8, SIrm8, joint rtoak oom- panIe18, partner8hIpe or corporatlon8, other than reglrtered pharmaolrtr, OS pateat or proprietary medl- 01~8, or remedlar and mdlcamntr generally in 016 and vhloh are harmless 1S used according to lnrtructlons a8 oontalned upon the printed label; and lnseotlcIdes and fungicide8 and chemicals usbd la the lrt8, vhen properly labeled; nor Insectlcldes or fungicides that are mIxed or compounded f’or purely agricultural pur- Aa amended Acts 1943, 48th Iag., p. 710, oh. %:siec. 6.” Art. 758a, Vernon’s Annotated Penal Code, makes the violation of any of the provisions of Art. 4542a, a misdemeanor. Art. 739, Vernon’s Annotated Penal Code, reads as fol- lows: “It shall be unlauful for any one to prsctlcc medicine, in any of its branches, upon humn beings v:thln the limits of this State who has not regls- tered la the Dlstrlct Clerk’s office of every County Honorable J’shn 0. Jkrburger - Pags 3 In vhloh he ma7 realdo, and in eaoh and every county in vhloh he sq maintain an 0rri08 or uy designate a place for wotlag, advIeIng vlth, tnrtlag In any manner, or preeorlblng for patienta, the certlfIcate lvIdenoIng hi8 right to praotlce medlolne, a8 Ireued to hir by the Teur State Board of IbdIo41 Iramlnerr, together vlth hi8 age, poet offloe Mdrere, plnoe of birth, nem of mdloal college from vhloh he graduated, and date of lduatlon, lub8orlbed and verIfled bx oath, vhloh, If vi f full7 false, ehall sub jeot the aff Iant to aonvlct Ion and puniahmot for falee evearlrkg, as pro- vided by lav. The faot of ruoh oath and record 8htil be lndo r nd‘JJ the Dirtriot Olerk upon the OertIfIOate. The holder of every ruch aertIfIoate must have the saam reoorded upon l#h change of re8Idenood to mother county, aa vell a8 In each and every oountP in vhloh he may maln- taln an office, or In vhloh he My de8Ign8te a place for meeting, bdVi8iq vlth, treating in any manner, or pre- rcrlblng for patlentr; and the abrenoe of ruch record In aa7 place vhere such reoord Is hereby required shall be prima facie evidence of the vant of por8e88Ion 0r 8uch certlfIoate.’ Art. 742, Vernon~r Anaotated Penal Code, llraker the un- lavfti praotloe of medicine a misdemeanor . Seations 15 and 16 of Artlole 4542a, Vernonta Annotated OIVll Statutor, road a# fO11OVDr %c. 15. In all storer In vhloh a registered pharmaclrt Is contlnuourl~ employed and vhere the provlrlons of this Act have been fully complied vlth, tinwe shall be displayed In a prominent place la or on the front of said store the vord ‘pharmacy.’ “sec. 16. It shall be unlawful for any person to dlsplay in or on any store or place of business the vord ‘pharmacy’, either in the English or any foreign language, unless there 1s ccntl2uously em- ployed therein a registered pharmacist. ponorable John C. krburger - page 4 AS YOUStStS the perron in question 18 a licensed and regIetered physician and a regi8tered pharnuoirt, it 18 ou opinion that In vlev of the foregoing statutes such per- 8on 18 legally luthorlsed to praotlce medicine and accept esplopUt a8 l ~rWol8t at the raw time. Trusting the foregoing anevere xour inquiry, ve are Icare very truly ATTORNmcmamAL OF TEXAS Ware A88Ietant
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion