OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN don. Glbb Gllohrlst,Praeldant Agrioulturaland XsahanlcalCollageor Taxas COllOgeStation,Texar Dear'Sirt Fedwal hid-Gr8n t Y-l-S 1946 an4 194 biwaniwn(ChaPter399, &abed to the hltata the GeneralRstmuo 0r nrt on State or Toue bond8 and MeohanioalQolloge ua or Ten Thouaanb, Far r0r laoh 0rthO rlr0d and August 31, 19b5. * * +I 2 6r the Aota rdorrod to abow, under the oultural and YeohanloalCoUege oi pr~ririon18 mbe ror thlr lnterertr *'tim than 1s 8pproprlatodto the h&rleUltUraland YaohaaloalOollagaoi Texas, the to tJ. l=Un ‘a M i ur ent o r looumulsted lntareatrecrltedon thr land grant ltiownt rund or aaid Co11 e, aggragatlngTOP ThousandFourHundred and Fltty (410,4507 Dollars annual4 and any balaaaoatheraoi on hand at the md oi any preoodingilaOa1year, iOr laob Of tbo rlsoal years andlagaugurt 31, 1944 and A-t 31, 1945, xon. Qibb Ollahdst, page 2 to b. expand.4 In the Pymsnt of * a*8 Inoiirrsdia rdriiiittg aq 0r the plup4Jraa T deb,by tb* stat0 prov Land Orant Collogo hat and the Foboral Land Qrsat CollsgsAat, snA sny asmdmonts thmto, in the Mnaer thrrslnprorlbed.~ *TA* Wuaatlanal AppimprlaUonBllI ior t&o ourmat blwdcM (Chapter377, Genurl md ¶ljwolsl Lmw8, 49th Lsglslsture- RegularSosalan)biWr no prorlslonfor psyingth. iatermt on the bon&a hold br the Texam Agrioultunl and k'rohsnlosl CollegeLaad Grant ?u&d, but under th. hotdingor *Ths Agrloultur.1cad Ysshsnioal ooAleg* 0r Texas*wk.. the rt3110wiail( tislon ror the ,~ expwtalttm or this lntsrsst(prm 683p"" t **Mao, thorn 1s l pproprlatr( the and Yeohm 00l.l~ Or Taw8, th owront or rroumulstad lntuwt moo ln&ounsnt rund or ssid Oolle&r aggn TM Thousand Four Rw6rrd aad #Wty UknuaAlJMa sn$bslsJlerthemoioahsdstths &ulof fo r lwh ot tb ilsml yewa Yunon~m Annotstul Cl*ll 8tatuto8,and &;s 19A5 34th zaiwaatum, R. I gsnstr4Ul X&2?? Ohstier1% tb A&tltuml &ad I4mhikloalCollegeot Tsxai Lsxtd-Orant in&-no Fund ron8lstr ot $209 000.00 derltd from the erlo of kadr rewired b .tho #fate or Gxps.mp3er the Watts4 Stat*r lrnd Orurt AotM d2 all at whloh is invastrd la art. or T.X.. S$ 00 w3llr or fw, dstti liirptrmb*r,l 1915, Oua 89 t&u 1, Y 955. .T&e fat&iWt~oa theoa bOl%&ds+ly&. roml-annuaLT 84ptwabwxaBc~~,~tunta * to a10 450.&osmluell~;th. rclithsnd oreat or Ch. ItMi or Tusr y~~,&r&cdsblr pledgedtar the pmapt jwuntal prinrkF,aad . Bon. Ulbb C?ilo~,~t, .psgo ) ” Artlo 8, footioa 6, Qoa8titutioa or Tbr*s, pavldbs 8. r9110w.t : Wo aonoy mhiU be dram iron the Treasurybut la JNI.T.U.~O. o$ speolflo.p~o~l.tlo.. msde by Ien) aor shsll any appropriationof aonsybr nadr fo r l longor trrm thnn too you*. . . .* This motion not 0~17irpulru an appropristlon bbtors moastoan be paid out or the Treasury but e&so llafts every approprlstionto 8 term or,twoyears. PickleY. Finley, 91 Tex. Csb, 44 S. W. 480. titlolr 43&b, Vmnoa’s llanotrted CitllStatutes pruoribe., smonsother dutirs of thr Oosptroll*r of Fublio AeOOtUAtS, t&at the Ooq&roller la roqulredto 6rru wwrants wm th 'Pn~wr .r0r the p4fmt 0r au m0nrfn ah0tra br law to bqp.14 out or tb. Tr.a.ury. We Irsy.lxsmin~,osr.fullq the br th. 49th'Lyik~sture is9ludiq,.th. @mwQtlon Sill,AOts 19k5, 49th l&slnturo, R. @.;'Ohapter 377, amI hsn.bron rind a epmiilo lpproprlstloaaad. by thheLegislstumi tdths .Ooagt,rell~r or Fubllo AmOUnt tar the pame& ef Wmlntwest on tho,bordr in uartlon for $hr ilrral yur. a&lag A-t 31, 191-6aad Au&u& 81, 1947. ooastltutlonal.~pmYfrio~ q&tot& knla routi jmvhlb1t~so.h8 pruumptl9n. The proti6a fm thr’payment or lntsrost on tkso State boqub rpHers to bo UL ovoni#ht en &he ~put of t&o LsglslatJn,whl.h kglslotur.ay oorroot. oilyn subsequent 'Uoa. Olbb,Gllahkbt,m&o b _. . Trudlagthat tim aboto satisfsetorlly ansuorsyokw lnqalxy,*a are Yours vu7 truly, ATTORRBT GtT8UiALOF TtMS
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion