XiomraDla b. 0. Jomr
couclt J Attormy
Red B1v.r County
clu(lur1lle, Tox8r
Dear Sir; op1luoa no. O-7174
hc Authorityof 0ridR.r to
brroat a prrda vbea uld
Ia your lettoo of J
department, you ask SOF M op
'In l mo ea t 08W
P. 0, in the
Sered a8 &lr
V88 aot drer
tisrd that t&o Attommy @s&lo. De~tmot
ourta &vm repoetodly hbld, thnt a rtatutr
800 ort1oerr to veo outaa type tlnlrorm,
0rf1018i bdg0a ~h:b efi~atiag 0rmdera
for hig$ivay vfo8Lionm LB llrooatrave~tlo~ of our State Coo-
stitutioa 960. l9 Art. I; aad Sea. 1 Art. II. &o la v8 Ststo,
38 s. U. (2) 5S'Zi &I parta Belllag, 85 5. U. (2) f& Scott 1.
State, 114 3. U. (2) 564.
in ffmmr 0 lal PI or this depwtlseat, 306. O-317
da 3-1454, mm8 d3fbP 0s th6 pbrvi sob, ~88 mu UDI
~3wit~ti0m f0~ ttr,6dditm81 -80~ that 8wh 0rricm
could suapmd t& elsforaeoat ot thr hlgbray violatloas by
tm VO~~WY htarrg off Or hi8 Otw0m iri a0uti0a QC
Jut. 1, a4 28, 0r tb a0amttioo, to-at t
90 power or SuapMdlag &us ia thtr state
.& a klla x e r o b lx wp tby the ~tgialature. ”
%4 ~I&W.l l&W 00 this 6ubj60;, 86 WO h.Wa i+d
.- to point out ta auc fo+r epirua~, la Art. 393,
.I.G. a., to-uitI
“any gvaace officer is authorbed to armti’
without warnnt aQy prwa round aomlttitkg 4
v:d.6t10a or 4ay prwl8ioa or the prwedia(l ar-
tlol.68 of this maptar . . .’
Ua h6ve bald 118this oemwotioa that, ia our epJpiaion,
the C&W Of ti P&l't* ii61u , 82 S. W. C2) 644, go66.fartber
t2l.Q nlere1.f holdlag, A&* XJ"a to be uaooaatltutiolrl bwauM
law. 318 can holdlds
:c Y46 6 spaoral: that Art. 8038, a8 ba-
cioted bf the iWth Called Stvasloa oi tk 41s~ Lu~laratuw,
vas not nzaterlally Qtii6r6nt f~66 i)oF, a6 usmded b7 t&m
3woad Called 3~6610~ ,afttm 4ht in@.irl.turejaad ayplylag
tm rub or 004mtruotio.tu~ aiumuoo~ 141 the %ggina aaw,
th4 r4qumxmmt of 4 u4zfor8 vas u4uefxstitutloa4l.
Saott V. state, 114, 3. U. (2) f56& -06 With the
"aeiuOg C&SO' 10 hOlbiq that tb 5t8tUte wquirzw arrlO6rS
to war wrtdin wroms, wps 0tb3 orflcial b6dg68 ~86 lo eoa-
travmtlon of th4 3t4te Coa8tltati4a.
30th 0f tl;eM, MS38 H4iJ 0~ the dt?CiIIiOD9f tha COW
6ad the apuaion of Judw L8ttimr0, of the Court af Crialaal
AgPeala, i;r *al6 0435 of L.kCt&@lI6v* state, 38 3. ‘d. (2) 592,
to vhich you r0O0r 6nd Vlth ~hlah you are 6tItirelf fa~&lla~.
*ibviourl;r,if Art, %3b 1s valid, the ontloa 16 ulth
a6 dric43r to ~04~ a uaii'om and enro~b tbt3 state18 highway
mm, or lmwe aff bin uiz~taru and thus rellev6 hFnrs4l.fof the
::uty at otiforomg that law, wSl6h, 10 5rrcot 3ut;aaaa tbs law.
Iioaorable B. C. Jones - ?SR6 2
xs stated, that la in violation or tit. 1, 300. 28, or the
Constltutlon of Texas.
Art. 8osb 18 tm bItf3Dt efrOrt Or th6 &giS&tu?e
to reqtir6 th6 OrriO6r6 0r this Stat6 to Y64F a baclga ot a
ccrtaln place on hla body, to vaar a a&p, coat or blouse and
trousers of uawd oolora before he can make en arrest for a
violation of the hi v&y lava at this State, though ha Is
authorictd b7 Art. If?
03 to w such Ou BFF6at. In our opin-
‘on, the Lsglsl4tuFe he6 attelnptad to do Uh4t Jud@ I.&timor6
13 the Scoggiaa CIISO said it could not do. If6 think, th6r6-
rze, that the rsqulremant of a uulfomn la Art. aO3b vlalatea
the Stats Conatltutlon for the reasons giirrn in the opinloaa of
Judges Morrow and ?at timore.
36nc8, VC)aollcur, U~Ueiirl6di~, In the atat6'8 con-
tention, as urged by you In the Juatlos Court oaae, that ‘re-
gardless of the Elannor in which th6 arresting 0rrmr Y48 dressed,
it vaa no defanaa.”
Yours very trulf
John L. Wroe
JLW: zd Aaaiat8nt