, . 617
sionor*blooruak UC neatin
OplAloAHo. o-71,3?
Deu 8irl
fo r b ytb o a o unty,
0wita rei=y
allared by Art.
1 be lleblo for the exponur
Or jucOF8 irpuu1.d in 8
88Fipt #hall k 188Wd or money
ho8e lXpnu8 uw 80 paid.’
BOA. Prank W. b,rtlA, pa&e2
Art. 1039, Q. 0. r'.
“A $.U’or ny pay hi8 OVA upo~rer and dru.~,
hi8 8Oript; but the OOUPt 18 Pe8pOA81blO i.A the/
firat plaae for rll WpeAur fnaurred br the
8herlrf lA providing ruitable roOd md lw
for the Jury, not to exeud tvo dollu8 8 d8y."
Art. 1042, c, 0. ?.
"The ohorlff &All J th@ UpOAM8 Of 3UFOP8
lxpmelod lAOA of feOnJ
r (~~ptwb.nthO~~
M&W- OF h i.01 8a th f)
, Ofl@ OY-
ln~o a ulr l~
take ure or All pPi8OAor8. for All or vh$oh, be
8h~llkrefPPburredby thopoper oount~~oording
t0 th. lWk8 firtiin th. tilt0 pWOOdin(l Al't101~8,
Art: 1043, 0. 0. ?.
"At eaah termof the dl8trlotoourtof hlr
oounty,tho 8herlffm8y werent to the dl8trlOt
jUm paeriding hi8 AOOOUAt8 iOr a -808
lnourred by him for food an& lod@ag of or8
IA oa80 of trial8 for felonyduringthe i;" lrm rt
vhlohhi8 Woourtt18 plu8eAt.d. 8Uoh UooUnt
rhall rkte the AWbW ub 8tyle Of the OUO8
in vhloh the 028 WI'. iapuubd,urd 8ltOt3lf'7
by mm@ lmb art8lxpenu8 p a id by 8U6h
ehorirr,and E number of day8 the (Ia V.N
paid,and 8h8,ll bo volfled by the affldAvlt
of maoh 8herlff."
Art. 1044, c. c. ?',
by the dl8blot judga1 und ho 8ha.U Approve it,
or 80 mob thereof u ho finda oorreot.lie &ml1
nit4 hi8 SpPrOvil Of 8tid AOOOUAt, 8JMO1rm
date 4nd 81~1
the oaountfor vhlohIt 18 approved,
the 8U Offieiuy, and 8h&u W8e thr 8w to
be riled in the 0rfl00 of the dirtriot alerk0r
the oounty liable therefor."
HOA.FmAi w. nutin, pago3
ht. 1013, 0. 0. ?. ..'
Art. lops, 0. 0. ?.
iB OUoh OOVb - X'OUiW fifty O@At8 (501)
lA~8&luoe Umyrlt u JurOm, prorldedtha
Aojl&rorlnou 00-t mhall neeln mre thu
OmDonu (41 foPwehdqot SFaelonO?~
~~h@~u;l8OUmU8U&l+OP. t?POd3Ul'0F8
W uohreuive Pour De+l.lur(84)ror lu h
a ~ udlr 0re h0tm OS t b th8t th y
A871em u ml& i.The uwper iInahallk
paid to all p.t8oM l'O8mmto the proOO88
but rhe are ucatud br the court
foruqmuu# afkrbelna
The anow. to rOpr qUO8tiOIi8 18 d&O- b7
Art101e 1038 0. 0. t., whoPbIn It provider that th. Oouat~
A0 8OZ'ipt 8hd1 k 188UOd Ol' AOAW W
m 80 prid.
It18 OU? ~~tU%thBtthO8O 888tUt.8 m 91d.E urd
A juror impuwled iaafel~~emfhave the
Of food Ud~~~ AOt to U6Ud
koIkllu8 porday,orhemypy U8 ounexpmmor 0rr00d
Hon. trallk Y. Martin, p8ge 4
It the juror ha0 the ohwriri pay 8ueh..ixpenoe8,
r&%k pbld br the Oount? the per die8 alld br
hrtiele 1056 or uv other mount. If, on the other ha& the
or pay8 hi8 ovn OXJMlU.8 he 18 ontitledto weein
allovadw r&Id Artlolo. In no event mW l
hi8 em-8 p*ldbv tba 8horlff rrdI'eo.in per
l juror IthO pay8 hi8 ovll -8.8 k FOirbUF8.d thUe?Or br
the Collnt~.hroh e juror Me&W8 ?OUr, Dal-8 pU day OAd A0
A rherlffvho pap the expense8 of a Juror may k
retmburud by the County IA uh uunt not UaeOd
r da , br r0mvug the prooedw pm8alW bY
pbo43, 3044 and 108!3.
We bolleve the iore&ng umter8 all of four