Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN HonorableBaym Satterfield ~ir8men'sPm-don Ccmmlettianer Austin,Texas Ret Coztstruction of iSa. 7, V.A.C.S. “Mr. A. vaa a r.&ul of fire depswtnsmt part3 eeblmdto ruDh utextent d at other types of employ- th8 Board grant him pwBt8rmnt y Wit to bs etnplay8d on the dlsablllty IS suah that he could on fobs other thm fire depertment "OwofourBoardah8ssuahraa#pemIlqgandve vould appreclatsyour ruling at your earliest aonvenle~ce.'~ Iparpurpaesa of this oplaloIi,veas8uxm thatilmflre- auD in puetatlonhas mdm full aomplieocevitb all other Pwl- ~bu8 of At‘t.6243-t. to I zr ui&Boardfidl8u l larttw offiotthrt8iin- m 18 pnpthlly dlubled, vmt ir, wtwa he 18 only ale to pe- fox-mm o? tIm umaltmkkr o? l vor&nanbutlr ablstopmzeum and rotaln employment roawmably wIted to his phyrlorl condl- tion and ability to work, then the Board mhould grant patlal ~lsabllity,oacodlng to th. da&roe thoraaf-. We trust that the above fully fxmiera your qubrtion. Your. very truly