nlon T8r,U88C o?
#‘ebrtmrr Z, 1946,
Uiba h88 h8d
8 lVqUr8t t0 8108 in 8 OJlb-
e rm to pa88
oo~.lsslon or board, of
the bad of ruoh StrUS k-
longin& to the Strtm of mm8-”
The ~O:i8tltUtlOn Of the St8tO Or ‘ItX88 tn AltiOh Xvf,
So o tio n60a ,deo la r o rthat “Th Ooocurrrblon ld dermlopaent of
all of the neturel reaouroa8 of thla Ztato, inoluding . . . .
‘wters CC ltfl rivers an6 atree-ia, fcr lrrlpatio3, rarer a3j a.11
other wefti ;ur:osee, . . . . era eeck sn: all hereby dsclsrsd
~ubllc ri@.ts end duties erd the :efls:8turt) at1811 gas8 all euch
laws 88 my bo appropriate thsrato.*
QOJSS. Fish and Oyster ComxIssIon - Pags 2
Unless the i+sc;lslaturs, pursuant to its oonstltu-
tional authority ovsr public watsre and water OOUTSOB has
apowered a stats dspartmsnt, oopMIssion, or board to do an
sot, to-wit, grant a per&t to a landowner to blast a natural
obstruotion in a pub110 stream ror the purpose or allowing
rlsh to pass rrssly beyond the point or obetruotion, no stats
aganoy aan lawfully grant suoh a permit. 38 Tax. Jur. 836
in agrooment statssr *;owsr In reapec t to Stats property
rI&ht8 I8 vsstsd In ths Lsgialaturs, and ths Lsgislaturs
alone nay lx o r o lesths power neosssary to the snjoymsnt and
protection 0r thoss ri*te by the enaotixsntof 8tatutse ror
that purpol3s*~
The Awtln Court of Clvll Ap sals reomtly stated
the law in CorzSllU8 vs. RaIlmid C0pm !881011, st 61, 188
s. ii. (2d) 412, to be thab 'Ths gonsral ruls Is ~011 srttlsd
that board8 or oomIL.aions which am orsatUrs8 of t&s statute8
oan srsro188 only such authority aa is oOnisrr8d uNn them by
law in olsar an4 express Bsrquags, and that authority will not
be oonstrusd as tilingoonrerrsd by implloatlon.~
X thOrOU@: SXt%RiLE%tiOnOf Titls 67, RSViSSd Civil
statutes or Texas, relating in part to the powers 0r the Cafe,
Fish and Oyster Comi3slon, of Chagter 1, Tit18 128, B8vIs8d
Civil Statutes or Texas, setting rorth ths powsrs or the Board
0r iiatsrEnglnsers, and or 611 other laws relating to ths State's
rights In pub110 waters and rivsr beds, discloses that tis LagIs-
lsturs has not authorAsd any oom-Assion, board or department
to Issus a permit to a landowner to rsLov8 a natural obstruotlon
fn a public strew.
10rrS Very trUiy