. il 243 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Dr. %'.A. DWds, State %3&StrQr au&au of Vital Statistics ijobrdof Sealth mustin,Texas Viehave rece$ved yo ‘theheretiabo~e:uaptioneb adopting pnrunto as the netural parent3 of tha child. You dan under'3tonltwhy on Lme- bate answer to this qgestion is ncces6arY.n : . - . - Dr. b'.A. Davie, $a$2 ,. . ' . Subsection 26 of Rule ,47a,Article 4477, Vernonts Anno- .Ytated Civil Statutes, read6 in.part aa follows: * byrov~ded~further'upon entry of fioal ordar of a&option the Tudee or Clerk of Court shall notify the 33gistrar of Vital Btati5ticS in State D6pQd,- ment of Balth of action taken, giving the name8 and addresses of the natural parents if known or of the ohil&*s next kin, the date,of birth an8 name of such child .beforeand after adoption on& the name and addrcsaes of foster parents, Said re&atrar of vital stntlrctios shall likewise be notified of.-any subsequentrevocation of such .orCerof &option or any~annulmentof adoption. Copies of all reports of adoptions and reports of revooatiod of order of adoptXon an&.of an.nul&entsahall within thirty (30)~ days;after suoh order be mailed tomthe registrar of vital statietics of the State Department of Eealth. Upcn receipt of oopy of anyfinol:order of aaoptlon, the State aegistrar of Vital~Statiatiosshall cause " to te made a reoora of the birth in the new name or ', names,~oftheaaopting parent5 oreparent; .Eo shall .then cause to begsealed and ff&ed.the origIna certificateof birth,~‘ifa&?/with t&j adoption.‘, deoree of ‘itheG&u?t &II&‘such.‘sealed’paokege.~meg.,be(~ opened only upon order; or a Court’‘oft reoorb. ~Upon receipt~0P oopy of annul5ent or acoption sai& RegicctrarOf'Vital Ststistics:shallrestore.the original nama of the ohild end.the-names of hfs .naturalpa,renta ,or,parent to the record of birth of suoh ohild. Provided furtherthst adoption' made under existing law prior to the peasage .of this Act, nay be regiateqd with .theIWreau of Vital statistics upon @iorn application of either edoptive p&rent or guardian of the adopted chflb, show the names ah8 addresses of the natural parents if known,orof the chlld's,ne.xt kin, the date of birth and the name of such child before end after edoption, the naues and addresses of foster pasents, togetherwith proof of adoption,'eithsrby certified copy of the record of the affidavit of adoption,.ox! the .Courtorder of a&option, *ypqn the a&option of sa$d~chila the State De&is- trar shall notify the 'Locnl iLegi6trcrOf tnat'adogtion, an& shall forwrd to the Local ;'ree;ietrar a copy OP the birth certlficete shovil.r~~ the n%zcs of the pcrcntc by adoption;, p-ovi&oa that n3 stai;