- -
'8 Annotatab Clrll Statuta8, a8
Son. 6. X. Filler, pa60 2
per nanth. Prorl484 that in oountlor h8ring 8
‘;. 68
pul8tlon of not lo** than thirty-fir8 thouwind
r35,000) ~4 not aOr8 tb Ali&htr thousand (60,000)
an4 0ontaM.n~ a oity oi aor than Want -nine
thouund (29,000) population, oa* jur8nli8 olfloer
may b0 appoint06 br th* Commie8lonar8~ Court, rhea
in thdr opinion tha 8~~;008 or ruoh orrioor 18
n*o484, who88 mmla~ shmU not oxowl Two Hundred
DolL8r8 ($200) per month an4 a x nr erno tto lx o 884
TWO Xuadr84 ad lfrtf Dollars (r 250) per year, Ur4
aa In ruoh oouatl~* thr Comdrdonora~ court uy
lppolnt an l**l*tant to tha mid jur*nilr orrioor,
whoa in thrlr opinion 8uoh 88818t8nt ir n808888rFJ
Who80 aalarp lh811 not lroood Oao Hun4re4 8n4 tifty
Dollar8 (31501 per month. Prort484 further that,
in oouutlerhsring 8 pa ulation OS not la** th8a
twenty thouran (20,000 P 8n4 not iarm* thsn llghty
thou*snb (gO,OOO), as 8houn by the 1940 todora
Canrur or any future Foboral Conrur an4 whloh
ham an ar*rr*r& valuation of taubi* proprrtr of
not 1808 than Yourtwm bAllion Five iiunilred Thourand
Dollar8 (jU,,500 000) and not nor0 than Slxtarn
Dollar0 t $16,OOO,OOO), on0 juvrr~llrofrioer
a ebyolppolntod by the COmal8alaner8'COUrt, when
in their judgcwnt luah oifloer la n*odob, who *hall
reoeivo a 8alary nd to *x0084 Two XunfArobDollar8
(b200) per month.
wS81ar18* 0r pia jursnllr orfioerr an4 thalr
l88l*tant* *hall be rixe4 by the coaml88lonor**
Court, not to *x0884 th8 8um8 horrln mentioned, ma
any bill tor th0 lxpmir0a not lxo00ding the 8u.w
haroln prorid* ior, lhall,~booortlfled by the
oounty judga l*
bolng neoerury in th* perforaanor
or thr duties 0r a 5uronl18 orriarr. Tha cammie-
aloner** Court of the oounty 8hall prorid* tha
neooraary fun48 for the pa$moLitOS ularlor an4
l~p 0n808or the 5~~8n110 orrloorr pwt48a ror ln
thin Aot.+ * +"
Hon. 9. Mb Plller, pa40 3
Th8 rboro guoto4 prrtr 0s 8814 Artlol*
prorl8lon8 48slingwith ths qu88tlon8wk84
Tsflor County la thonbr ruthorirrd
jurOnli8 orriorr not to lxoe04 tru sum 0s on8 mmu-ou mm
honty-fire DOU8rS ($125)pr math.
NO protl8lonis ma48 than&a for t&o ppMt or .sR~@@@
to rot th8 bsn8rit 0s juruu8
or 0rri00r8 to lwntios 8itorto4
88 Taylor count 18 th0nrore, Tlfkr Gout7 ournot py ta or
for thr b0mit 0s it8 JUTS~~ 0mnr uiy 8u8 a8 l~pn808~
Tours mrf tsar,
ATToluGcr 0mswI CR TNXM
Br 0, 2z4FL-z
fas,‘n. B00#8tt
8 mrirtant