OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 11 Honolrblo Oeorgo ii. Sheppard Comptrollor eI Public Account8 Austin 11, Toxar Dear Slr1 Opinion go. O-6974 Your requert for an 0 the above subject matter ha8 b ridered. Your nquort 18 88 ? money nmv in vhlch this me alto each re 0 or tho Acta of the lnth Log18 la ture : mP iund8 luthorlzod 88orl and Co8metologl8tr llthor by or alatako of lav, rhall bo ro- rant is8ued agalnrt ruch Md in tho orsary 18 honbr appropriated for ruch purpomo. * ‘Plee80 ldvl8o aa to vhothsr or not thorn la ruffioi t pro-orlrting lav under Chapter 116, Acts of the tfi th Loglrleture and 8nP Amendmontr, to per- dnig fo 188~0 my varru4tr to par tho varlou8 llrtod . gononblo Oeorgo Jf. Shoppad, pado 2 Acasmpanylag your l'OqUO8tVaS l 118t Of Da0 238 C1MiES for re?und of money paid to tho Stat0 B08rd Of tkirbFO88OP8 end CO8mOtO1Ogi8t8. lxaminod Chptor 116, Acts of tho Regular So2,h,YrfC%3$i Loglrlaturo and 811 8mondmontr thrro- toj +I!! yo .?rll--. t) ?+d any pP?~isifn ~JJS+* +S vhlch _voyld_ QOLIStitUtO SUf!ICiOllt PI’O-•XlStil¶g lAV t0 lUt~O~lSO l -M Of Bon108 paid te tho stat0 Baud Of ~irdmSSOr8 and cOSmOtolOgi8t8. Hovovor, our Opinion No. o-6282, 8 copy or vhlch vo on- C1080, hold th8t 8 nCOVOry Of tUO8 VCOn iully paid 18 to b8 allovod In tho follOvlng type8 of c*808: 1) fmudj (2) mistake of factj and, (3) dUl’oSS.* It 18 our oplnlen that tho ram0 ~‘108 and authorities dl8cu88od in said Opin1On are applicable to tbo retid of fOO8. Therefore, the LbglsLaturr -8 tho povor to make 8n eppro rletlon to p8y refunds of lonlor piald to tho Stat0 by reason of P 1) fraud; (2) mirt9kO Of iact j and, (3) dUT'O88. ?hore?On, it 18 Our SpiniOn that y8u vould ho author- ltod to l8suo varmntr to pay those ChhS vhlch are mado for mODlO paid boc8uso of (1) iraud; (2) oi8tako of fact; and, (3) dUI’888. You vould not b8 suthwi88d to l88uo varmntr to pay thO88 claims not cumlng vithin tho foregoing rulo. ft 18 not dirc1088d On tho ?8C8 Of tho C18i8IS SUb8itttSd vhother tho p8 lntr npxw8ontod thereby COIO vlthln tho moaning of (1 fraud, 2) mistAk0 Of fact, lC (3) dUrO88 es 8eld tam8 havo on con8trWd by tho lUth o r itio cltod 8 in our Opinion Ao. o-6262. Uhothor or not a for 8 ro?und is eno for ronoy vrongtully paid bocauro o? (2) mlrtako of factj and/or ur08s lu8t bo dotorolinod by tho facts and circumrtancor in !zl?hdindivldual case . m18 BUSt b 0 do to mlno d l 8 to tho time pay- oont vas made. No trU8t that vo h&V0 88tiSfaCtOri1y anrvorod your h- QUW l Yours very truly AT’TORBEY olBWtAL OF TEXAS JR/JCP ~C108UI’O-1
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion