658 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN gROVLRsLLLERa *rTO”NLv OLNCRAL aaaoroblo uoonr 1. 8&o?, - 88880 moord 0s oolwol 8opltol 888tioa Au&la, To800 Yo hn fo attea pw lottor of .' kvo8bor 15, l99155, iw a8 vhethor the lo800 la la tihothor or aot, vitb the 8tato’r a m la ter lttwh to th e-*a - ~1 p o mr tr p r wwd fa rhhiblt 'A'. 8lMO the woto la tba kaofMtor ad vlll aot k bou& mtll H aotuallr to& pomo8alom, it 18 sot oi rwhwt.rlU 659 loaoroblo Uoonr 1. mr, *CI 2 IO oaovor to rpur rlrot gluotioa, l.o."vhothor tho *w lo-* mm or- - l-# -vo ~Tp o th-nt_- ?~TlOV o f l #+r @ ful vaa1om1 aau IM OS rua waao ra1aa to nve*a aa ~*rzo*.oto. T& rut&d87 to rmoutr tbr kooo aa bOLU J tho 8tato lo llear~ lyroowd la 8.B. 317, co fouad In tolmo 5, M 989, Voraoa 0 Tone 8ooolm Lw Ikrvloo, 49th t~olntwo, no#llu 80001m, m5. I& ov101000 of th lo nw ~o o wa t lp p a rto b ewet r o no o rMlo lEd vo bollon the r ( r o o 8o lr lot wlttra to bo lm gad So@ farm. Your oeam$ qwotloa 108 %a7 the to4eral Uorko Ad- mlalotrOtoe,or him dal7 luthorirod ropmoatmtlrr,, after old 2arw momoat lo l-d ,br forr, lttwh oad m&e l porto fluoh leooo m larootor7 af Item alto4 lo owh lomu am ‘hhiblt AL’?” Burr1top1m 5. r-wP** t& of the Iwo. in queotlon, vo $13 the f011w1ag ooatowo I %a0 lb11 not be blobla$ ea .lthe; prty wttll ?me:~iiii-~:- ooooioa of tho &mod m The lr fo o tivo dnte o fth e oemoat, thoco~oro, vllT bo it &ad whoa ropmnntotlroo F. F “p syo tee mtw pgoooooloa uu *bt uboo the &an Pho %rhlblt A OF la*ratm7 of ltno a437bo at- tno hr’eto tlwlo *00*a ma4 d0 8 p a r th t orol ottm y tlmab e- th elrr~otln doto. fo r e Troot~~ tbo &ova lotlof~oto~ll7 laovero four la- w-7r vo nro
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion