Ou, ?lmh L Oy8t.r Cadr8loa
Austin, Toxar
Oentlonalt Attaatloat Mr. R. 0. Do6gen
Bxecutlv* s8cntary
s been receiv&
r Comml8rlon
r gus managemeat practices
f such contract be%- to
1~ ovaed wee vith game
wour opl.alm oa the followLag querti?s
in ee ctfully requertea:
'1. Staythe Oue, Plrh eatlOyster
Comlrelen leg8lly eater late contract For the ex-
alwlve ooatrol of ell hunting prlvlleger oa a bob7
o flncloae& lxad cad prohibit hunting, killiag or
taking aaygame blrdr or mlnlr from ealdlend?
Oue, Pl8b I Oymter Coai8rlon - Page 2
- -- _ ‘2. --May the oam,
- . Flab aad Orater
cop8m~en legally latev mco a coatnct a8 above
dercrlbod ud permit llmlted huntlag upon rueh
lead la lotordaacovlth the Coml~slop~~~Juigmsat
a8 to hw llp~ huntom may be lllovti to part:-
alDate uxl the mount rob klad of gan b&la or
minlr to be taken?
'3. CM the Our, Fish and Ovafor Ca-
risrlan legally u6e male8 lvollable from the
Bpeoiol Ou ?und for peymeat to tl!u lewMvne~8 for
privilege8of lxerclrlaslxalurive control of
hum&lag prlvlleger on Nr property?’
You have glvea u8 the furthar la~or8atlonthat
the coatemplntedlea88 18 not euI doer aot purport to be l ‘co-
operativerllbllfe-re8tOratlm project' to be entered into vlth
the Foderal Oovernuent uader Artfole r)Owb, Vemon’r kurotated
Texar Civil St&uter.
You hove al80 given u8'tbe lnformatlon that
the contemplated leare d0e8 not purport to establlrh my
statutory game prererve or pre8erva8. A reading of Article
917 of our Tear Penal Cotlevi11 al80 cleerly deraortrete that
no ltetutow g8w pm8erve8 vi11 be lttb b ll8h byw.l
tha pro-
posed leaae8. saia Article 917 read8 a8 follwrr
'Any poraoa, fin or corpontl0n
walag rad in po88errlon of land8 la tha hate of
Texas, may tranufer by UI lamrtrunnt la writing,
duly rakmvledged before an offlcer, lut&rlsed
uader the 1~8 ot thlr Stete to take lckaovledg-
mata, ta the State of Teur the right to pre8erve,
proteot cad introduce r0r promgatten purpoae8
any of the gam blFd8 or gw enhal untloned
f.atNr ahpter on the lead8 meatlarea therela,
fo r l period of not lerr tlma tea yur8. Suoh
la8trunat of vrlting 8hall be filed la ths office
of t& Oaae, Iri8hend Oyrtor Cad88loner. vhare-
uwa t& Oeae, Flrh aad Oyster Cmmirrloaer may
at Nr Olsaretloadeclare tb lurdr dercrlbed in
raid la8truacnt a State Oar Pre8*rve, urd them-
after for the period aamed thmela rhall ior all
the purpose8relatiag to thr preaenmtlon, pro-- _
tectlonu16 praprgrtlen of Ilam8bird8 eruI&a~8
mi8alr be under the 00ntr0lofthe Game, FI8huad
Oy8ter Ceul88loner. The aggregate acreage Of all
@amor Fish & Oyster Cad88lon - Page )
DFOU?VeE Vhi8b -7 k dOE%QMtd is M7 W
COUntJ 8~1n8VO?~XO@Od kn pr 008tOf th
tOtC1 lOFeC#O Of 8UOh OOUfhtJ. 8UCb ~Eer*eE
shallbe a\nknd lath8 order of tb8 flllag
Of tbr in#tFUDent tbr@fOr. The Ou; Fish
ur4 Oyakr Cemi88loa4e~ shell aauae aotieor to
b. DmDMUd OOllt~i~ Lb vO?dE ‘fit&O OW
)19*erv.~, %eapa8rlng ?roNbltod”, and aauae
Such aotlcer to be DOEted at woh #ate or Ed-
trace thereto. All State gem8 preserves em-
tablla&d Under tb ~rOViDi~# Of tN8 CbDter
sInA for all pmpo*e* of preremCt;ah, pro-
tection aad propagation of ga80 birds and aam8
lniulr therooak under th eooatrolti me-
meat 0r the 0~8, Flab and Oyster Coml88108er,
end In urd NE deputies may at all t-8 eater
in Md Um EUoh ~lTeEeFVC# in thC p8PfOFMlw2e
of their duties.
“Itbe unlavi\rlfor uay
person to hunt, purew, ahOot at, kill, take,
destroy, or la any nnaer molest uy of the gem
birds or 6W m-8 vltNa the exterior bounda-
ries of us7 gw pnrerve, and may person vho
E&11 *iObtO Uhy DZ’OVi8iOIi Of this ChpteF
shall be dee8ed guilty or a drdwmor aad upOn
WlWiCti~ #bill b fined not le88 thCD fifty
Wio.00) dollar8 aor more than tvo lnmAred
t $200.00) dollars.
hrtlole 4018, Vernon’s &mot&d Texu Civil
8tatUte8, ti OUtliLliZ@
tb dUt~e8 a!@ DOVerB Of tb C~EEiODer
(aav Cemi88lm) gives to the Caad88loaor "auperlnteadeaceand
Cmtrol of tha propyatlon aad dirtrlbutlm of blrddrua gu
la the State naanatloq ovar vNch he uy have cOmtrO1, or vhlch
uy be establisha ior roob propagatlaLa It 18 our opl.aloa th8t
the above quoted provl8lo8 of Artlale 4018 clearly reterr to
bkte reaerv~tlonr or gu pre#erve# l#t8bli#kd in the statutory
Warier md vould aot lutherlae the leeme ia que*tl~. ft vi11
8180 be borne in dad that Artlole 917, ?enal Cule, aupra, pro-
au. Fleh & Oyster Cd8eloP - Faga 4
We hWa ken umblo to tImI eny rt~tutory
ruthorlty iOr tb pPOpWe8 10a808. It ID thanfon our
Ophbt tht aOh Of m qWt:W &Oti&d k NtEVOtWd iIttbr
pleg8tiVe. ud tbJ WW SO WEVt)?eb
Very truly youra