Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Eonoyabl6 Bert.F0rd,.bdminl6trator Tsma Liquor.Control Board Austin, Tom6 D6ar Sir: Opinion No. O-6917 R6‘ Proper form of ba11ot.to bo used in a local option slsc- tion in P city part of vhich is "dry" under 4 follnerlo- oal option slectioo and part of which ha8 since basn ann6x- ed and is "wet." : ', You haw rsqu6sted~an opinion of this depar+anent based on facts contained in a letter written to you by Mr. Jos. F. Hsnson of Pasadena, Texas, .The letter, in pait, is 16 follonrs: 8 t . "I% ar6 prapaiing to pstition the Conmissionsrs Court of Harris County for an order authorizing and ordering an'eleotion illthe City of Pasadena to deter- mine whether Or not the Sale of all aloohdlio bsveragcs shall be lagalired or shall bs prohibited in the City. ” . . . . "Our problem is thi6, part of'the oorporate. area of the City is 'dry' bjr a local option election, as stated abow, held in 1937, and . part i6~ 'wet ‘6 stated abOV6, beoPuS it was 'W6t' prior to it6 being annEXEd t0 i&6 City. Th6 qU6StiOIl i6f, Which form bf th6 .bllot, if Either, w+ld b6 proper under th6S6 oiroum6tulo66?" From the fwts set forth in the rbwa latter i appsars that th6. City of F'asadsna oontaj,npsapproxtiately four squar6 miles which i6 3 "dry" under a local option elaotion held in 1937, and approximately six Square mil66 annexed 6inae 1940 whioh i6 "w6t.' NE havs been advised by th6 Ten6 Liquor Control ,Board that the sale ~of all intwioating liquors in th6 annexed por$ion of the City of Pasadena ha6 b66n'Isgalizsd. WE a66~66 that thSr6 iS no (iu6StiOIIas t0 the validity Of either the mnrxatlm 6f the "w6t6 territory of the local option Slec- tion held in 1937, Th6 l6gll 6ffEOt Of the lnnOX6tiOn Of . *WVt" Honorable Bsrt Ford, Pug6 2 - O-6917 . territory to a "dry" oity ~66 before the 6upr6me Court of Texa6 in the : O‘S6 Of Houohins V6. P16inO6, 110 S.W. (2d) 549. In thut 0‘66 the i oourt speaking through Judge Crit6 strt?d that no provi6%on is mode in our lrw for l change In the local optioil status of L "wt lma" merely 1 through its annexation to a "dry are.6 by ordinnmce. SEOtiOn 20 Of Arti XVI Of the TEXa6 COnEtitUtiOn, l‘6t unended in 1935, provides In part a6 follows: "tbj . . ths leeislature shall snaot a law or l&w6 whereby the qualified voters of any ooun prsoinot or inoorporatedtown or ity VOt6 Of thOS6 VOtinK. datermine t(ran time t0 tim6 Wh&her the S616 Of int&OPting liquor8 for bSVOmg6 purposes ,6hallb6 prohibited or legalized within th6 prescribed limits; md such laws Shall oontain prov-i- sions for voting on ths sale of intoxio&ing liquor6 of.various types and various rlooholio contsnt." (&lphaSiE added.) The Supreme Court in the Houohins 0166 cited above declared that since this constitutional amendment providdd for the method of de- t6lrmining whether or not intoxiolting liquors maybe legalized within P pr666rib6d filma th6n this 7166 the 6XolUSiv6 mQun6 by whioh this question oould b-s deoidad. See also on this question Attorney Ceneral~s Opinion No. O-6880, a oopy of whioh is attached. It is l -11 settled rule under the Texus ~a666 that'wh6n6v6r' a local option law is on06 legally put into operrtion.tia given territo- ry, it must r6main in for06 until it has bean voted out by the voters,of the territory WhEr6 suoh law was originally vitalized. Se6 Ex Pete ,Pollard; 103 S.W. 876 and Hailing vs. Xing, Cbun'q Judge, 67 S.W. (2d) 1074. Artiob XVI, Seotion 20 of the Texas Constitution provides for 616OtiOn6 Only in thb COUnty, jUEtiO6'6 prEOin,Ot Or inOOrpor6t6dtDti -- or pity. Hav+ng determined that ths 6xo1usiv6 method of ohanging the" 6tutu6 of a "dry-'or "w& ur68 i6 by an eleotion, we now proceed to th6 qU66tiOXI Of the form Of ths tillOt t0 bs used, in an 6lEOtiOn in 6n incor- porated city prt of wbioh i6 "wet' and prrt of whioh i6 "dry." . - Pursurnt to 86otion 20 of &tiole XVI of the Taxas Conetitu- tion, previously set forth in thi6 Op$niOn; the Forty-fourth Legislaturs in 1936~pa666d the T6%a6 Liquor Control &at whioh,ie t0 be found in &ti- 016; 686--d 667 of Vernon'6 Annotated Penal Code, 1926. Artiole 666-23 d6fla.i a *dry ur6a6 6nd 6 %t area" a6 followsc Honorubl6 Bert Ford, Pug6 S - O-6917 "lbensver --thetsrm '& -lr 68@---- is used in this Act it _------- ah,.11 m6un und refer to 811 oounties, just166 preoinots, inoorporutad OitiES --. or tOWn6 'irherein the .sule of ulooholio beveruger bus been prohibited by Prlid 10081 option 616o$ion6 held under th6 kws of ths 3tRt6 in fOrb6 Rt th6 tim6 Of th6 taking 6ff6ot of Ssotion 20, Art1016 NI, Constitution of Texus in th6 your 1919. It lik6wise shull m6.n und refer to "y 6uah u.86 Wh6r6 6‘16 Of such ‘loOhOlio bevsnges shull b6 prohibited under the terms of this Aot. 'The term 'w6t urbuf ah811 m6.n md refer to 811 other w-688 of the State.' (Enphusis udded.) An ex6minution of the rbov6 undersoorsd lPnguag6 in, Article 666-33.foroes US to the oonalusion th+t th6Bterminution of ths stutus of-one of the politic81 subdiviEion6 mentionEd in Articla XVI, Section 20 of the T6x.s Constitution depends upon 8 oonsiderution of the 6t‘tUE of the county, jUEtiO6 pr6OiXlOt, Or inoorporutad tOvdl Or oity 86 8 whole,.6nd that on6 of the. ubov6 subdivisions muy not b6 part "dry6 .nd p.ti "wet" for the purposes of 8 10081 option election. It is our further opinion tbut $f~uny prrt of the eubdivision is "wet" then the entirs subdivision, is "Iret" for purpos& of 8 loo81 option 6l6otion. The City of Pusrdani, dEEpit the fuot thut the entire city W.6 origin@ly i "dry m-68," 16 no* a "rst ur68" by virtue of't.he flat thut liquor muy now be legully sold in 8 portion of the inoorporated oi,ty. Arti? 666-36 6.nd 666-40 of Vernon's Annotutad'P6n.l Cod6, 1926, oonobrn the fOZ7U lnd r6qUiEit66 Of tillOt6'USEd in 8 10~81 Option 616OtiOn. Article 666-36 reuds, in purt, us follow68 "(8) At 6‘id eleotionthe vote 6h.llbe'by of~ioiul.~llot whioh shull be printed or written . thErEOn Rtth6 top thereof in plRin letter6 tha nrOrd6~ 'Offioi‘l B.llOt.' Suid b.llOt 6h.11 h.V6 ‘160 Writ t6n or printsd thsr6OR the is6u6~66u66 .ppropriata to the 6160tion Order 86 provided in S6otion 40 of this Aot, . . . * (tiph.616 ‘ddad.) Arti 666-40 prWid6S for &a6 method6 of l6galirution Of the V.riOUE t&M6 Of liqUOr6, .nd likawlsa three d6gr666 of prohibition. Thi6 lrtiol6 66t6 Out on6 fOIm Of WlOt t0 be U66d in 8 "W6t Rr68" und rnother form to b6 u66d in 8 "dry *reti" Sinoew6 hnve ooncluded thut. this eleotion ia to b6 held in 8 "mt'ur686 we'd11 quote only the pr&i- 6iOn6 ‘ppllo‘bl6 to 616OtiOn6 in 6uohRr6.6. " "In .r686 Wh6M th6 6816 of all ulooholio' bowrug h86 been lo~ulired on6 or more Of the , 1’ ._ Honoruble Part Ford, Pug6 4 - o-6917 ! following 16~~66 ah.11 b6 6uhUittEd in 8~ pro- I .hitdtory eleotion: "(a). !For prohibiting the 6816 of ,811 I beverugea thut oontuin uloohol in 6x0666 of four (4%) peroentum by w6ight' und I 'Agulnrt prohibiting the 8816 of 811 bsv- 6rPg6S thut oontuin uloohol in 6x0664 &f four (4%) peroentum by might.' “(‘91. *For prohibiting the 8816 of 811 ulooholio b6verRg66 that ContRin alcohol in 6x0686 of fourtesn (14%) peroentum by volume1 und 'Against prohibiting the 8816 of 811 llooholio b6v6rRgEs thut contuin llcohol in 6x0068 of fourteexi (14%) per- oentun by volun16.' “(f). 'For prohibiting the sale of all 1 ulcoholiabawr~gs~~~~d~g~t~r~~ the 6‘16 .Of .llilooholio~.b6V6r‘g66.' -- .ddedT- Sin06 the letter enclosed by you stutea that ths forthcoming else- tion is *to datsrmine whether or not the s.le,of 811 ulooholio bever.Kes 6h8ll bs 16 ulirsd or~ahull~@6 prohibited in the city" it upp6urs that -----Y-e (f under6oorEd lbov6 OOnt.inE.th6 proper issuss to bs auhnitted section int he forthocming 6l6ctiOn.. It is important that the form of the ballot orllsdfor,inArticle 666-40 b6 6tZ'iOtly follorrad. Inthe 0.66 Of ldOy6r VS. g6116y, Et al., 93 8.X (2d) 603, the SUI dntonio Court of Civil'App6ul6 used this,lunguager "The word 16hr11' found ixi Seoti!xI 36(u) m.kes it nandutory th;t the form of b.llct herein given or,~otie or more of the fOZ¶66 Of brllot6 66t forth in SECtiOn 40, shull be used in 811 6leotion6 held on th6 liquor WEE- tion.6 In the 66616 opinion WE find the following Etutem?nt# '*The fdlur6 to ~66 the form of &llot~pi66~rib6d by 6t‘tUtE OOnEtitUteE 8 viO1‘tion Of the m.ndutory.@ovi-, 6iOn6 of the Liquor tintI' Aot und render6 ths 616otion voiduble, When 66l.EOnRbly ltt6ok6d in 8 proper 6l6OtiOn oont.at.* 5 '. Honoruble Bert Ford, Fag6 6 - O-6917 For udditionul 08666 holding thut the stututory form of ballot must be used 866 Cuin, County Attornsy ~6. Gurvey, 187 S.H. 1111; Grif- fin vs. TuckEr,, County Attorney, 119 S.W. 338 und Flowers ~6. Shearer, 107 S.W. (2d) 1049. It is the opinion of this dapPrtment, that for purposss of 8 locul option election, the Ciw of Pu6ud6dP is 8 "wet 8reu"~within the ,' meuning of the Texas Liquor Control Act. It is ths further opinion of this d6prhnsnt thut 811 quulifi6d voters now rssiding in the incorpor- lt6d City of P6sudenu who dasire to vote muy do so und they must be furniEh6d with 8 bllot printed in strict conformity with Articles 656-36 und 666-40, Seotlon (f) of Vsrnon'6 hnnotuted Penal Cods, 1926. lR trust thls 66tisfuotorily unslmrs your questions. Your6 v6ry truly ATTORNEYGENJ$RALOFTEXAS ;w 6/ c. Y. %116 c. Y;&,.i116 +?,.sSiEt‘nt AF’PPROVEDOCT 5,1946 6/Grov6r s6116r6 ATTOR!@YGEHERALOFT~ Approved O@iniOn Colmnitt66 By BWB Chaitin