Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion


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sss. srss v. misses spinzsn ss. sites
Criuinal sistrict attorney s s part sr the salary
Esufmn, ‘i'ms §td the county Jndss's hidden

guzman cannot he paid out of
Kau!'msn Cs\mty‘s Bnad and
..i.ridge Fun.d

provision of law to MMP~
loop as official court sumner
in criminal cases iu the comity

near sm Csurt sr harass Csmty¢
summons nuntsfyuurrs st rsr miss
together with sup pr st assumed assure datsgpthst§éth

day st swanson 19*05, md s ss QM#!'
Gomuimsusru* court dated tss 1 ctr st w 1 :'co$s
request is part prudden ss teams g M‘

m e"r rim csmtss§:usrs*a court has vietnam
satty ms
ss“m sssss‘ . s ss s m s,
s s s s m
psrss:.¢ sss-mr sss st ss smusssgt same
undone-half out st tim sworn ms _ man
the must st shifting sss lmscd¢ps'¢'r£ m m c fg
thoum:§:ut s us storms-sms sun
smu`*s ss who would also act ss part tim
claim helm in sss Cs;esstgswtsr‘s sf££s¢¢
wattsthde shall bound sua
cmty Mss*s offset sss m-Wsut situs
gas sss sums sess sss was ss ss umwa


t ss mtssscouu ucc-tyth mtimsssss&~
ing ts last Fussrsl simms st 33, B,_su¢ m should
¥letim of 31’“*13?8$3”¢®¢ ~


~"H'sm mcwisshth¢rsfsss, is sss tha cmiss;susrs*
onset watser payment of sums sr sss casts
sssss*s sss mathews stenographer sss helper sss sf
the sess sss sridsd ssssssl russ st swann smith
which tsus is sssp sess st fines misstss m the seventy
fur visiutisss sf mptss crim law

* ssssj'§\i~s;%»i‘»?'%*§%?§r'£§i


iiin.. fred ¥¢ M&rid!.th, page 2`

"vinstneficn nw mihmmlos'eohauinii-
sensith duty to write let-nets for this wilkinson tax
collector to urine up arms it the Cioi.saemrs'

ann may eeia¢xonelzp-v¢ inland viii no de avers
mccourt nwtn*mthn€my¢wn (tormihla.sn
namd.duty she would w d by umwa minus
case se is ti permit method dmi

“Tms raises a related question that I have in
minds 1a there any aunharity rec creation it the ost-
§ioa if Court B¢pnrt€r in Ks.ufman Cmmty far the Cnunty
neurc, our penalizing being 32,338?

initially does the adeth have
ttnmm§iiourtr¢ viewimaod.'a
err-gal nasa in the €emty


. “Bunwma:mnir£.ianaiao:; Itnnidcteonmt
diminian thus no

cens£%:n in.uien.narrv raw ' virginia n amici


aim mr summarize men mae iam

Wnntienmsr;nmhrg¢ 7 twain-4
simmonde arms


fha maxim sindermann nbc GMM¢* smart

§§¢FWM $1%.£6“ mmm¢b“%$w n a md

i£nh¢iennty¢ miner mtannninmr
animu¢mn»wmm M£Mmme

mata inneriimnzr nawmm.

Mm£¢usu»uttldtnatmn Whnrni
hedean amm£or' 6mkemn
minimal univ -- wynn if thin ~ - ‘ vi


_ your
attention w this Mpmt*i Op$niin _ s my it men
in entrance vernon mann lt is inn w mm!inn toy m thin
nurm:iann£na mind mmm€mny¢wn¢miitmsthr
urine diminuan M$neih¢ minor wham£ie.


Haa, F'rad vt nuidiev, page 3

1a answer tom enirdlmeureh ann web quantim,
mmadviscdthaeitm is the aunt this demeant
time there is nn legal minority far eha creation of th
attica or came rsporl:srin£aumn county for the€ocae:»\’€oure
If eha statement in s criminal cea in the Cmey we ar £aui’
ann Cauney demands s court reporter and eha Ccnre fails to ap-
point sam and orders eha trial en proceed anna in not arrow

twa vary train

wpmw nov 3 1916 women emma or mms
'/s/ Carlns c. ¢snley

mae salazar incast ny /s/ seen m
emma __

sam m assistant
§PPB£WD! mw mg

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