OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GROYER5ELLERS .AlTORHEY GENOIA‘ Bon. Joe H. Thompson County Attorney Rand8ll County Ouiyon,-Text18 Dru Mr. Thompson: II ana sign a axes deduated from the Constitution, prbvlalon is that the property be assessed in ha taxable value bs asosrtained. Artiale 7152, v. R. c. s., makes it the duty of the owner to render his property for tsxatlon, but in oases where the owner falls ior 6x1~reason to do so, Artlole 7193, V. R. C. S., makes it the duty of the assessor to~render and assobs the property. .-Hont Jo6.H. Thotupson, pegs 2 The esseossd faxable value bring thus obtained, the taxpayer 1s entitled to sn eremgtlon of $3.000.00 ol”ths assasse5 taxable ~4lu4 of hla resldenoe homestead a# nbw defined by law at any time ho ol~lms hla exemption. YOUrs Y4r.V tNly ATTORNEY OlCf@.RAL OT TFZk3 Ii. T. Bob Donahue Assistant