*o bog te 8ekueQ?
8U aplnlsn eemoermlnl: tlte, 8
in1*tr8tieu of 811
t8 in oetm8etlo8
t0 ttJ0 blind 8td
n 8u lffkWt t0 fml8tO pli-
~8tiOnO rOl' tb0 bOU.flt et
tb@ 8t8t8r ,e-isR Witbiq fb+
f W&d a4U8tl tttth , tm0 m8T&
aiU.rti the bB4tit\tti~8~ &Mm&-
mbritt8d to tb8 0~8OtOF8tO 4)
, and mm4alnow we ae CR81rm8ur
t4 submit ror four aousidsr8tlcm 8Ud apiai@l th8
Iogonblo fhonm l He T8+lar - Mu4 *
tUlV cljd -8Ot 8t8ttItO8 Wttittg UP ttA0 b
pwfrent er ttrblle volhre 8na Fl’W1+55.lI(
t4r 8 rJ4tU Ot Old 8p 8m8i@t8W8, 81d to
the blht, am8 85Q to 6eymm9emt 0Mldrw;
thlr statute holnl; RouX4 Pill 611, Acts af
the 47th t~og5m18turer l n Maded and Inown
8* the pub¶le wsl?ere 8et ot 1941. T?to Be-
~t’tmtstlt Or Ppblls rOlf8tW
8(bill18tW- 38
log tb8 tmrn puBl50 88S5eJa4rmo proxnma
UtltiW88 lbe+Q and 98 P4BVf4btit ethQr ad-
mln54tr8tiro rrspettdbititi8m pWTid8d for
it! tb. 184.
l‘tiate. Sla. 330 tO~418tUrO rh8ll h&V9
the powor, by gwaral 18+4 ta pt%Wido~ wb
@at to 1 hltatiwo and reatriotianw hemim
4Wt8iR8&, *ad web ftth8t’ ?irtltAtiWB, F8-
mttietlonm and n~l8tlons 88 up by the
t.t@S~8ttltW be &OWN& WWdiWt ?8+ 88d8t-
en48 to, ad far tha pawmmtt Of 84nirt8n40 tot
mata fumes eh811 not ba ura tk8m hem ty
solI8ra t&20) ror month.
"(2) Satly blind p8rwmr 4ho are
4atunl b*n4 fide 4ltlaaro nf Tcstnw on8
8m aver the 8@!3 of twenty-owe (21) yewa;
pmri#od th8tno 4u4h l445at8ne4 stull ho
paid to an? iammte of mw %-to mpportod
inatltutlan, wbllo 4u4h lnmmte, ar to any
permew rho shall not ka+o 8otrulYy mmid4!d
ln Pawa 8t 1884t tit0 (3) years nurlag the
nine (9) tare 5mmmdJatel~ pneadinn tho 4~
pliatitttt r’or WtOb 4Bi54t8484 md OQntiftm-
otwly far awe (1) few lmmodl~tot~ ~rwml-
la2 eueb lppllart5m.
'ts) Bw chlldnn Wt.08m 84tu81
b4.m rida 4itiSm4 Of 70X84 ld 8m Utt&8r
th0 lP Of d%tOOU (la) f48N’88 jWt.Vidti
th8t a4 attob 8.4-28tM40 sh813 be -Id an
8OWU?lt Of my Ohi?& OIOF tme (1) ‘fO8F old
who b88 ttOt OsllthtWUdY raoided in 7-a
fQr On0 (1) yO8r 5RIDOd58t8ly w848&5Dg th8
8pp1548t14EI rot’ atah 88iiSt8Fl44, Ot- WJ 84-
ommt of rs~ eblld under tbo 868 of on0 (1)
jeer When WthW b88 SOt O+mdhUOUmfy I+
05Qod in Tox8n for me (1) yO8r 1snHdlntely
plW4&ina 448b 8ppf588t54U.
l‘%%fi %.#5818tU?4 sb811 h8+8 tha 8UtRor-
itr t0 8448pt ?T’4R tb4 P8d8ml PO+OtWUOFlt Ot
the Cnlted Btator mob tlnnma5~1 aid ror tbo
84454tin44 Oi th. MI8487 8@r W0.t~ bllnde
urd naody <dmn as r06h ~CW*8weont r*lr
afTor not 5nson454tent with m4tr5atlan4 b8r8-
in nt forth: prerldod bowever th8t tha @8MQtt
or much 88Rlrnt8wm8 out or Otak fbnd* to 884ll
perran attrl8teU rF%lt newor dmeod tb8 uuntnt
m oxpmded ant of Podoral Fundat and* wo-
vi&eQ further tht the tit41 llasunt 4f ~rmw
to be expewded out or 8tats f%mdn for lnab
44alnt8ncs to the n44Qy am&, n84bj blind,
and ~3~8 4bildrra iR811 utW@r axoeod the
tmm eT 2 frty-tlrs Vllllf8n Dall4r4 (#2Qll,OM)~OoO)
per far.’
gDleud aill (I& Amtm of tbm 4Ttb tm~fmImturm,
a* rn~dm#?‘ Pectimm ll,~m¶th rempmst tn the mm3omrlt
of lmmlmtmnme to be vnted ta the nmedy hllnd,
vrorldem mm inllmwmr
l l * The 8uWnt mf lmmlmtmnme drmm
sbeY7 7w0rt6e ~071 b?iad peteon wf th a
roe&onab7.0 8&dmtme0 ammpmfibla ritb de-’
4emelr and RmmltRp rlthin tbo lir~tmtionm~
and ptwimlmnr at the uom8titoti6n oi
Tesmn tm 81% @mm ptwidod, or any hmrm-
8ffor ~0 7btorie0d.
II,with tempmst ta mid to dopemdemt
88 tO7lorm;
ta ro,
na unt
o ?lmditmnmm &iVal
&mSl ~tdr mush (IO-d-t ekild rltb l
Pmmpnmb70 albdmtalmm mmqlalIb70 mltb UC
enay ml brtth, within t7m SMtat~ao
SlMYprmrrmlmam Of tba Genatitutlim or Turn*
mm mrb nw 7wmridmc7, 4t ry 78mrmmftmr bm
‘8soti4n ai mttb tempwt t4 Old l#m mmmimtmnmo
pwvld*m mm roSlowr
.* .
..ib emtmt
o flu h ta eo Hr a
~wh r nl7
p tmtiamumh
* *#Ma p er mawltll8
r6oa4nmble mablmtmmoo mo57Jellrlo *CA da;
ommay end hmmlth, wltbln t7m lim~tmtlonm
ma ~wi.mimflm er tbo Coamtltutlmmor Tmsms
08 8~ tt68 pt4viaoa. bt WY horwttor 80
*In rim of the trregdnfc we rat06 like t.0 m7mit.
the fal7arlng qraartimnmr
*(I)- Is the Commtitutionml Asssndnant, Art¶s?s
JIX, -Fiietlw, Aim, vh3sh mm8 Mfb+md mm Aqmmt 45,
1.845, anIf-mnmotiag?
‘tel. IF thi, Canmtltationml Ammud11~4~, brtlaYe
1x1, 6i3otian IUrn, 3.8 Wnoiht647 mm3f-~mat~fn*r SO
t)ret*a nyp a r t
o r th el!a!emtimmmt
rnbi4h8S77 toquito
a nmnmhllnu ltmtuta t-4 rak0 it m?rmotlro?
soaotablo Xhmmmm I:* tmflor - pmga 4
pllt8pph Or #Ofi@? of'thb mmWmdlm(J:
fWNlw 6lm 18 mm tmllmrmt
'?be Le~lm7mtaro mhmll hare the pmwot Isf
gmrimrml to prmv14mr
lams mubjmmt to limltmtlons
mraflrmmtri0tlmatm horein asn8mlnmd maw7mueh other
llritmtlmnrr remtt~stlmmm and tm~l8tlatm 81 an3
It7 the Lo~imlmtaro b6 dOan om$oUlmat for mm-
dmtioo to, 666 iat tbo plymast of momimtmmoo
. . l m t0 the germOn* therein rrde b0mmtiOlmrl68~
To mum13 muob 1lritmtlmmm~ nmttimtl6mm mnd rogtOm-
tiona thm 49th T~e(yJmtmturm did mmmat Mmww Bl77 411 ocmtmlaln~
the prmrlmimam quotd 717 30ue It mill %m mommt7tom6 prmViml0nm
lro 88 pmrtinomt mud lpppllOmb70 to the pteoant mmJw6la6 Conat*-
tution mm thy worm to tbo orlt;inml or m-06&d 0mo. Pho mwmd-
rrbnt kmVln6 -60 87-t tb6 @moFmf 186 mm6pO71S3 Ot' the
Cou~tltutleu, red tbo Leglmlmtwm bmviat m6motod ltmt6tom lp-
p7iOmbt6 lllkm tm the mdm7 and tbm usndlng m6mmt~tuti6mm1
prm~lmimmm~ all O0mmt~tmti0uml rO@rcrratm ?Ot 16gl810tStO
lbtimu t8 mk6 the 8mmuQ*mt OffOOt~Vo QU prO-t13 ulbl0,
bmvo 7ma till3 wt.
tba m+ldmm ot leoa@ 6111 611 qemtd ia m let-
tar, it t7my baa baa3
8rt4w p60OOd
the 6iMption or tbo ut8ba-
atent, um&mmbt4k7l3romld bm all tbmt omnld ho bhmugbt to bo neoom-
ml’3 t0 848kO th0 8D8Dgklt 6ttOOtiVO. ft 6mu nka m0 di?f~rmoo
thmttbmy~ota 8?T68t@in th8 8kfot68- tb6f lwtb o mp p F Up F i-
mto 7ogSmlmtiro mm8atumrttm mttltlrimmt tm mmkm t?J6mamn4mmat of-
tmmtirm mubd pro-t13 mmrtmbY6*
me wea or Btmto to brana by tbr faapnw Court of
3ortb~ Cnrollnm, 116 8. Bi. lrNI 18 8 Ymmdnmum ano Oi peeulimr,
pertlnamb mo 7ripptoen$h nmeu4Iwnt; ¶t Ml.7 be t6nnbo~,
aautmiae~ *he 7an(rrrrgOe "The COngrmmmmdthe Wti-7 mtrtom
mhm77 hmra eoasuttent pm60r t6 arf0ro6 tblm Art1016 b3 mpw~-
pt%mts le~l6lmtlon~ * * *** ti3n the nort.Q'C*ra?tnm oplnloms
. l .. . T7m uo r da ~wueo r tmt p er o r ’lro 8ot
um0d her6 in ttm m0mmm ot denoting or dsmi~mtfn~
the m0urOO nf the ltmtmm’ WWmF to lm~ol8to mr
thm muttjeW of ptohihitiw~ Wt ma irMltartti,ng
that the pore of Congremm ah877 net hs Uofo-
llrm. Gotmm~amtth v. Wiakmwon, 236 Biamr- S66,
126 Ft. U. 273, 10 A. 1.. Bt. Ibog. ZB6 88Wdnaat
in a gpmnt bf pwot @ far l@ thu Cmm&Fmrm la
oonwttwBd, hut not so mm to the lt6tOm= Iho7
had the pwor to Iegtslete on the ubjsst prior
to t&e ammQmont ant? they ati have saneurwut
$lower rlth tha Qomgreon to anDot 8ppropri8te
logi818tllm ror it8 cmP0weDmlt. Mats T* ltar- '
rioen, 184 %. C. 'POR, 114 6. R. 63n. lf t&e
uotlun sow ia gtumtiw had boon maotad the
487 ltterth e llo p tlonfn tR8 t*g?ateantb Amend-
mnt, 0lw1ou81f it Wowfd hero l3om ‘*pPr0pr9*t.
10glnt*tiw' ?q tni* 8kta in 816 ot it* entawe-
maat. xt 18 net 1.u @ booauw ale datute W88
8IWBUj 353ulatono* at tbe the Of tile 8doptiara
or the *uenanmt. twtsa RtNtes 1. t8nm et al,
43 rhp. ct. 141, uv 1.. Ha*-. mmr0 8mt b0 ry-
lng.dqreem ot rpfwpr~8tene8r In th* l*giml8-
fioa ou twr ma?Jjoot, Mlt 8 lt8te 8ktM.O WI11
not be d*olawU lneper8tlre ula raid umlem* *beI-
1~ inapproprl~te, nr mleor it k ln eontWet
with the pawmeaat 38wew
00 heretp the ln1ti*1 pwrloion of Reotieu Rl8, 88
lmea$edr *the T2eg18Yatuw 8h8lY brve paep by ;Cenewl
18~8 to pwriUe*, ia set at 817 tTl0 ewroe of letia?otlr~
- it had that p8rer under the rsaeral pwer (rrtisle
iTLetltt%n~ the m9pawte %waeRen ot t.he Qmemaeat udla-
8iTelt to diff'emmt r(CixLnOiO8r mud eonhnriag up, the'
Cedeletare the exofudre pwer t0 make Iwo.
State TO BwmeI eupwp oIoar1~ aauouaoe8 this pda-
blplcr rrwd 80 1 ikeri8a our own eourt8 b8ve held to that rule
ia Xott8 et 81 v. Ymm et 81. lQ? 8- We (0) 91?(l) (writ w-
ip;n)(~d ~ilkeut8Yd et 8Y 1. TJm @tate of ‘&x88,
. . .
Of Oeursebr the flmit8tim8r remtristlcnrs 8md w@r-
tinnn cfmtmined ln the aumdaent ltrrrlf 8w ~pwme~ 8nd at
not in aqwime rm ignnoredrguafitiea 0~ abmgod, but teem,
plan t&a exJ.atlng st8tutory llalt8tlare, wotriotionr end w
ulrtlwtt, sake e 8eneiblcr rorkehle whole , rattleten t to rut If-t-w-
ire the rdmir~rtration or the 188 aa a prrsaant~v stteeti+e and
rorkshle nanaete to the adadnlstratlto offlaarr of the State.
*Q are net unnindfu? bf the rcl?a Of WnstW~tiUn ttI8,t
the ra~f~lt~y nC a &atute ln 4etewlnett 01 of its etfeotlre
date, but t.h*t rule dear not nrlllbta mprinnt 0 :~.*'0WtOfUtiW
hew. , ..i'
At thSm p+t it 1s WOrtb? Ot nOtO that &OtiOB8
14, 18 mad Pl et rroad EllY 611 qaWte& W ?8a aPn~8lY
spuk not M9Yf MtR Mm p t t8 t& O thm UtStb #!
UINtitr r
tla ma l luth o r it~
br slt
8 tb WR p Oa tt0Wl tb *t-7 h e r ( l-
lftu b o p wTiuo 4 *.
*ii0 w?40 knowoth aot tke rearm of the law
En0wet.R not tb8 1&W.’