OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hon. T. H. Triable First Aer't State SuperIntendsat Stats Zmpartment of Education Austin, Texas Dear 3irr opinion Bo. O-5814 8 been received and carefully considered e quote Sroa your request ae r0li0v8r th Legi elature, shall expire and the expiration of %at Portion of the 1aV PO- ierred to above?” Zknate Bill 192, 39th LeRlelrtun of fox@., 1925, (codflied ae ht. 2889a, Vernon's Annotated Texas Civil Statutea) reads a3 folloVrl %ELATINO TO TBJ 18SUARCROF FIR91 WADE CERTIFICATE8 TO TUCBPRR. Cbptsr 180 Hon. T. I(. Triable - Pege 2 “An Act provldfng for pexieanent flrat grade certltlcatea; provlding Sop the emplo7- mat of teachers vho have been engaged four years fn teaching a apeclal aub- ject, vithout that the7 beve certificates; providing for the laauanca o? emergency certliic8ter; providing for the laauance of permits to teach hradea; making this Act cumul*tire of uthor 1~s~ repealing all lava and parts of lava in oonflict hcreVithJ and declaHng an emergeno7. “BE IT SSJJACTJSD BY TBP LbDISIAWRIE OF TEE STKTE O? TRxA8: %EcTIOH 1. An7 person vho for 81x y&r or more &a been the holder of a State tlrat grade cartlflcate or its equivalent and vho cur.furniah evidence of aucceaaful ax- perlence ln teaching In the public achoola for 8J.x or more aeaalona subsequent to September 1, 1910, shall be entitled to receive a State psmaenent first grade certificate. "sac. 2. An7 person vho has been engaged Fn teaching a special subject ¶.n the public schools for a period of four years and vho baa been amplopedto teach the said subject during the lbat three years prior to September 1, 1925, shall be exempt from tha requirement to hold a teacher’s special certlflcete so long aa he or she contLnuea to be employed to teach the same aubjecta: provided that an7 person vho has bwn engaged In the teaching of music, or vrltlng and dravLng ln the public aahoola of Texas for ten yaara shall be exosapt fro= the present lav and be given a life certlrlcate in that aubjeot. “sec. 3. An7 teacher t&o lppllea for a Texas teacher’r certificate on ccbdentlalrtroa uaother state ~7 be granted b7 the State 3uper- lntendent an emergency certificate valid for four months, vhile the reaord la be%ng oompleted, prior to determlngag the kind end cl888 of certl- 48 ma. T. M. Trfnble - Page 3 llcate, I? an), to be Issued to tha applicant. The applicant shall be required to p87 the same fee for the laauance a? on emergency cer- tlficete as la required b7 1~ to be paid on appllcatlon for other teacherta certl?lcatea. %ec. 4, Any person vho la l rplo7ed to teach any trade or induatr7 111 the pub110 aclmola ma7, upon lppllaation to the State Superfntentlent, signed b7 the ujorlt7 o? the board of truatra of the aahool doalrlng his services, be issued a temporary permit to teeth said trede vlthout belly required to hold the lpeclal cartlilcate prescribed br 1ev1 provided that no penaft ma7 be granted ior a longer term than tvo.fsare end provided further that the fee ?or Issuing meld permit shell be the aaae as la requlred b7 lav ?or the Issuance of teacher18 certl?lcatea. %eC. 5. Tha provlaIona of this Act are Wmulatlve a? the lava nov in foroe regulating the lrauence of taacherta certl?icatea and 811 lava end parts o? lava in conillct vlth the ProvlaIona expressed hereIn are hereb7 repeeled. “38C. 5. The importance o? thla Act and the fact that there are mom teechara thomughl7 qualL?ied, who have been teaching for awre then ten years, end heve not been required b7 lav to obtain certlflcatea, and that it la to the lnter- eat of the public schools OS the State that such teachsea amy be re-omplo7ed, create an emergenc7 Md fnperatlvm public uoeaaity requiring the aUapenalon o? the conatltutlonal rule bills to be red on three consecutive days In each Rouse, end It la there?on here lna o tul that Bald rule be and hereby la suspended end t&t this Act shell be In force and effect fror end after its passage. “(Not..- The onrolled bill ahova that the 49 Hon. T. X. Triable - ?age 4 foregoing Act passed the Senate, no vote glvanr parati the HOUW, 87 yeas, 20 naps). l &proved April 2! 1325. nEf?eotlvo ninety i90 da78 a?ter adjournment." Senate Bill 18, 48th Leglalature of Texas, 1943, (codl?led as Article 28&a, Vernon's Annotated Texas Civil Statutes) reti. as ?ollwar 'scHooL TxACHxRb - 8FNofAL CERsImXTL8 CHAPTER379 s. B. 10.18 "An Aot.emendlng Article 28898 of the Rwlaed Civil St&tutor a? 1925, relet&q to the Issuance of Special Certl?lcatea, and declaring en emergency. "BE IT EMCTE'DBY TRB ~ISLATURE OF TRE 5TATEOF TEXAS: "S*ctlon 1. That Article 2889e of the Revised Civil Statutes a? 1925 be amended 80 aa'to hereafter read as foilova: "'Article 2889a. 3poial Cortl?lcate, "'(1) Any person vho for tour pears or more has been the holder of a State First OraAe Certificate or its equivalent, and vho can furnish evidence of aucceaa?ul experlenoe in teaching in the public schools of Tour for six or more aeaalona aubaoquent to September 1, 1910, shall be lntltled to receive a State First Onde Certl- flcate or its equivalent valid for three pars. The provlalona of sub-pamgraph l), Sectlti 1, a? thIa Act end cub-paragraph (1 \ of Section 1 only, ehall uplre and be of no fumtbr force ubd effect a?tar 8eptuber 1, 1945. "'(2) 4 person vho ha been engeged in Bon. T. IL Trlmble - tage 5 teaching a special subject in the public school for a period of four pars, mad vho has been employed to teach the said subject during the last three years prior to September 1, 1925, ahall be exempt froa the requlrment to hold a Teacher*8 Special Certl- flcete so long as ahe or he eoatlnuea to be empla7ed to teach the same BUbjOOtBJ provided thet ens peracua vho ha been eageged In the teaahlng a? music or vrlting and dravlq in the public aohoola of Texas for tea years ahU1 be uompt ?ror the prerent l&v mad be given a lI?o oorti?loate in that subject. “‘( 3 1Any teaaher vho applies for a Texar Teaoher a Gertl?icato on credeatlala from maother state BAT be granted b7 the State Buperlatemdeat ea emergency oertl?Icata valid for four months, vhlle the mcolid Is being completed, prior to aeteminlng the kSn4 aad class of eertlflcato, if eny, to be laauad to the applicant. 2he applicant shall be required to pay the same r00 for the laauaace 0s an amergenc~ certl?lcate as 81 required bf lav to be paid on appllcatlon for other teacher’s certlfl- catea. ” ‘(4) Any personvho la rplo~ed to teach my trade or industry ln the pub110 lohoola mq, upon appllcatlon to the gtate Superintendent, algned by the majorityof the board of trustees or the school dealrlng his services, be issued a tempoluf permit to teach meld trade vlthout being required to hold the apeclkl oertl?lcate prescribed by lav; provided that ao pernit may be granted for a longer term than tvo pars and provibed ?urther th a ttb feefo r ia a ulng lald parmlt shall be the same as Is roqulmd b7 l&v for the issuance a? teacher’s certI?Icatea. @ %ec. 2. Tb provlalona o? this Ac-t are ou- Nlatlve of tits lava 001 la ?ome regulatlry the Iaauauee of toacbr’a eertl?laatea awl ill lava end parts or lava in oon?llet vlth the provlalona upmaaed bamln am hereby npealod. “&a. 3. The fact that tin P-Bent Act provides for a teackmr to have bea tb lmlder of a First Ore&e Certl?loata far llx years or llore, anatoa an emergemy 51 Hon. T. II. Triable - tage 6 end en imperative publla necessity that the Con- stitutional Rule, requiring bills to be reed on three several days, be, dd the acme la hereby suspended, and this Act shall take effect and be in force rm bud after its paaa~e, and it la so en&cted. “Passed the Senate February 2, 1943: Yeas 25, Bays OJ April 8, 143, Senate re?'uaed to concur In Xouao uenUaamta and requested a paint- mont of Conference CamIttwJ April 13, 1sp 3, Xouaa granted mqueat; #Ia7 11, 1943, Senate adopted Conference Coulttoa RapOPtJ Yeas 25, Ra~a OJ passed the House, April 7, lH3, vlth amendaentr: Yeas 114, Rays 01 April 13, 1943, House grinted request of 8aziate for appointment of Conference Conmltteal May 10, 1943, House edopted Conference Committee Report b7 a viva vote vote. “ApprovadXa7 17, 1943. "Bffective 90 days after Nu7 11, 1943, date of adjournment." We construe 8. IL 18, aupra, as a repeal a? 8ectiM 1 of 3. B. 192, aupra. Ue sea nothing In 9. B. 18, lup r a which , voU1d fadlcete t&t the Leglrlature Intended to mere17 luapend 3eCtlon 1 or 9. B. 192, during the life of sub-paragraph 1 o? Section 1 of 3. B. 18, aupra, lnrtead of repealing meld Section 1 of said 8. B, 192. It is our opiniua that b. B. 18 of the 58th Leglalatu~, lPDra, clear17 repealed %&ion 1 of 8. B. 192 of thm 39th klalatun. aopra. It la our furtheropinion tht nelthor Seation 1 0s ‘0 x- 192, mpra, nor sub-par- (1) O? Seation 1 of 5. B. 18, 52 lion. T. II. Trlmbls - Page 7 nupra (mb-paragraph (1) of Sectlon 1 of 5. EL 18 hrvhg axplred on E&pteabar 1, 1945) 18 ln &fact at.thls time. Very truly pour8 APTORREYOESERALOF TEXAS -- 1
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion