Artfole Sly-611 et the un Ohapt& %a ‘am folIowe:
Honorable II. A-’ Jamlion - page 2
lATYJ provision of this Code to the a o n-
trary not~ltheAuMingr any state hank may
make any loan or InreWnent which auoh basks
c o uldmake roro it operating 8s a nitional
bank, and th0 making Or mUOh IOUr Or inTOat-
ment shall not oonstittlte a rlolatlan of aay
penal provldoa of the lta tutes oi this fitate.*
Artlalo 842411 above quoted aloarly deals with the
mubjeot of eligiible Ibaas i6r inro&msnta for atate banka,
and thOrerOr0 lm in pari mat&da With the prior Artiales 601,
502, 503, 504, 505 and 600 of Chapter V - all dealing ri th
the slme wbj8Otr thOt@ iOr, the mOit p8rt by ne@tion. The
WITEO~ mbjoat to which 811 then Artlales relate la aligibll-
ity or illrs8la8nt8. Artioles 611 and 661 hare nothing in aom-
mea - that 1s te-aay, Artlole 611 doom not deal with the ques-
tion of limitation 0r liability 0r any 0nO borrowerr as doem
Artlole 607.
Fror what mo hare maI4 lt'follor~, we thbk, that ILW
der the 006s a 8trk bank nay 18wf81lfy inromt in those obliga-
tton8 0r amother 8tat.0, or It8 polltlaal mubtiVidonmr in rhiah
a Rat&al baa& dodoilod In thlm Stab IS luthorlaed ‘to Invest;
-3mmfthat ,tbe loaa 1-t of Texas would still apply aa to muah
out-of-State iuredmmta, as us11 +a to those in the State.
Very truly yodrs
0 8-W